well it did make me want one really bad - i had one the next day and soon realised (as i always have) that its as horible as it was the last time i had it - and lianne is rite how can u let yourself get like that? im thin and i no it (cos of all my dancing) i dont watch my weight at all - i eat what i want when i want but i would soon notice if i was getting a bit chunky so i would cut out some of the crap if that happened - its not hard its jus commn sense ;D
yeah, thats what I don't understand, surely once they start to get a bit big they realize they should cut down! I've seen supersize me too Kelly, and it didn't put me off McDonalds cos, although I like it, I would never eat that much! Lianne xxxx
its easy to say that you would cut out the crap now cos we are all adults, but if it is a life style problem (eg the way you have been brought up) then it might not be so easy. most of the over weight people wont be able to say when they became fat as they wont remember cos it is something that has been with them since the early years of there lives, so they know no better. and unfortunately eating crap will be in there life plan, its not easy to change the course of your life, especially if it hs been set from childhood.