Working more than a year

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by AlexHope, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. LOL You have to marry someone who is already a US Citizen not just get married in the states :p sorry hehehe
    Ask the american CP CM's once your get there heh heh heh
  2. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    It would be sooooo much easier if just *getting* married there worked :p
  3. AlexHope

    AlexHope New Member

    that sucks!!!
    So maybe if I spend a couple of hours in a mall I could have the chance to meet a nice original American girl!!! ;D
    Any boy who would like to join me in thi search?!?!?
    hi hi...

    Still waiting to leave...
    next friday I have my interview!!!

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