Who's your fav Disney Character??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Natalie_UK, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    yer nemos cool but nothing bets koda lol, i gotta get me the bigger bear but my rooms to small for it
  2. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    i have way to many bears and stuff lol ;D
  3. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    chip & dale! love them! trying to get as many chip & dale pins as i can down here. yes i've become a pin geek. hahaha
    also love the monsters inc. guys and finding nemo characters. and iago from aladdin! love his sarcasim and how he's so blunt about everything
  4. melon

    melon New Member

    Personnaly I don't really have any favorites ! Because I love all disney characters... Although I must admit that I love Chip and Belle ( from Beauty and the Beast), Feline and Thumper ( from Bambi, knowing that Thumper remins me of my little gray ane white rabbit Luna, maybe i should have called her Thumpeline LoL), oh yeah I love Eeyore ( from Winnie the Pooh), and uh... Gus and Jack ( from Cinderella), oh YEAH AND MOST OF ALL : DUMBO THE ONE AND ONLY FLYING ELEPHANT !! Now he is so adorable !! Ok I admit I may have a favorite, and it would be him !
  5. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Megara (obviously) Eeyore and Donald Duck are my top favourites, but I can't think of a single Disney character I don't like.

    (Sorry, necro posting a wee bit here :-[)
  6. flavour

    flavour New Member

    hercules! i was so happy when i finally met him a week before i finished my contract! kinda like a 12 year meeting their fave boyband! haha!
  7. nobodies36

    nobodies36 New Member

    Stitch! I went mad when I was there in June and bought so much including a Stitch Sleeping Bag and a limited edition Swarovski crystal Stitch brooch- a bargain at $95. I love Stitch and have to buy everything I can Stitch related. Plus my Stitch backpack (I got it in Palma and it's not like the skinny ones they sell in Florida) brought me and my other half together. Stitch is just so cute and adorble.
  8. ooooh good thread!

    I AM ARIEL, so I am my own favourite ;) hee hee Whenever I'm in a shop and I see anythign with Ariel I yell out "it's me!!!" I get the wierdest looks haha

    ummmm Mary Poppins is also on top of my list, along with Lilo, Mickey!
  9. nammyIT

    nammyIT Member

    I LOOOVE winnie the pooh.... ;D (all right maybe you could tell from my avatar :D
    while in Tokyo disneyland couldnt stop myself laughing while riding the winnie the pooh attraction.....soooo fun with the hunny dancing pots....
  10. lildanni

    lildanni New Member

    hehe.....i'm just like that Princess Tessa - only i am Belle....haha

    Belle is 100000% my fave character.....she's so beautiful and intelligent and brave!!!! Who else would say "take me instead" to live in a scary enormous beast's enchanted castle?!! I also love Lumiere!! He's fab, and Chip is definately a cutie!!

    I also think Bambi's Dad is really hot....even though he is a Stag! But no-one is as good looking as Aladdin!!!

  11. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    HI everyone

    Simba is my favourite character, he is so cute
  12. Amy_99

    Amy_99 New Member

    i think prolly squirt from nemo, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!
  13. puineagig

    puineagig New Member

    Mine is probably Dory she is a legend, so awesome!!
  14. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    i cant choose!!!! lol
    but i love wonnoe the pooh!!! my friends call me elypooh, they said i look like him lol i love it!
    but i love belle too!!! its my favorite princess, in my 15 birthday here is like a tradition the big party for presenting at society and bla bla u know, and dance a vals and everything, well i choose for vals beauty and the beast :p, but what can i say if i love all disney???!!! lol
  15. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    yes..can see that :p ;D ;D ;D

  16. Feefo

    Feefo New Member

    My fav character is Tinkerbell! Also love Dory and Aladdin!
  17. Punky B

    Punky B New Member

    well I have a few I think my favorite characters would be all the little international ones that would emerge at the morning meetings with the Uk and Canada merch. Really, you never knew what would happen or be said!!

    Other than all those cuties I would say Cinderella and I will add for shannon because for some reason she hasn't answered yet hers is ME!!!!!! or I guess snow white!!! oh wait maybe Belle well it was a princess

    But most of all We all loved the MOuse who started it all!!! He is the one who signes your paychecks you know!!!

    Brandy Lynn
  18. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Well... after much deliberation... it's going to have to be... *drum roll*..... MR M.MOUSE & HIS LOYAL FRIEND PLUTO - tied (but not together, crickey... what have i said!!) I meant a draw!! (No pun intended... being cartoon characters n' all!! heheh) A draw... get it?? hehehe...
  19. goodness!!! You are a hoot and a hollar haha :) lol
  20. millefeuilles

    millefeuilles New Member

    Omg....I AM ADDICTED TO ARIEL :):):):):):):):)

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