Whos gunna carry on the British traditions??

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Jofunny, May 23, 2006.

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  1. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    You know what...I really don't care anymore... if anyone wants to drink then fine...just don't feel sorry for yourselves when you get terminated...I know a lot of people who have been termed.

    All I need to know is that I'm enjoying this, I know I'm enjoying it, and I'm the best CM I can possibly be (which is an awesome one if I do say so myself).
  2. Jofunny

    Jofunny New Member

    Gibbs its a wednesday nite

    make the most of your free night at PI

    Get off here get your glad rags on, get to PI and have a jig it may lighten u up a bit.
  3. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    I think not - I gave up drinking in February. Believe me, i enjoy it more when i do not.

    I have played in a band for the past 3 years, and 80% of the people i mix with in the music circuit are taking drugs. I have been pressured most weeks to take this and that and drink this and that...i have never given into my myself. I have learned the word 'No', and how to make this clear.

    The last thing i will do is give in to please other people and be accepted. I still get along great with the people who pressurize me to get involved, because they know that i am the sort of person who means NO when i say it. If i give in to thier requests, i am the one that would have come out weak, and i will not. They don't look down on me because of my decisions.

    I don't think it will be a month until i start drinking, i think it will be 2 weeks until people know that they are wasting thier time bothering to get me to drink. They may as well use thier energy sipping thier own bottles.

    Anyway...why are we all so interested in the finer details of eachothers drinking/partying/fun habits? It's DISNEY...i will say it again...DISNEY...let's all get along!

    'nuff said!

  4. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I'm working...and I'm tired already and besides why go to PI by myself when everyone else I know is working as well?
  5. DisneyNurse

    DisneyNurse New Member

    You tell them Louisa ;D And please don't call her Gibbs, its not very nice :mad:
  6. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Surely Louisa is the best judge of whether Louisa is having fun?
  7. Charlote

    Charlote New Member

    All of you need to calm down and shut up!!!!!!!
    All of you should get off of your high horses
    Disney has hired all of you to represent them and right now your all acting like a bunch of idiots! So start acting like disney employees.
    People have fun in different ways so get over it!
  8. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Louisa is having fun.


    Oh and well said Charlote :D anyway.. JC is calling me.. work time!
  9. Dannii

    Dannii New Member

    Even though I am not british I would like to tell you guys that we have this kind of topic on the german discussion board since almost a year.

    It seems to be an neverending story and makes me sad that former IP who used to drink and party all the time don't understand the opinion others.

    There is no reason to make trouble here and talk in a rude way.

  10. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Yeah good going Charlotte..i think someone needed to say all that! *Steps down off high horse*

    Hopefully soon we will see this thread locked and the matter closed! Let's just get on with our lives! :)

    Have a good day everyone!
  11. Charlote

    Charlote New Member

    Thanks guys lets just hope you all listen to it!!
    You all have to listen and work with each other otherwise your all going to have a horrible time.
    Finish it and move on
    Love you all
    x x x
  12. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    This topic is so funny.

    Have fun doing whatever it is you do that makes it so.

    Don't judge other people regardless of whether you think what they're doing is wrong, disrespectful, boring, a waste, whatever.

    Build a bridge...;)
  13. PlanetD

    PlanetD Member

    Dear people,

    Of all things please avoid a bad spirit on this forum, don't forget that we have to be colleagues in the future. You guys know I am Dutch so let me appologise for being blunt if this will be the case in this message.

    First of all the incident that was described at the start of this post is just sad and from my point of view doesn't show any responsibility or respect ! I'll tell you why.

    It sounds irresponsible to me because you may end up in jail and you basically just screwed yourself for future employment with Disney, good references etc...
    I say the points system is fine, but some vialations just cost more points than others (same thing with the Dutch drivers license)! So don't count on a Mickey hug when you come knocking on their door in the future when you've done something like this. And I personally do want to keep that option open!

    I think it doesn't show any respect for the Disney culture or that of the Americans. I am sorry, but that no respect was shown really made me angry! You are a guest of the country, keep that in mind people A GUEST (!), I would be so very ashamed of myself for my ill behaviour in the above case :'(!

    Honestly, I think that these people have just ignored the opportunity to learn from other cultures. That makes me sad, you could have enriched your life by so much by just looking around and learning from eachother. All they saw was themselves, in other words...selfish!

    Also I believe the respect for Ona (and others) was undermined, she is a very passionate Disney fan, somebody who I would love to welcome her the same way she has made me and so many others feel welcome at this forum by just replying kind words the one that made the post. She always tries to answer as many questions as possible. She is an example to most of us I think!

    Then the part of "let everybody have fun in their own way". That is such a European attitude! People I will have as much fun as anybody else but don't you go crossing boundaries, I won't!!! That is what happend here! Otherwise Disney (or the Americans) wouldn't have made any fuss about it! So to have fun in your own way, YES! but within the framework, within the set boundaries! Those are the terms I signed for anyway, why "break my contract"? Remember...we are GUESTS!

    Please come up with another British tradition. You guys have so much more that you can show that you can be proud of! Don't be proud of getting drunk and strieking! Bring that piece of your country that makes you special, that makes you British, that makes you proud. Something to honour your country with! Please, please, please! I beg you, don't do something similar as in the first post!

    Ask yourself if it really is fun or fake fun. I believe the people who claim to have had fun that night had a terrible experience the next morning when they had to show up at the office and receive a reprimand. Was it fun, or was the fun described a lie? I think it was a lie, being punished is never fun nor worth it! Think about it people, you can have so much fun in other ways...yes, even within the American law!

    I know this is not the answer you'd expect from a Dutchie, but it sure is my opinion! I am going to make my country proud, my school proud, Yummy Jobs proud, Disney proud and the Americans proud. I will work with passion and with my whole heart! And perhaps above all I am going to have fun!

    I may have written down some harsh words, I do hope everybody will think twice before doing something like that. It is my character and it is my heart to start of meeting everybody with a clean slate. So I hope we will shake hands in Florida as colleagues and friends.

    Yours truly,

    David Habnit
  14. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Hey guys, This topic seems to be controversial for some of the visitors, I have reviewed and according to my experience living and enjoying the International Program 03-04 all the stories are quite familiar for me. People doing crazy stuff, alcohol involved, sometimes drug problems, the experience living Disney is as good as you want it, as healthy, as dangerous, as crazy, as risky, as stupid, as... you name it, maybe seen from outside seems to be a waste of time to go there and go all thru the process and waiting to spend the time partying and drinking and getting into troubles. But certainly living Disney's IP is an individual experience, you decide what do you want to get at the end of the program and you have to face consecuences for the actions that you decide to get involved in. My advice is to be open minded to accept and not judge all those crazy ones who want to have the drunkest times of theirs lifes, as the rest as to respect those who want to take Disney's IP as a real work experience and will spend a year working hard, taking courses and attending lectures at Disney University. Everyone has a special reason and porpuse for being there. Nothing is going to make you do things that you don't want to do, If so, it's your responsability to complain and take actions to demand the respect to your will and individuality. Disney is a very open environment to discuss and correct things that you don't like or affect you in any way, you always can change apartments, talk with managers or IP office's staff to complain, to ask for advice, to question anything you want to be clarifyed. It's up to you, so let it be and be as you want to be at the same time.

    Don't think that only UK's castmembers do stupid, risky, unaceptable, crazy things... people from all around the world in the different pavillions or parks can behave like that so, don't feel offended if the nationality got you mad, it's interesting how generations chance in the housing complex, some years the mexican gang is the wildest, some other the canadians, sometimes the germans got well with norweyans and do the best parties and some other year they don't get along or don't share that much. Imagine, cause you gonna live it when you're there, every single day someone is leaving and someone new is arriving, the castmember group change constantly.

    I don't want to close this topic, I want to keep it open to have a space not for endless discussion about judgements of the facts that were already done, better I want it to be a topic to share those experiences and just take them easy, it's up to you do anything right or wrong there. People going there use to think that for a year they can be as they were spending a long year crazy spring break, but take in consideration that you will have obligations, IP is a real work, you'll go with or without hangover and yiu have to offer a high quality service, As long as you keep thay in mind and fullfill the requirements and follow the rules you can do anything, travel, drinking, partying, anything... that's the rela magic behind this program. Castmembers are not smiling robots, charm and spirit characterize us but we have needs, moods, depresion, homesick, all kind of emotions and human features, some need to drink, get laid, do excersise, eat in a special way, but at the end we are there for a porpuse above everything: TO LIVE, TO LEARN and TO WORK, the three principles of the International Program but please, double please, don't judge, no castmember is better than other just because one drinks more or less, is wilder or shyer or stuff like that.

    So lets this space open to reflexion, not to argueing! ok

    Have a Magical DAy, and those who are going soon to Orlando have a blast, the magical experience of your life ever! Be open an eager to change, adaptation and practice tolerance overall.

    The Moderator
  15. Sabrina1981

    Sabrina1981 New Member

    I had the same thought when i started reading the topic. I know i said it before and i say it again. when i started reading here i was not sure if the programm is right for me cause i am not a big drinker and i was worried to be a outsider. but i talked to some people those who party all the time and those who rather chill and i came to the conclusion that there are so many people at the commons I surely find someone who will go out with me.
    you cant make it right for everyone and you cant get along with everyone but make the best out of your year individually.
  16. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    "Whos gunna carry on the British traditions??"

  17. Dannii

    Dannii New Member

    thanks sabrina...

    you will go your way just like I did... :D Don't worry too much about it. For sure they will try to make you like all the parties and trinking but it is your decision to take part of it or not. I have never been to a maedelsabend or norwegian flikabo, even though I had to protect my room at least 3 times ;D I don't think I missed out something.

    to ruben: thank you for your comment

    Dani :D
  18. Ona

    Ona Member

    Arg.... this is precisely the reason I generally avoid the ever-reappearing posts such as this. ::)


    This is precisely the reason I did respond. Folks are bang on. Folks are different. Not everyone has fun in a manner as was described. I do fear there are folks heading out there who may panic if they take it as written that everyone out there has fun in such a manner. Which is def. not the case. Don't get me wrong, the Commons/Vista/Chatham are crazy places, but not necessarily, if that's not what you want.

    As I said, I totally respect folks decisions to have fun however they may chose. But my respect will last only as long as the person involved also respects those around them. I don't feel this applies to the acts (not the person) as described by the OP. :-\

    Gotta' laugh at the personal stuff. ::) Lol. But thanks guys for your comments. Feeling all gooey now. :-* Lol. ;D

    Ona x

    P.S. Disney Dorks forever!
  19. SarahJane

    SarahJane New Member

    Not everyone drinks and/or parties hard. Sure, a lot of people do. But that's no different than college/university. Some people think of college/university, and others don't.

    One of my best and dearest friends to this day never had a drop of alcohol at WDW. He attended some (not all) parties, and would go to PI on ocassion... and he had a very good circle of friends that were just like him.

    To be honest, in this regard we were total polar opposites...but it didn't matter. We found a zillion things to do that we were both in to.

    For those non-drinkers and non-partiers, DO NOT WORRY. There are a ton of people like you, and there are A TON of things to do while you are there that don't involve activies you are not comfortable with.
  20. monkian

    monkian New Member

    hmmm...i don't think i will be the party hard gal..but i do enjoy a drink or three...i guess im a middle of the road...i just like a quiet drink and a laugh...i don't have the energy for AAAAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHH all the time...jeees! what can i say...am a happy go luck kinda gal...ii never did understand when people introduce themselves as "CRAZY" uhu! right! ok! (walk away slowly)...hahaa i just hope there is somewhere for me between those "crazy" party folk and the non drinkers!
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