who wears thongs?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by emma, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    think whatcha ya'll want! hahaha i guess we'll find out when we're down tere
  2. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    oh la la! Was that a MAYBE? :eek: :eek:

  3. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    I think it was
  4. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    hahaha..no it wasnt..what that message was suppose to mean...was that u'll see down in disney that we are clearly just good friends ;D
  5. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    sorry but i got the impression you 2 were an item weeks ago, guess i was wrong!!!!!!!!
  6. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    Haha...yeah you will be in for a suprise Marco and the rest of you...Liz and i are just friends and this is just how we communicate to one another :p
  7. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    yah...our friendship consists of fighting and making fun of each other..thats why we get along soo well...lol
  8. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Who is in for a bet Lizzie and Robyn will end up together? LOL
  9. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol @ all u guys! am i the only one who can't see it!? haha! mayb its cos i spk 2 u guys a lot lol!!
  10. emma

    emma New Member

    i 4t u wer 2...werid
  11. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    LIZZIE AND ROBYN; LIZZIE AND ROBYN............. :-* :-* :-*

    Well, i have to say that most couples started out as friends... hahahahahahahahaha... trust me....
  12. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    @ everyone else u guys SUCK
    @sara..i love you! hahaha thanks for believing in us! hahahahaa..
  13. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol lizzie! love ya 2 :-* ;) course i believe u guys, i don't see where everyone has got it through, just bit of mickey taking... its all good! lol

  14. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    whats mickey taking?
  15. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    mickey taking = makin fun of each other ;)

  16. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    Haha you guys can put you bets in, but for those who bet that we will hook up better think hard on that one....not gonna happen

    And yes thanks Sara for siding with me finally :p
  17. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    lolhaahah this is too funny!!! Lizzie, Robyn let me know when the wedding is okay lol ahah j/k .....But Robyn you never know about that sometimes things just happen ;) ;)

  18. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    :D...Thats true Sheena, but if we haven't hooked up here in Canada, then i doubt we will hook up down there. Why would she go for somebody she knows from home, when there will be all the hot beach dudes for her :p...I mean come on what would you go for?

  19. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    lol hahaha a hot surfer dude! but thats just me :)
  20. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Maybe because life there is very different Robyn and believe me many people hook up there that would never hook up in real life. Maybe she will need someone from home to comfort her in all those drunken nights!...only time will tell ;D

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