heheh!!!!! remebr to record his message lol...i wanna hear the call too.!!! ;D ;D...lol ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I have just made one single change and got Brad Pitt as well.... yeah... but i wish i were a little older... he's 42 isnt he????????
Well Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are rather old. Nothing to say against rich, hot, sexy old men though! LOL Julia
woohoo got elijah wood the second time round but third time lucky orlando bloom it must be destiny! ;D
Yeah, they´re pretty much all older than 40 or something... :-\ Can I get Colin Farrell??? He´s sooooo sexy!!! :-*
lol@girls attempting to get dream boat!!!!!!!!! lol...u trying to get ur perfect guy!! ey!!!!!!!!!1 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D xxxxx.......hehe!! i may try again.............see who i get!!!1 : :
yes indeed!!1 i got hayden christesen so im pleased!! ill think of him whilst wachtin revenge of teh sith!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D
Well I got Brad Pitt, who I think is a bit old! Josh Hartnett should definately be on that, he is sooo sexy Lianne xxx
Elijah Wood....did quite used to fancy him actually so quite chuffed...and I can see I've got no competition, so all the more chance.....maybe : Ellen xxx