well i was initally told in march i didnt have the job, and they told me i would have to wait til december to reapply in july i emailed asking if there was any other programs i could try for, and they told me about the 2 month seasonal program and that after the 2 months i would be interviewed for the year, which ive now been accepted on. im confused, the college program is just the 3 month summer program, but u say he was doing it for a placement year? or do u mean the year long programe where he would take classes and pay fees to a local uni?
aw ok. i dont really know as much about that program, i think his best bet would be to call yummy 2moro and just ask where he went wrong and wot his next steps should be. the only problem with it being a gap year from uni is that he prob has a set time he would have to go and a set time to be back for? ring yummy tho, they are really nice and will help as much as they can