glad your finding it funny Julia! Can i just add i'm not a player like Joey but hey......... How you doing?!
OMG this is hilarious! I KNEW IT! you're CHANDLER...when you're around there's never a quiet moment and no one is safe from your sarcasm. Haha.... Julia
Anika....that's so true...just imagine us on the phone, we are both so talkative it would never end! LOL Ahhh aquarius people gotta love 'em ;D Julia
lo! you're phoebe...completely off the wall and scatter brained, but your friends know you'll always be faithful to them, no matter what. I don't think this is true! I like to think I'm more like Rachel! ;D Lianne xxxx
phoebe is cool, she is my favourite character. Aw watched the episode where her and mike get married in the snow earlier, so sweet
nooooooo, cant believe i missed it... :'( i merely have seen mike's proposal... when was the wedding??? Which season???
yeah I watched that too, her dress is really gorgeous The wedding is toward the end of series 10 toward, I like the one where she changes her name to Princess Conesuala Bananna hammock! Classic!
They get married in season 10, not out in Germany yet :'(...(but as a huge friends fan I already know what´s happening... ) The DVD box is out in May...Can´t wait to watch it over and over again!!! ;D
@Julia: If we two talked on the phone, I´m sure we´d be spending lots and lots and lots and lots...of money... ;D ;D ;D Just can´t help it... :-[ ;D
Me neither and I talk fast, too, so it's even worse!!!! :-\ Let's just say we are entertaining! haha Julia
I think last time I went here ( yesterday lol ) I only had around 1300 posts :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ so much for being a little too talkative Julia
lol ;D I only noticed that there was this forum about 1 1/2 months ago, so I´m still warming up... ;D
I will be going to bed for tonight!!!! People who haven't been on today will be so shocked tomorrow with all those new threads and posts lol Nighty! :-* Julia