Those remmington travel hair dryers are AMAZING...but my big one's coming with me And as for my GHDs...I will not be separated!! I can't believe only 2 or 3 years ago I swore never to straighten my hair...but my hair has gone from being just above my shoulders to halfway down my back so now it just doesn't look quite right without a bit of GHD loving!! The effect lasts for days too
hey chezza!!! my hair is short!!!! and i like it that way!! lol its very thick and straight and dark so when its long in florida my head wants to i'm kepin it short
My hair goes terribly wavy and frizzy if I dont straighten it, so I dont know what I'm going to do!! Maybe buy some straighteners over there?? xKx
Thats what my roomate did but I we didnt get to Walmart until late on our second day and I couldn't bare not having them for our first meetings
that happened to me my hair started to snap so i had to have it cut short, well shoulder length im not sure if it was straightners or having bits of bright red in my hair that caused the damage, bleach is soo not good for your hair