When do we find out?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by josh.p., Nov 24, 2010.

  1. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    Scottys, how do you no this? we were told this week at our interviews by Yummyjobs

  2. ScottyS

    ScottyS New Member

    Sorry Sorry! I THINK we will find out on monday! I dont know for definite!

    Argh! Why is waiting so painful! :( I havent told anyone about this yet, as I'm too scared of the rejection! :(
  3. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    Ah! So hope we find out today! really glad i have a shift this afternoon to keep me away from my computer screen :-\
    Good Luck everybody! *fingers crossed* we all have nice shiny Disney emails this afternoon ;D Really hope we dont have to wait another weekend :)
  4. lottylulu

    lottylulu New Member

    It's been a week!
    Do you think theres any chance we might hear over the weekend?
    Or will it be a matter of having to wait till Monday if nothing pops up today!
    Fingers Crossed everyone - GET DISTRACTED! ;)
  5. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    last year we found out on a wednesday so i think wednesday next week might be our luckly day
  6. BethEJo

    BethEJo New Member

    That seems like aaaaaaaages away :)

    Does everyone receive an email at the same time do you think? Whether accepted or rejected?
  7. DisneyPirate

    DisneyPirate New Member

    I am desperately trying not to think about it now ... the wait is driving me crazy .... it's also driving my parents crazy as they want to book a trip to see me if I make it. I don't think they should get their hopes up ??? ???
  8. ScottyS

    ScottyS New Member

    I feel sick everytime I check my emails! :(

    Looks like we'll have to wait til after the weekend now though! :(
    Although I did receive my email about final interview 16:10 on a Friday.
    I just need to put my mind at rest! :(
  9. josh.p.

    josh.p. New Member

    I got mine at 7:30 on a friday night, maybe we'll get these ones then too! Fingers crossed!
  10. lottylulu

    lottylulu New Member

    guess we have to wait till after the weekend then!
    oh dear!
    get busy! gulp :0
  11. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    In a way I'm quite pleased we're at the weekend....

    at least it's 2 days off the constant worry and sick feeling i get everytime i check my e-mails! I even got one from disney today and i was like :eek: but then it was just and advertisement from cruise line!

    I've got e-mails at weird times in the evening from yummy but never over a weekend....

    I'm getting crazy and supersticious about the whole thing (and I'm not a supersticious person) Have started developing weird rituals that I have to do or I won't get a place..... clearly this waiting isn't good for my sanity! hehe :)

  12. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    Soooooooooo glad i'm not the only one with the rituals! Thought I was getting slightly OCD ........... atleast it's only a few days now hopefully *fingers crossed* ........ dont think i have ever wanted a weekend to go so fast before :)
  13. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Haha i feel a lot better knowing someone else has rituals :D

    going to have to keep them up over the weekend for definite! What's your weirdest one ?

    :) :) :)
  14. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    Erm i dunno I have to cross my fingers and touch wood and then have like a little chant i have to say 7 times before checking email, I have to draw a ceratin amount of mickey heads on this piece of paper on my desk with my pens i won at the interview stages and I have to count the traffic lights when i go somewhere If i make it through the light its a yes if i dont no .......... :-\ haha I hope this mojo works :p ........... oh and I have to wear disney underwear everyday it can be socks or knickers doesnt have to be both, that may of been too much info though ........ How about you? :)
  15. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Well yeah I have to wear some item of Disney clothing every day (underwear included :D) I am not allowed to skip any Disney song if it comes up when my i-pod is on shuffle- even if its the hour long track i have of main street music! Yeah there's the whole touch wood thing whenever I talk about Disney and every time i check my e-mails i have to cross my fingers. I have to do Mickey Minnie Lilo Stitch Donald Pinnochio and Timon's signitures on my lecture/seminar notes. Also my win % on solitaire has to stay above 20% or i won't get in and the last game I play before bed I have to win. I also have to watch this photo slideshow I made from my last program every night before i turn off my computer..... think thats all the rituals.....

    ooo I gave blood on wednesday and 28p to these kids raising money for their football club today in tesco's for the sake of good karma.... hopefully if i do good deeds for the universe, it'll do i good deeed for me.... fingers crossed, touch wood :D :D :D :D
  16. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Ok so what time/day does everyone reckon we'll hear??/

    We could have a little sweep stake (without prizes- unless you count personal satisfaction :))

    I am going to say Monday between 7pm and 8pm

    Any other guesses?

  17. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    I would love to say tomorrow between 3 and 5 but I think it may be Tuesday between 3 and 5 ........ ah potentially only one or 2 sleeps before we know!!! ;D
  18. BethEJo

    BethEJo New Member

    I reckon it'll be tomorrow - but that's just wishful thinking haha.

    I think it's a cert that it will be this week though - and that just scares me :)
  19. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    Me to but if its a yes I really really really want to know so that I can get excited ;D I was driving home yesterday and the radio decided to have a wobbler and stopped on the classical station but it was Fantasia! so I was there driving down the motorway blasting Fantasia, got me sooo excited at what could potentially happen ;D but if it's a no then i'd rather not know :'(
  20. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    My friend who was at the Sheffield interview is really being mean! He keeps fb chatting me saying that the e-mails in and everytime i have get all nervous and check my e-mails even though I know he's joking!
    If he tells me and its real then I won't believe him!

    I even had a dream last night that the e-mail was there but the dream ended before I found out what it says!! eeep :-\


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