When are you getting your VISA?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by StevenC, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    although on the online think it will check that your photo is acceptable there and then so you will know if its right or if you have to take it again.
  2. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    can we take a book? like say Twilight...mmm.
  3. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Books are fine to take - last year I read a Poirot book (I'm a fast reader so I took a big one in case - with 2 train journeys as well there was lots of reading!).

    When I was done I went to the Natural History Museum - I like free museums! :)
    And the Natural History is AWESOME!!! :)
  4. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    yeh that museums great! the earliest i can get to london is 11.20 unless i stay the night before tho, so i'll have to work out what coach time to get home :)

    and ive been wanting to finish reading twilight and start the 2nd one before i see the 2nd movie for ages but im rubbish at reading, i guess il do it if im sat waiting for something lol, oooh i'll be so scared about getting a paper cut tho :eek: lol
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    LOL just be very careful turning pages! :p

    I loved the transport museum although you have to pay for that one but the science museum is also pretty good :D
  6. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    the fmifee.com website doesn't look like the one there describing =s theres no welcome page, is this right?

    any1 booked there appointment yet and filled out the forms? its really confusing :s

    whats the DS 2019?? im so consused with all these numbers! DS-160 & SEVIS & I94 soo do we have to pay $35 SEVIS Fee & $131 appointment? anymore fees?
  7. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    The DS 2019 form should be in your pack from disney... it is VERY IMPORTANT... guard it with your life! Without it you won't be let into the country!
  8. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    my flatmate got her pack but there was vital things missing

    there was no offer page, ds 2019 form or the homeland security white card thing

    should she just ring yummy jobs up?
  9. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I would....
  10. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    how do u kno what ur ds 2019 form is? theres nothing in my pack that says it on x
  11. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Maybe you don't have it. If you don't think you've got it then phone yummy jobs because it's a really important form.
  12. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    It's white, double sided and has things like your name, date of birth etc on the front, and a barcodey thing with J1 written underneath it.
    On the back is lots of small type which isn't relevant to us!
    It should be signed by someone as well somewhere....

    You should also have got your offer letter, and an I94 card (thin piece of white card) - I think all mine were paperclipped together in one bit.

    But def call Yummy if you don't have it - it has your program number on it, which you can't book your visa appointment without!
  13. disneydj

    disneydj New Member

    I'm going for my visa appointment on the 17th March - however, can't get the ridiculous website to work in order to do the DS-160 or whatever it is, the lady warned me they were having problems with the site, it is slow - keeps timing out, and is generally appauling!
  14. Skibaby

    Skibaby New Member

    Disneydj, are you staying over or are you going back straight away? I've got mine on 18th, going down with LauraJ on the 17th and they staying over! If you're about we could maybe meet up...just an idea so there's a few familiar faces when we get over there!
  15. disneydj

    disneydj New Member

    Hey! I live in London - so I'm just going to pop in for the day - would be cool to meet up though if you want to!
  16. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    hey guys this was my only way to be sure cos im worried but is this the ds2019?

  17. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I'm pretty sure that is the DS 2019! Katie?
  18. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i just cant find if it says that on it anywhere, they just keep referring to it in different letters x
  19. disneydj

    disneydj New Member

    Sofi - I can see it from your pic! look at the VERY BOTTOM of the page, on the left. You'll see (in tiny writing, granted) - DS 2019

  20. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    oh yeah! u'd think theyd put it at the top a bit bigger! lol thanks x

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