Yeah, nothing is impossible but I know that they had to move from apartments Disney provided us with.
I just received this email about the H2B program: "We were hoping to sponsor you with an H2B Visa, however we received notification from the government that we will be unable to sponsor H2B Visas this year. As a result, we are unable to offer you a position on the Seasonal Work Program." SO the program was canceled, postponed or VISA process for some countries like Mexico was canceled for this year. So SAD I was ready to return to the magic. RUBEN!
Yeah and it sounds like the UK and France as well... Probably Canada too but since they don't really interview for that program up here we probably won't hear about it.
So far I haven't know who got the visa and who didn't? Well for us, Mexico, Canada, Uk, France there werent H2B visas cause we received the sad email, rigth? RUBEN!