Well The Interview Is Over!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by james_wales, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    Does anyone know who makes the final decision as to who goes? Is it solely the Disney woman, or do Yummy Jobs have a say too? x
  2. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    I'm not too sure but I am hoping our phone ints have some input into it as I feel my phone int went a lot better than my face to face one!
  3. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    I completely messed up my interview. It just went so fast. i didn't have a chance to say half of the things i wanted to say. Got the feeling the Disney woman wasn't very impressed by me.
  4. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    That is exactly how I felt about mine! :(
  5. KC

    KC Guest

    Ditto for me!

    The interview finished and I was like "Is that it??? There's so much more I want to say!!" :( I really wanted to push the "I work with kids through Scouting Ireland" line, but didn't even mention it! :(

    I'd say we all thought it went badly-but obviously, some people have to get in... I just hope I'm one of 'em :( I'm not getting my hopes up though.

  6. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    i never mentioned im a Guide Leader either in my interview!

    its in my CV tho!
  7. KC

    KC Guest

    Well, y'see, I work with the Beaver Section (6-8 yr olds) so I thought I should really push that 'cos I work with young kids on a weekly basis.

    But I didn't! :( I mentioned my Gilwell Woggle (basic training award) in my CV and that I'm a Programme Scouter, but I dont think I pushed it as well as I could have :(

    Eek! :(
  8. Michael

    Michael New Member

    i also totally agree with you all...!!!!!!!!!!
    it seemed to be a simple chat for 15 mins and then as i geared myself up to asnwer some stirling and searching questions she just sed thankyou and do you wanna ask me anything.. i didn wanna ask sumthin.. "When does the actual interview start!?!?!!?" i suppose ill just leave it to the fate of the gods......... i think every1s the same.. "IF ONLY" after sumthin like that...

    how long u rekon we gonna be waiting??????
  9. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    It just felt like a little chat rather than a structured interview. They probably get to see more of your personality that way. It sounds like all the interviews were like mine...phew!
  10. KC

    KC Guest

    I suppose the personality factor is much more important.

    Experiences come second.

    I hope!
  11. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Julie asked me my first question before i even sat down!

    Her and Anne had been in Newport the night before, and as she took my sheets of me she said 'ah, your from newport...we were there last night, whats it like to live there'? Hadnt even sat down!

    She made me feel soo relaxed from the moment i got in there!! :)

    xx (200th Post ;))
  12. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    i walked in, saw the jafar on the floor and started with "wow that jafar is cool!!"

  13. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    ok now I'm started to worry as mine did feel like a proper structured interview rather than a chat! I did however manage to mention that i assist my parents with cubs!
  14. KC

    KC Guest

    Pfft. And there was I thinking that I was the only one involved with scoutingy activities :p

    I should have known better! :D

    I wonder if working at the world is something like a day-job version of a (in my case) Beaver Meeting...

    Probably! :D
  15. KC

    KC Guest

    Oh, and sorry Will... I think she means this will: *copies and pastes from "Flight Times" thread*

    Posts: 11

    Graduation, June 2005!!


    Re: Flight times
    « Reply #9 on: Today at 22:42:03 »
    Hey all!

    I havent heard my flight times yet but I assume I will be on the London flight on the 6th. I have booked a flight down to London on 5th December anyway, so am staying overnight there if anyone wants to meet up the night before? My mobile number is 07731 450971 because after tonight I will have VERY limited access to the internet (selling computer tomorrow morning!). Feel free to call or text me anytime!



    You can stop your heart exploding now Will! :( Sorry :(
  16. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    My parents were involved in Scouting way before i was born so naturally I grew up very involved with it all in fact our local scout campsite did become my second home at one point! Especially in the 5 years when my mum was DC! Been to a couple of international camps too which was good to mention when Julie asked me if I have met many international people!
  17. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    *Un-sticking myself from the AED defibrillator machine* In a way it's a feeling of "phew" but in another it's " :( "

    Thought it was too good to be true just yet... too early... I mentioned it over dinner this evening and my mother bless her, nearly choked on her wine!

    S'pose that's one way to cut the competition list down... shock them into near death!!!

    I can laugh about it now though.. ;)

    Thanks KC, James and I did some scouting around (no pun intended BTW) and came to the same conclusion.

  18. Chrissie

    Chrissie Guest

    Hey Guys,

    Newbie here!

    My name is Chrissie, I believe I met some of u all at RGU interviews in Aberdeen!!

    Julie was my interviewer too and I got the impression that some of u got 2, That she really wasnt impressed by me! I was so upset because I am desperate go work there!

    Its great 2 hear that I wasnt the only1

    Will keep my fingers crossed for u all

    Luv n Hugz
    Chrissie x x x
  19. Feefo

    Feefo New Member

    Hey Chrissie!

    Its Fiona from the Aberdeen interview!

    Welcome to the boards!

    Fiona xxx
  20. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Hey Chrissie

    Think everyones feeling the same. I definately dont think i got the chance to sell myself enough.

    I was at the interviews at Aberdeen aswell. How much fun was the presentation!


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