Well The Interview Is Over!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by james_wales, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    or the week after again!!

    The only reason i was being protective over the questions....the people from these boards who were sucessful last time had phone calls asking them not to give too much away to future applicants. I didnt want to spoil my chances already by coming straight out of the interview and posting the questions people are likely to get asked....thats all!.....just a bit of good old fashioned fairness and good sportsmanship on everyones part!

  2. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Yeah, Just backng James up really... It's right. Nothing personal KC. Good old fashioned Sportsmanship!! There's nothng to worry about though. (Crickey... I never thought that I'd say that!)

    Oh and goodluck to all those attending your Face-2Face Interviews in bonny Scotland on the 18th Nov...
  3. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Id love to go to Scotland. Never been.

    Its only 30 notes from Cardiff, might have the urge one saturday and just hop on a plane! :)

  4. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Scotland is lovely, my brother has lived up there for the past 11 yrs and so i go up quite often to visit him and my nephew and niece, its just so picturesque....well some of it is!
  5. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    It sounds very much like Wales...you can be in a big city, and then drive for 15 minutes and be surrounded by mountains...and...um...sheep!! :-[

  6. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    ;D ;D ;D Hey I've just realised that I'm now a FULL MEMBER... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!  ;D ;D ;D
  7. cleeness

    cleeness New Member

    Hey Guys

    OMG had my interview in Glasgow today sooooo nerve wracking but how good does it look from the presentation?  I am so nervous now gonna be sat waiting by the phone aaaargh! How did everybody feel theirs went?

    Good Luck to everyone

  8. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    I've got a feeling that the majority of us keep thinking "we should have said this or we should have said that" (you know what I mean...) So it's natural human instinct to be slightly down or cheesed off if you didn't feel that you'd done terribly well...

    I guess on the actual day, when you're amongst everyone else, mixed with the whole excitement and nerves, it's difficult to keep a level head and make sense of it all - especially when you want something sooooooooo badly it hurts!

    It took me I guess a day or two to come to terms with the fact thats' "What's done is done" or "Que Sera Sera" and there's no point in losing sleep over it now. Just make sure your phone doesn't leave your side in a couple of weeks!!!!  ;)

    As all my new buddies from the 12th Nov interview have been saying... Chin Up and keep your fingers crossed. Keep intouch. Oh and I almost forgot... Welcome to the boards!!!
  9. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Looks like all of the British are done now and we can all begin to wait together!

    Hope it went well for you guys today!

  10. KC

    KC Guest

    Oh, no problem! I didn't take anything personal from it, I was just curious! I had already had my interview by the time you guys had yours anyway. I wasn't trying to get tips, I was just wondering :D

    Anyhoo, James, if you wait till tomorrow (the 18th), you'll have all the UK and Ireland applicants to wait with you! Good luck to the last bunch who're to be interviewed in Edinburgh tomorrow!

    Put it this way, once they have all the interviews done, they can start selecting the lucky ones who get the positions! It's from tomorrow evening that the real waiting (and nervousness!) will begin...

  11. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    I can feel it mounting already!

    I'm away for most of the weekend, and wont be able to stay on top of all of these posts!!Will be wwaaayyy behind!!

  12. LouRogerson

    LouRogerson New Member

    Welcome to my world James, everytime I log on it takes me about 30 mins to catch up on everything and then another 10-15 minutes to actually take it in - the Yorkshire Pudding one completely threw me at first, was one of those double takes of what I was reading.

    Will - that dog looks so cute! But you have a filthy mind!

  13. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    :eek: :eek: :eek: <<<SHOCK>>> :eek: :eek: :eek:

    People just tuning into this convo are going to see you saying Harvey is cute and then I have a filthy mind.... I couldn't begin to think of linking the two subjects together!!! eeeeeeeeeeek!!!

    But I think I know what you were refering to! :p

    I'm posting like cwwwwaaaaaaazzzzzyyyyy at the mo, so it'll take you alot longer I reckon... Also the Yorkshire Pudding thing made me laugh alot when you said you had to 'double take' on it. hehehe...

    Laterz dudes!

    Hakuna Matata
  14. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Hey kids..

    Had my interview on Monday at John Moores.. mine is simply for the college program though.. im not as hardcore as sum of you guys..
    The woman who interviewed me Julie was a scream.. absolute legend..

    Any1 else find Valery's smile a little to flashy.. lol nearly lost an eye...

    Just the wait now.. this is possibly the worst bit.. interviews are fine.. its the lead up to their decision that kills you off!!!!!!!!!!

    Did most of you go down to London then for this whole year interview???

    Is any1 on hure that went to the John Moores interview?

    I was the suave chap in white shirt and white tie lol :p

  15. KC

    KC Guest

    *nods* I think it's fair to say that we all love Julie and Ann.

    They rock. Lots.

  16. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Well they were rather special I would tend to agree with you there KC.
  17. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    i thought valerie was great too!

    a very disney girl! love it!!

  18. hee hee, I LOVED Valery too! I want to be her! haha
    I just had my vancouver canada interview, loads of fun!

    We're suposssed to hear by the 7th at the lastes, did you UK's get a date?
    ..........something tells me the next 2 weeks are going to d.r.a.g. by soooooooo slowly. Oh well, I'll have to watch tons of Disney movies in the meantime.
  19. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    we didnt get given a date but when i asked they said we will all know by mid december latest!
  20. KC

    KC Guest

    OK, so final batch o' peoples, how was your interview??

    How'd it go? Have fun? :D


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