Well The Interview Is Over!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by james_wales, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. hannahr

    hannahr New Member

    Hi Lou!

    Good to see a few more people on the boards today. I'm sure we will all drift back over the next few days as we are waiting to hear the dreaded news!

    Great info. on how many people they are looking for. Hopefully that is just for the London interviews and means we stand a good chance!

    Would be great to meet up with everyone again. Just let me know where and when (hopefully at the American Embassy when we are all getting our visas!!)

  2. Lanx-Wales

    Lanx-Wales New Member

    Hello there fellow cast members...I totally enjoyed the weekend and it was great to meet you all...Your all amazing....Im sooooooo glad that nobody had problems understanding me as i do tend to talk very fast. Im glad that people have decided to jump on here again..,the site wouldntbe the same without you..Like you I am waiting for "The Call", will be waiting with baited breath and Jazz hands at the ready......Im totally up for meeting again in London.....this time round we wont have to watch how much we drink....lol.....Keep your chins up......Im sure we all done very well.......Keep in touch...

    Lyjanka ;D
  3. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    It's awesome that we nearly have everyone back on here! Good to hear from you Lyjanka :)

    Feeling so much better today, not really worried about anything, just trying to focus back on life and let the result slip to the back of my mind!

  4. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    ;D Is it just me or does anyone else find it kinda weird reading other subjects with other applicants waiting for their Face-2-Face interviews in less than a week... hehehe...

    ;D I s'pose it's like an initiation ceremony... we've all gotta go through it! lol.

    ;D Just ike James, I'm glad to see us all returning onto the site. ;D
  5. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Big online reunion...

    Will......arnt you supposed to be at reception! ;).....that was the best wake up call ever!!


  6. yohann

    yohann New Member

    hi guys! had my interview on friday with Anne. thought it went ok at the time and now im constantly thinking that i could have done better! has anyone got any idea how many people they r lookin to employ form th U.K
  7. james_wales

    james_wales New Member


    Well we are not sure really :-\ looks as if it is about 40-50ish...dont count on that though!

    Someone else might have some better info than me!

  8. Sabrina1981

    Sabrina1981 New Member

    well i wasnt at the britsh interviews but here in germany it was really cool. just felt a lil bit irritated by the disney people and their constant smile :D
    I guess i had the common questions about country city and all that... but i had one questions that caught me of guard and that was " what is your favourite food" i thought about everything but that so i started to studder then. not to mention that i am a real picky eater and dont really have a favourite food. this question was one of those where you thing " damn is there a right or wrong answer" LOL.
    couple of more days and i will know if i am in. kinda nervouse though
  9. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Err... Yeah, seemed like a good idea at the time! ;) The breakfast waitress was wetting herself! :D
  10. KC

    KC Guest

    You sure you applied to the right company? You know everyone'll be smiling in Orlando, right? :D

    After all, Service Guideline #1: Smile & Make Eye Contact!

  11. Sabrina1981

    Sabrina1981 New Member

    I ma sure i applyed right. but dont forget here in germany people normally dontt smile. LOL so seeing someone smile that early in the morning is something u have to get used to. Bus I know i can make it ;D
  12. KC

    KC Guest

    I'm sure you'll get used to it pretty quickly.

    I can't imagine myself being at WDW and not smiling all the time! I suppose it's like there's something in the air. You cant be down at WDW and not be happy anyway!


  13. KC

    KC Guest

    I dont think there's anyone on earth who can smile just like her...

    I wonder if she's possessed... That would explain it :p:D

  14. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Hey guys, well I finally decided it was time i got my arse back on here, I have been moping around enough since the interviews and i decided it was no good as it wouldnt help a bit, whats done is done! For those of u who dont already know i thought my interview absolutely sucked so am now just wishing on as many stars as i can every night in the hope that its not too late in doing so and that somebody (maybe Mufasa and the other great kings of the past) take pity on me and make my wish come true!

    Anyway thanks to all u guys (you know who u are) who made my weekend absolutely fantastic, even though we were all tired and nervous and tense it was certainly a weekend i will always look back on and remember, and it was u guys who made it what is was. I have already said to James I hope the friendship we have all made will be a long term one as u guys are great and I really do believe every one of us deserves this lucky break and here’s to hoping we all do.

    Keep in touch guys xxx
  15. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Hey Jess... BRAVO! Welcome back onboard the jolly ship HMS Mickey... we've missed you here. Glad to see you too are bouncing back... Speak to ya real soon! ;)
  16. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    It was a really cool sign to see you back on here Jess :) We are all back together now which makes me very very happy.

    Me and Jess have just had a good long conversation on the old' telephone, has helped us to both settle down a bit i think. It is really important that we all stay in touch.

    Keep wishing hard guys ;)

  17. hannahr

    hannahr New Member

    Hey Jess! (and James and Will!) Good to see you back on the boards!

    Must all keep in touch otherwise this waiting is going to drive us mad!  Even though I know we won't hear yet, I keep expecting to come on here and find out that somebody has heard back!

    Anyway, I'm off to Florida next Thursday so I'm trying to concentrate on that now and forget about the interview.

  18. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Hannah that is so awesome, imagine if you found out in Florida!! you may as well just stay out there!

    I am pretty relaxed about everything at the moment as i know it is very very unlikely that we will hear, but this time next week i am likely to start getting ratty!!

  19. KC

    KC Guest

    On a purely "I just noticed this and am just wondering" basis... uh... why?

    Who said you cant say?[​IMG]

    *squint* Or is it that you arent allowed to say the word "sorry"? :D

    Just a curious rambling...
  20. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Hey Y'all... Yeah, just like old times ay... I can't help but notice those who have already had interviews (4th Nov in Italy) have just started hearing back today with their results, and they seem to be going out in early March too... Think they're all getting theirs by post!  Eeeeeeek!

    Lou's sooooo right about the phone thing... I keep leaving mine everywhere too...

    And I'm soooo with you on that one too James... I'm hyper again at the mo... Until next week or the week after...  ???  ???  ???

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