Weirdest place you have been waking up after a night out drinking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dancing_Queen, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Haha tumble dryer sounds like an interesting spot to find yourself. That would really worry me the next day!
  2. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol and me, plus ur bound 2 ache after bein in there lol

  3. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I think it's one fo the least places I would put myself to sleep ( no matter how drunk I am ), it is just sooo uncomfy. Bet someone put the person in there....poor guy! lol
  4. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    what is a 999 party???
  5. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Nick...he woke up partially in the washing machine!! But, then again, he would just pass out on the kitchen floor in the middle of a conversation sometimes too. That was funny.

  6. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    omg, i thought i was bad, you guys are crazy! I agree, the tumbledryer wuold be the last place i would put myself to sleep! ::)
    I suffer from really bad memory loss when I drink! I can be feeling pretty sober one minute, and next minute...I wake up and wonder what the hell happened! lol! I usually manage to get myself to bed though!
    Although, I'm terrible at losing my key! ???

  7. alemanolga

    alemanolga New Member

    In the beach with 2 of my best friends burned with the sun hahahaha

    We couldnt remember how to return to our hotel :S and as many of you, in a bathroom
  8. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I am always perfect to have my purse, cell phone, camera being stolen whenever I drink too much. So I always have to go with a person that will not get as drunk as me to watch my stuff haha It's terrible!
  9. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    lol! There is always someone more sober than me ;D! But I always like there to be someone drunker than me too! I've stared to leave important stuff at home, all I take out is enough cash, a key, my id and my lipgloss! I daren't take my phone for many reasons, it may end up lost/stolen, it may end up in the sink/toilet (amazingly this has happened to most my friends too! or i may phone or text someone I really shouldn't! :-[

    I forgot, my mum once woke me up on the kitchen table! Thankfully she found it funny!

  10. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Haha Lianne...well I don't take that stuff with me anymore. But I used to and after seeing I can't take care of my Mickey! I decided to leave it at home. Last time I did get my cell phone stolen is 2 years back on my BIRTHDAY. That was the only reason I actually took it with me lol
    I usually go out with people who get as drunk as me or even more drunk, so that's not good haha
    Definitely hate the "text someone you shouldn't" thing. I have done it too many times when being drunk!

  11. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    999 is emergency number in UK so at 999 party people dress up as nurses/doctors, firemen, police wo/men etc! ;D
  12. alemanolga

    alemanolga New Member

    We have to make a 999 party in Florida then hehehe
  13. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    they are great especially as i have a thing about firemen! Everybody looks so hot at 999 parties ;D
  14. alemanolga

    alemanolga New Member

    We do it then , but remember for my b-day November 5th its going to be a Mexican Party so I want everybody dressed with something from Mexico and be ready to taste Tequila eh!
  15. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    My Birthday is November 5th too! Celebrate for both of us.

  16. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    <-- Nov. 9 :D
  17. alemanolga

    alemanolga New Member

    Hey where r u from??? If you feel like.. add me to your msn I'll arrive til Oct but will be in our b-days

    Big Parties in November Jim you can celebrate with us because its like the same weekend hehehhehehe cool !!
  18. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

  19. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    I'm from Canada. I was already there from August 2003 until July 2004 in Merchandise.

    I went to the Hoop Dee Doo Revue at Fort Wilderness. It was hilarious because it included booze...not really too sure what we did afterwards though!

    Find something fun and memorable to do.

  20. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    FIREMEN mmmmm LOVE them!
    K weirdest place iv woken up after a night of drinking....well iv woken up on my friends kitchen floor several times, never really remembered how i got there. But the most interesting was i woke up in the woods on an island on my lake with 2 of my friends..... its sad cus my cottage was a 2 min boat ride from the island!

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