Never been there either, have i been to Florida? I am assuming these places are popular. But i do remember one place i didnt like, Logan's Steakhouse. The peanut shells all over the floor was horrible and the food was awful. I still love Macaronni Grill, its my favourite.
i went to a sports bar which was awesome. perkins was amazing too. i love the fact they give you the whole milkshake. the only problem i have with the water out in disney is the fact its all by coke and is pretty rank cos it has so many chemicals.
I've actually lost weight on every Disney vacation I've gone on. I'm usually too busy on the rides and having fun to think about food. The heat also makes you not really feel like eating and you get a good work out walking/running around the park plus working ;D
Ye, that is like me. There is too much excitement to think about food, all you think about is what ride to go on next.
If you work outside in the summer, you will lose weight! Seriously... you sweat A LOT and you're constantly wandering around drinking water. I'm not sure if the same goes for inside... haven't worked inside the restaurant yet, lol.
Yeah i lost sooo muchh weight when i worked at fantasmic. Up and down those stairs with a HUGE tray on yor back..Ouch. I put it down to not drinking alcohol for 3 months as well. Unfortunately my beer belly has returned Im soo worrid im going to put on weight, altho i dont eat really bad food, even when i was there the first time, But my body so use to exercise now...Aww well id rather look like a ming mong and have the best time of my life then miss out! xx
Yeah I DO worry about my weight and stuff. But for a year in Disney I wouldn't want to be preoccupied with dieting, scales etc. and try to just do what I felt like, have fun and enjoy the experience. I doubt you'd gain a ton of weight anyway and really I think it's more likely you'd loose some due to heat, working, walking etc. I like to be active anyway and plan on going to the gym or swimming or any other kind of recreation is available. Worrying about weight issues would just hold you back from all the fun you can have ;D
I dont see the point in worrying about weight especially when you would be in the happiest place in world. But its not as if you are going to sit in the apartment and watch tv, you are going to be out on your days off exploring and shopping, etc.
Well its really hard to excercise while on disney ....lets just say you are about to hit the gym when someone comes and tell you .....Hey we are going to MK eat dinner at Caseys and see Wishes at 9:00 .....tempting isnt it???
Just have a light dinner or a glass of water. Or meet them for Wishes. If it was me, i would just go out for dinner anyway, haha.
Lets just say that after working in restaurants for the past couple of years I don't like eating out much anyway lol
i lost weight on my florida holiday but unfortunately had a relapse of glandular fever so ending gaining all the weight as i started to obsessively eat. do they alow you to have water nearby on the job, or get a drink if you need it?
That's a shame Carla, i hate it when im not well on holiday. I am sure you would be, because i do not think they would let their workers die of dehydration
lol, that would be bad for them! the bad/good thing about disney...fantastic magheritta pizzas!! i cant have the beef out there cos of the seasoning they put on it, so that must be a good start lol.
i love their chocolate brownies at MK, i would have one right now if i could. I dont eat a lot of red meat anyway. i cnt drink milk out there because it tastes really different.
Well in theory you are not allowed to drink anything on stage, so it all depends on you manager if they allow you to have a glass of water or something like that.
Well i wouldnt imagine you would be able to drink anything on stage. Sothe majority of the time you have to wait for your break?
You're not allowed generally to drink onstage, but some places they have to allow you to anyway. They don't deny you to drink enough water And if you work f&b you can drink free soda, or at least in norway pavilion you can
thats good. its just i suffer from dehydration quite badly and it really ewakens my throat (thats whats left of the glandular fever). im sure if i explain this they will be alright with it.