WE ARE ON THE WAITING LIST - or if u have been & have any info!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by minnie :), Feb 15, 2008.

  1. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    I do not see how things are being passed over if the accepted people have to email in what they accepted for..
  2. kyla1366

    kyla1366 New Member

    Gosh darn.
  3. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    Eric said that people on the waiting list will be contacted by the new company when there are openings
  4. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    but do they have our info?
  5. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    Eric said everything was taken care of
  6. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    ok i did hear back from roger

    Thanks for your message and for your great interest in our Disney International Program.

    I am sure you have now received the email re: Yummy Jobs handling all the Canada candidates. Do not worry; they will be in touch with all the candidates shortly.

    Best Regards,

    Roger Antoniazzo
    International Recruitment
    Disney Worldwide Services Inc

    they forwarded this email to yummy and they sent me this

    Yummy Jobs will now be your main point of contact re: The Disney International Program.

    We are very excited to grow our partnership with Yummy Jobs into Canada. We have worked very closely with them over the years with our Western Europe Region. They have provided excellent service for our candidates in UK, The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland and we can assure you that you will receive that same service.

    Yummy Jobs
    The Georgian Village
    Unit 5, 100 Wood Street
    London E17 3HX

    +44 208 521 9615

    Any questions: Enquiries@yummyjobs.com

    Website: yummyjobs.com

    Yummy Jobs will also be pre-screening and hosting all future Disney International Program presentations. If you have friends or acquaintances that are interested in our programs, please refer them to Yummy Jobs as they are now the main point of contact for Canada
  7. kyla1366

    kyla1366 New Member

    Sooooooo, Those of us on the waiting list count as candidates they're going to contact?
  8. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    its what was said BUT what doesn't make sense is that that first email Roger replied to he also sent that email to yummy and they sent me that email a few mins later... so I dont think I would of gotten that email if I hadn't emailed roger
  9. kyla1366

    kyla1366 New Member

    Yeah, I think I'm going to email too. I don't want to overwhelm them with emails, but I don't want to lose the opportunity of getting the job.
  10. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    yes definitly, or you could just email yummy themselves I actually emailed them both I still feel like theres something else I need to know..*ponders*
  11. kyla1366

    kyla1366 New Member

    I know, I feel exactly the same way. I'm going to email tonight. I'm sure I'll hear the same things as you did, but if not, I'll post what I find out.
  12. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    At my interview in London last week jason said how he might be going to canada for a recruiting trip. this explains it!

    Everyone at Yummy Jobs is very nice, very helpful and alays reply to emails very quickly.
  13. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    why would he be coming here? isn't there suppose to be no more recruiting for awhile? man... everything is confusing
  14. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    well interviews for november probably
  15. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    The email scared me at first but i will wait for the info email before sending my criminal check, i dont want to get things messed up or sent to th wrong person!
  16. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I got almost the same thing from Roger, yet never any e-mail from yummy yet. I am nervous that the date to reply is close, and I have so much going on I don't want to forget about it. Did everyone get that longer e-mail? Or just the short one from Eric?
  17. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    i only got the one from eric to Nk so dont worry. i think ty only got one to
  18. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    I feel like were still missing something
  19. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    :-[ Hey so I didn't even recieve the first email from Eric, so I emailed yummy jobs asking if I'm still on the waiting list and they got my info. I figured it was my best bet to make sure they got my info and they know I"m still interested. I know they're probably swamped with emails but I didn't know who else to contact, other then eric as well.
  20. burtner

    burtner New Member

    I got the two same e-mails as A7adragon. They have our information, hopefully things get sorted out soon!

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