Wal-mart diets approaching

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by ciara-cinders, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. sabz

    sabz New Member

    I will cook if u pay labour!!
    sabz_t@hotmail.com anyone who wants to chat disney non-stop!!
  2. seanny boy

    seanny boy New Member

    labour!!!!!!! was thinking more along the lines of doing the washing up ha ha

    not going to lie tho if i am looked after cooking wise you'll have a friend for life. better than any money that!!!!!!!!

  3. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    I LOVE cooking! I especially love cooking for lots of other people! If i get accepted, i will cook for the whole world.
    I cant believe that about fruit and vegetables being really bad! I thought that fruit in Florida would be AMAZING.
  4. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

    If i get accepted I think it could go a few ways for me...
    1) I put on about 2 stone cause I cant cook and I eat out loads
    2) I lose weight because I cant cook therefore dont eat
  5. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Some of the fruit in florida is really lovely-we kept buying these gorgeous californian peaches from publix, and oranges and melons ofcourse!!! But to be honest eating out is so much better value as u will get high quality food wherever you go-we also loved Dennys, and sizzler breakfasts...needless to say I put on loads of weight when I was out there!!
    I do love cooking but the food is different out there and Im not familiar with US cookers....and would we have time/energy to cook when bahama breeze and the olive garden are a short ride away??? NOOOOO!!
  6. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Wendys is nothing special-if you want to stock up on food at cheap prices-try the golden corral-its an all you can eat buffet-and the 10 minute walk there and back will ensure you sweat off some weight in the Florida sun (we always used to walk there at about 12 o clock, by the time we got there we were all delireous with sun stroke-then after we were stuffed full of food, we strugled even more to walk back to Vista

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