and just to add to that last comment, you guys havent even been on the waitlist for a month yet! there is still every chance that you WILL be offered a place! Or, you could remove yourself from the list and reapply in january when they reopen the applications..... i really wouldnt get so down about it so soon, it is still possible you will get a place, just hang on in there!!
I sent yummy an email and got an automated reply saying hannah is out of the office until friday,so don't think we can hear for the next few days:-(! It'll have been 3 weeks this Friday,still very optimistic,I think I'll really start worrying in feb,desperately hoping we r all taken off by then!xx
I really don't think we should expect to hear this soon to be honest. Yummy are clearly so busy at the moment with all the recruiting they're doing and probably sorting out all the accepted people's paperwork etc. I know its difficult but I think we need to try and stay positive, get on with our lives so when that email finally comes it'll be a nice surprise! I've gotta say though, I'd love to hear before christmas, that would be a great christmas present!
let's get more positivity lol some of us waitlisted will be leaving before the people who've been accepted for late next year! i hope im after february 28th 2011 because 2012 is a leap year so that's a whole extra day being there for free!
Good point, about going before some of the accepted people and it will give you more time to save up so you can all go mad in the malls and bars!
I think we all have reason to be positive, that email we got sounded very positive to me. It said we were a great applicant and we are being considered and will contact us. Some people didn't hear back to the last date of the waiting list! Stay positive people! ;D
Yup Staying positive!!!! Or in the words of legally blonde 'Keep it Positive!!!' If you haven't heard it look it up. Makes me happy lol x x x x x
I'm now going on holiday to florida for two weeks next sunday so going to disneyworld etc. i think it's literally gonna make me wanna work there more :-( i hope it doesn't depress me as im really looking forward to just the prospect of a holiday!
Hey guys I had a thought, apart from two girls from our October interviews who went out this week, & a two groups of us heading out in February, between March - September there are numerous dates with places i'm sure that will be filled. Basically you will be as waiting just as long as the rest of us, you just don't have a date yet! I just wish Yummy would hurry up & give y'all dates But I hope your all okay, stay positive!
Thanks Amy, that really is a great way to look at it. I really don't mind waiting because as you said even the people who know when they're going still have to wait for it. The hard part is not knowing whether a place will come up or not but I'm really hopeful that that will happen. It's trying not to be on edge all the time, because really a place could come up tomorrow or it could come up in march so the constant phone/email checking that's been going on since June is still happening! But, I'm soo grateful to be on the waitlist because considering the number of applicants originally getting this far is an achievement and I'm happy to put up with more uncertainty if I know I still have a chance at working at Disney!
Heyy sorry for butting in on ur thread. But congrats steph!! Your out before even me! Haha! Andd if your in F+B you might even be training me when I get there!! Haha!
Oh hey Gary, I just saw you username there and recognized it - I've been watching your vlog! lol Congrats on getting in - I bet you're excited! I have just had my face to face for the Summer Program so if I get accepted I'll be going over on the 1st May
Thanks - I can't take the waiting - it's been a day and I feel like i've been waiting forreeevver!! It went really well but its so hard to tell.
lol yeh you can just never tell! my friend Leom applied for the ICP summer program too but had to pull out as he couldnt make the f2f gutted!