US Embassy Visa Appointments

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by ginabella, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    The 15th seems popular.
  2. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    i'm gutted, i wanted the 6th so i could travel up with Dan...but it'd all gone(i was late booking mine coz i didnt have all the forms, annoying!) but i'm going on the 15th now! and i see a few of you are, yay! I hope we're not in there too long!
  3. *PennyCrayon*

    *PennyCrayon* New Member

    The more the merrier! :D

    Does anyone know what we have to wear? Professional attire or casual?
  4. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    what time you going on the 15th, you too pennycrayon!?
  5. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    Mines at 12, yours? where are you all from? x
  6. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    mines at 1...but am going in with two friends at half 12. :) so will see you in there.
    im coming from southampton, going home cos its easier to get there than from cheltenham.

    what are people wearing...i was thinking nice jeans and nice top?!
  7. sophie123

    sophie123 New Member

    I thought we had to go in a suit x
  8. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    As far as I know it doesn't make any difference, jeans and t-shirt for me. My old man's offered to drive down too, so that saves a hefty train fare.
  9. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Alright for some!
    Mine's costing me £55 in train tickets (although my parents are paying some, so I guess it's not all bad!)
    But I shall be there all on my lonesome, I don't know anyone else with the smae appointment, and couldn't get them for when I wanted - but I shall go o the Natural History Museum afterwards I think, haven't been there in a while :)
  10. vik

    vik New Member

    yeah wear anything as long as its not offensive in any way. got mine booked for the 9th april, apparently all by myself again!
  11. bacondoublecheese

    bacondoublecheese New Member

    Did anyone else have their proof of student identification form lost? I did, so had to get it redone. The forms for my visa application should be here soon, but if I don't hurry up then they might run out of appointments. Though I could always go to Belfast, which is a lot more relaxed than London.
  12. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    11.30 April 15th too! Only just booked - surprised it was still avaliable
  13. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    Will see you there beth ;D
  14. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Exact same time as me, thats amazing, cant wait to meet you!
  15. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    What are you all doing about phones/bags etc? I don't know what to do, I'll need my phone etc for afterwards...
  16. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Me and mark are storing our in lockers at Euston Station cause were staying right next to it.
  17. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    ah yes i think you saidd!
    Right, im going to book my bus ticket now, on the National Express it says London...but does anyone know what stop that would be?would it be Victoria?
    If so, how fars that from the embassy?anyone have any ideas? xx
  18. Charli

    Charli New Member

    I'm April 15th toooo! But I'm at 1.30pm

    To the people that have already been - did you need the letter from your uni? I'm in a mad panic because I didn't think to check what I needed before I left uni and now it's Easter!! Alexis at Yummy Jobs says it's only a "Just in case" thing so I might not NEED it. Anyone give any clues on this?
  19. kat333w

    kat333w New Member

    Hiii Jess, I went yesterday on the megabus and it went to the victoria coach station just like the national express ones do, which is like across the road from the victoria station and id say it was about a mile walk from the embassy, i just printed out a map and it was super easy to find, was there a bit early so walked to buckingham palace and then went to the embassy from there.
    Charli- When i went yesterday and handed in all forms they didnt even seem to bother with the student one just gave it me back, so i dont think it would be a problem at all if u didnt have it, all they seemed to care about was the visa forms u fill in and that one disney sent you, so i wouldnt worry to much.

    Be prepared for the most long and boring wait of your life lol all worth it for Disney tho :D:D
  20. Charli

    Charli New Member

    Thank yoooou! I think the main thing about that letter is showing that you have a REASON to get the hell outta their country once we're done :p

    EDIT - Just got an email off my lecturer and they've just faxed a letter to me anyway, OMG that lecturer is officially my favourite, whether we NEEDED that letter or not , Yummy Jobs said to take it so I'm taking it!! :p

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