Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jjsweet1402, May 2, 2005.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member


    where u transferring to......... ;D ;D
  2. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    not too sure yet as i have 2 apply thru ucas once my placement year officially starts end of sept. it's gona b one of these 3: manchester met, sheffield hallam or staffs. i can commute easily inb my car to the last 2 as i live 30 from staffs and an hour from sheffield, and with manchester i can live with my friend tom as he has a house there now hes done his masters

  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    i see,tahst great,seems like your sorted any you know where else u wanna point staying a ta university,if it doesnt feel rite.or u dont like it.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  4. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    ok you said shocking what do u mean by that? starting to scare me now as i have accepted derby as my firm offer
  5. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    no dont worry, just the people on my course we r very split into groups as very different people. everyones shocked at the uni cos our course is only one like that, but im sure ull b fine

  6. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    I can't believe I finish so late....17th june is my last (and completely) final exam- although could have been a week later! Wish I finished so early! :'( Still, is making time go very fast! No doubt july and august will drag by! ;)
    Charlotte x
  7. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    i'm not even on study level til may 27th and my last exam is on june 23rd, then i got my brothers wedding after, so free drinks to celebrate lol ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. emma

    emma New Member

    k ive missed loads of this.............
    gema my bf is called michale and he does business and finance but took that module u sed,,,

    jenine yeah its alot...but dnt wanna waste me brain lol!!!!
  9. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    Emma: na you've got you time in florida to waste ya brain lol, although mine feels like its gonna explode soon and thats only with 3 alevels and and AVCE
  10. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Im currently studing for my AAT , 2 years down 1 to go!
  11. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    yay my 100th post ;D

    hiya tinks whats an AAT?
  12. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Association of Accounting Technicians

    And yes its very boring!
  13. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    poor tinks, i started an AS level in accounting and got bored of that within a week so i dropped it and took up business studies only to hate the finance stuff u have to do for that (took me 2 attempts to pass that exam though E first time B second)

  14. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    I can do the work really quite easy its just so dull, but I figured its something I'll always have even if once Im finished (and fingers crossed, come back from florida) I fancy doing something different. I do change my mind about what I want to do with my life quite often, but I'm currently in the phase of Hotel manager. We'll have to see how long that one lasts! he he.
  15. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i was gona take business and accounting at uni, cos i got A* at GCSE for maths and A for A level.... but thought id do somethin different and a bit more exciting and chose tourism lol
  16. screamf1

    screamf1 New Member

    i love your tinkerbells tink!!!

    I'm doing a second degree in Psychology and Criminology at John Moores.
    Went to Hope for my first, did American Studies and English Literature.

    I did business studies, maths and economics at A-level, so i like a bit of variation!!! ;D
  17. Claire

    Claire New Member

    I can't believe you're doing a second degree!!

    I'm doing Psychology and Welsh in Swansea Uni - in my 3rd year of a four year course....can not concentrate on exams and stuff what with disney only 4 weeks round the corner! x
  18. screamf1

    screamf1 New Member

    i've had the flu for the past two weeks, then i got a second infection in my sinuses and now my wisdom teeth are coming through. trying to revise for my exams has not been fun. when i spoke to them, they said that resits are in August !!!!!!!! dont care about the grade, just hope i've done enough to pass or my dreams of summer in disney will be shattered!! :(
  19. Claire

    Claire New Member

    I'm with you on that Sar Bear......i think i'm most probably going to have to do resists!! but i'll be in Disney.....dunno what i'm gonna do then!

    Am just clocking it out of my mind..........prob not the best thing to do but never mind! x
  20. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    yeah i do that...tend not to think about try and get out of mind.......

    hope none of u guys have to do resists....

    xxx ;D

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