
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. bekka

    bekka New Member

    I'm pretty excited for Wednesday now, although the nerves are setting in a bit. I'm travelling down early in the morning but I'll obviously be going to the University alone so I'm good with meeting up as I'll probably get there about an hour early depending on traffic.

    Expederest- Sorry I don't know your name but thanks for the information. I'm sure what you said was great! I think if you showed your confidence enough through the other answers they won't judge you too harshly on the last answer! I hope you hear back soon! It's also nice of them to do that for the other companies, pretty cool I guess.

    I just want Wednesday to hurry up! :)
  2. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Aw i'm sure you will have done well, hope the floods didn't get in your way getting there :eek:

    I'm nervous now :eek: we have to dance?? haha and I don't know what to say. The why should they choose you and why do you want to work there questions are always so hard cos u can't put it into words how much you want it lol

    Btw I'm staying at my friends tomoz night so I probably won't be on here before the interview, i'll be around at Loughborough University from around 7.30am.. Not really sure what to do with myself for like 2 hours. But yeh if anyone wants to meet up somewhere, I don't really know what's there to suggest a place to meet though lol At the last Universal presentation I went to last year we swapped numbers and texted before meeting if you fancey that but it's up to you guys :) x
  3. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Thanks for the feedback, I'm sure you did awesome so don't worry :)
    Gah, so excited, and major nervous, for mine now! It's Sunday though so it's still an age...
    Good luck for all you Liverpool folk tomorrow and for anyone starting to travel down/up for the Wednesday ones :)
  4. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    I'm game to meet up on Wednesday morning an hour or two before the interview, gives me a chance to make sure I'm up and out of bed haha.

    I bet you did great Expederest! Thanks for letting us know a little about what happened. I don't even know what dance I'd choose... maybe the Safety dance? :D

  5. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I'm getting really nervous now that its actually happening and the interviews have started! I'm worried about getting their too cos theres a lot of flooding around me right now, the end of my road is just water..
    I'm scared that I won't be able to answer many questions or get my answers in ha. and dancing?! whaaaaaaat :p
  6. GlenR23

    GlenR23 New Member

    I think I'll end up saying the inbetweeners dance because i really cannot dance. :D
  7. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Haha yeah I'd have to agree with you Glen, I can't dance at all :')

    Are you setting off on Wednesday morning Shayla? If so I'd say set off maybe an hour earlier than you were going to in case you get held up with the floods.

  8. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I'm leaving tomorrow night and I'm staying in the travelodge with my mum :) my uni closed early today and its on about closing again tomorrow so I might be able to set off early! yay
  9. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Heyyyy - I had my interview this afternoon there was about 25 people.. haha.. thats all.. maybe even less actually.. like 22.. haha.. i had mine with james in a small group of 6 of us.. was a really lovely atmosphere - yeah we had to do a bit of a dance !! Hahaha..

    Other question were what 2 roles would you most like to do..
    uhhh what workin at universal would mean to you
    what would you find most difficult and how would you cope
    and favourite universal movie

    i think that was about it

    a few others :D

    good luck
  10. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Wow only 25 people, do you think quite a few might get through to the final interviews then? Cos it seems like they either don't have many visa's or they're planning on not narrowing it down by much.. hmm

    And thanks for the advice and the luck, can't explain how badly I want this and how much I want you guys to get through so we can all go together :D x
  11. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    22 people isn't a lot at all, do you think there will only be that many people in each pre-screen? If so that means there will be like around 100 people?

    Thanks for the advice and the heads up. Now to really think about the best answers for those questions :p

  12. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I know it doesn't seem like many at all, it almost seems like why don't they just do pre-screens and no actual final interviews if the numbers are that low? lol x
  13. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    If I remember rightly, I think I read that YJ conduct the pre-screens on their own and then you final interview is with Universal representatives.

    I really hope we all get through and get to go! Would be such a great experience!

  14. GlenR23

    GlenR23 New Member

    i have no idea if i'm just being highly optimistic but i think they may only have 350ish people for pre-screen interviews so that would mean that roughly 200-250 may get final interview with 150 going on the programme? or something like that. ??? I HOPE SO!
    getting increasingly excited about the interview now and gonna have to brush up on my dance moves! ;-)
  15. GlenR23

    GlenR23 New Member

    ALSO... i know this is FAR too early to even think about it.. but if we all get onto the programme can we get universal hoodies?! AAAAAAAH.
  16. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    haha I think less have got through to the pre-screens tbh which is good but last year in the presentations they said they could only accept around 40 people for visas.. So i'm hoping they've just been given a lot more visa's :D
  17. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Does anyone know how many pre-screen events there are?

    Really excited for tomorrow now!

  18. GlenR23

    GlenR23 New Member

    i think if i remember correctly, someone who did the programme last year said there were 70-80 of them that actually went on it. hopefully, this year they have some more places!

    and pete, i think there are 4 different pre-screen events with a few of them having multiple slots. :)
  19. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Ah that's cool, really hope we all get through!
    Setting off to Loughborough in a few hours, just getting all my stuff together. Am I right in thinking we need...

    -Up to date CV
    -Passport photo
    -Photocopy of passport page

    Is there anything else I'm forgetting? Going to take a notepad too, to take notes during the presentation.

  20. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    If 80 people got on last year then that means they upped the amount of visa's by double :eek: that's great :D You know with them requesting copies of passport pages etc. It seems to me like they may be letting quite a few people through if they're getting things like a picture from candidates already :eek: I hope that's the case anyway lol

    And yeh I think that's everything :D I'm not sure what a passport page is though, is it just the page with our photo on?

    I'm setting off to Loughborough on the train just after 5pm, I hear they're all delayed from Leeds though!

    Anyway GOOD LUCK everybody :D x

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