
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Thanks Ally, thanks everyone for the congrats. Found out on Wednesday and I'm still bouncing off the walls!!! I hope I get to meet some of you next summer :D maybe I'll see you around at RGU Ally ;)
    In terms of costs, it doesn't seem to put most people off, the attitude I guess of "I'll find the money if I get in", I know someone with that thought process last year - she didn't end up getting it but that's prob due to competition as it is quite competitive for these programmes. The year ICP has fairly high costs too though, but I only know of one person who was put off due to that.

    Good luck everyone - let's hope the awkward travel times and long distances work in your favour as it shows how much you want it ;) I had a 6 hour drive each way for my final interview for Disney!

  2. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Congratz Katie I didn't realise you got through until now, well done :D You know it would be so cool if we all got through and arranged meet ups, I don't know if you get main gate passes at Universal for friends but if you do I never use them so we could play swaps for each others parks and spend one day at Disney and one at Universal :p

    And Shay I live near Leeds but further north in a small town called Ben Rhydding (Right next to where Matt who plays Neville used to live haha) So it's about 3 hours on the train to Loughborough :) If anyone wants to meet up before the interview i'll be up for it :) x
  3. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Thanks Sofi! And it would be awesome if you all got through and we arranged meetups :) when I did the ICP in 2010 my friend was at Universal and we traded getting in - definitely a good way to go! Although I'm going to look at getting an annual pass for Universal...

    Good luck this week guys! :D
  4. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Thanks and it's great you got through :) Did you apply for CRP then or ICP? When I did ICP I only ever used my maingate once and that was on my last day as a cast member when my bf came over to start our 4 week holiday we enjoyed our 1st night there in MK until midnight for free, it was ace :p Aw I can't wait to visit all the Florida parks again, I love Seaworld <3
  5. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Heyyy.. tomorrow is the day for meee.. anyone else 2moro at 2pm :) xx and omggg well done Katie - so happy for you :D :D x
  6. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    Good Luck for tomorrow ;D Let us know what it was like and what happened!
  7. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Yeh good luck :D I hope it goes well for you, I bet it will be a fun day :p I've already seen the presentation last year cos I went to see Yummy at my university, they go over all the highlights and costs.. get's you excited :p
  8. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    I shall let you know how it goes :D im quite excited.. well not excited for the 3 hour train journey.. but i'm hoping to be in and out quite early so i can do a bit of siteseeing - would hate to waste my trip to London if i don't get anywere from this! haha
  9. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Lol i'm sure it'll be a great day though and when you're in there you won't want it to end early! I wish I was coming tomorrow, I love going down to London but instead i'm going to be spending all day at Uni editing one of my final year projects.. Zzzz

    Btw is this your last chance of doing an ICP program? x
  10. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Good luck! I hope it goes well for you :)
  11. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Good luck for all you lovelies tomorrow, be sure to let us know how it goes :D Are you guys meeting at a restaurant?
    I love the presentations, they get you so geared up! I'm particularly excited to hear about the roles, especially vacation planner :D They only thing is if you don't get it in the end, it sucks to know what you're missing out on. I haven't listened to "Good Life" since the Disney Pre-Screen..oh dear, I'm a little sad...
    But yes, good luck for tomorrow guys. The hunt for the Universal Orlando International Program participants has officially begun ;)
  12. GlenR23

    GlenR23 New Member


    I'll do a quick introduction, I'm Glen and from Aberdeen... (I'm the one AllyBallyBee has been speaking about. ;)) I have my pre-screen in London on the 2nd of December and so excited for it but far too nervous.. EEK!
    So yeah, finally got verified and can post instead of stalking all of you!
    Good luck to everyone who has interviews for this week.. hopefully we'll all get on the programme and can spend three months with one another! ;D
  13. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey Glen :D My name is Sophie and I'm from Leeds :p My interview is on Wednesday, i'm excited too :p I have to set off tomorrow for it so need to start preparing.

    I've just encountered problem #2 though and it's so frustrating lol.. If I actually get through (Jumping the gun a bit I know) but the interview dates.. there's only 2 of them. One falls on the day of my mock exam which I have to attend at Uni :( So on Wednesday i've gotta be that awkward person trying to sell myself but can't actually attend one of the final interviews so they've gotta work around me.. aww it's so annoying! lol

    btw i'm really excited about these interviews now :D I hope someone comes on here tonight to tell us all about it cos I can't wait lol :p
  14. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Hope everyone who had their interview today gave it their best and did as well as possible!

    I'm really excited for Wednesday now!

  15. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey Pete I'm at the same interview as you and so I went onto your profile to see if you have a blog and I saw your email address.. Are you at Leeds Met Uni? If so I go there too :)
  16. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Hey, Sophie right?

    That's cool, that makes 3 people on here I think that have theirs on Wednesday :)

    Haha as if, yeah I go to Met. What do you study? :)

  17. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Yeh we should see if we can arrange a meetup, are you all going with parents? Cos i'm going alone and I don't know the area at all lol i'll be at the Uni from really early aswell :p I study Journalism, how about u? x
  18. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Yeah that sounds like a good idea! At least then we'll all feel a bit more comfortable etc... :)
    Yeah my dad is taking me down tomorrow night and staying the night in a hotel. I had no idea where Loughbrough was until I found out I had an interview. I have no idea on the area either :(

    Awesome, is that at City Campus or Headingly? I study Film and TV production :)

  19. Expederest

    Expederest New Member

    Hey, did anyone have theirs today? I had mine this morning, and it went OK I guess. I did better than the Disney one, and managed to get more of my answers in. But I still missed a couple (but I couldn't think of answers for those in time) and the few questions where I would of really got something in were like everyone agreeing and moving onto the next question (like they asked about WWOHP. I was totally prepared for going on about how its influenced my life, but it was barely touched on). Plus I did the stupid thing and forgot what I was going to say for the last question (why they should consider you) and ended up going on about how I haven't been to Universal and how much I think the parks are all immersive and stuff. Wanted to say how I hope it could make me more outgoing or that I was in my final year at uni, so my final chance to do it, but nothing else came out... So I feel I came off like I only wanted to go for the actual park, and not for working there.

    They had an interesting "fun" question to break the ice. If you could do one dance move for the rest of your live, what would it be? I ended up going with the Doctor's dance from Amy & Rory's wedding in Doctor Who because it was the only thing I could think of to demonstrate without getting out of my chair... I think they might have differing questions for that.

    There were only about 30 people there for the presentation. Maybe less, because there were only 4 interview slots (2 at 10:30 and 2 at 11:30) with about 6-7 people in each. Someone asked about how many roles there were, but they wouldn't tell us. Should hear back by next Monday, I think it was. So good luck everyone else with your interviews!
  20. Expederest

    Expederest New Member

    Oh, I forgot! They said that if you did good in your pre-screen, but couldn't offer you a final interview, then they'll offer you a place in a final interview for a different company. There was Rainforest Cafe, Six Flags, a water park with a name I can't remember, and a couple of restaurants I can't remember. I think one was called Bubblegum, another had to do with shrimp, and another had a name like laundry.

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