
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Well done Katie-that's amazing you lucky duck! Rather hoping I might get to bump into you there if the stars in my favour for Universal... ;) You must be buzzing right now!
    Hey Bekka, glad to hear of another applicant. I have no idea about numbers this time round, but when I applied for Disney, 1700 applied approximately and about 550 were put through to pre-screen. I would have thought there would have been less for Universal just due to the cost but by the sounds of it, maybe that's not the case :p
  2. Expederest

    Expederest New Member

    When confirming, I asked James whether I could get an earlier time-slot for my interview, and he said that would be fine and to remind the guys when I'm there. That's good. It means I can get my report in without having to hand it in on Sunday. Does anyone else have 26th at 9:30?

    Also, what sort of questions will they ask? I'm going to assume similar ones to the ICP. It seems like my answer to all possible questions have to do with films and behind-the-scenes and stuff, and I'm not even doing a uni course related with it (I do Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management, so not really anything there. Unless I want to talk about the inaccuracies in films and stuff), so that's something to think about.
  3. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I'm from Redcar Pete :) I really hope this goes to plan for me ha I never get anything I want aha.
    Just booked the travelodge now and got some new shoes today :D
    I think theres going to be a lot of people, it's gonna increase year on year I reckon too so to even get a prescreen interview we've all done great :D
  4. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Thanks for answering, that's a lot of people! I don't know how they would even begin to pick from such a huge number, it's crazy. I don't think I'd wanna be picking the applicants, it seems hard hah.

    I haven't been in the situation before, but I imagine they'll probably ask why you want to work there, what you can bring to them, how you will deal in certain situations etc. I really have no idea because it's a group interview.

    I agree, I think we've done well already. Did they skip the phone interviews this year and go straight to face-to-face group ones, or are there phone interviews too?
  5. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Ah cool, I'm from Stockton :)

    I was thinking about what we're getting asked and I remember reading a blog or a post on here that had a list of questions. I remember one of them was if you've ever worked with someone who wasn't pulling their weight, and if you had what did you do about it? And there was another one asking what Harry Potter meant to you? I'm assuming that is to see weather or not they will place you in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

    Wondering what I should wear, and yes I am aware that I sound like a girl haha. It says Smart Casual so I'm thinking maybe a shirt and tie, black trousers and black shoes?

    I really want this! I love the Universal resort so much and it would be a dream to spent my summer working for such a great company!

  6. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    As if! That would be crazy if we both got on! Two people from a very similar area ha! I'v been analysing what to wear too :( i'v settled on a smart casual blue dress, black tights and and black boot/shoe things :p shirt and tie would probably be great :D
    I'm really worried about what questions their going to ask, i'd seen people on disney blogs saying that they put sticky pads infront of them but that would only work with a phone interview :') So I dunno!
  7. DisneySparkles

    DisneySparkles New Member

    I found this helpful with my phone interview for Disney, so maybe this will help you with your interview. Have some friends give you a couple of practice interviews beforehand. That way, when it comes time for the real interview, you already know what answers sound weird and such and you know to improve on them before the interview, rather than in the middle of it :)
  8. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Here's hoping that we do both get a place, and everyone else here too! :)

    The Practice interview is a great idea, my brother did the CRP a few years ago and has done some DCL work too, so I'll get him to ask me some interview questions and give me tips :)

  9. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    Do you think they're gonna get us to do any group activities? i'v seen somewhere about a disney group interview giving the applicants a piece of paper with some typically british things on it like cadburys and getting them to sell it to the rest of the group.. it sounds scary i'm a nervous person ha
  10. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Ahh that sounds scary! I can see them making us do some sort of group activity, they might want to see how we work as a team and communicate etc...

  11. OhBrendy

    OhBrendy New Member

    This is just my experience from the Disney pre-screen I went to a couple of weeks ago: when you get there, YJ will ask anyone if they have any travel issues meaning that they have to go home early. You can just go up to Becky (or whoever is sorting out the interview times - for Disney they just counted groups of ten) and ask for an early interview. Anyone who had to go home early had their interview at around 11 -12.

    About 75 people were on the program last summer :D
  12. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    If it's anything like the Disney Pre-screen, then it'll only be questions really where one of the YJ people ask a question and anyone can then answer. It didn't happen in my group, but in my friend's interview group, they were given a piece of paper with an object on it and they had to sell it so I'm preparing myself for that!
    Gah, I hope they need more than 75 people this year! I mean on that email they sent with all the roles, there did seem to be a lot so I'm hoping now it's in its second year, Universal have given more spots.
  13. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Hmm I guess we will soon find out! A group task will be quite fun I think, maybe a little scary depending on what it is but there's not much point in worrying about it because we won't know until we get there hah! I'm sure we will all do fine. (Can you tell I have my positive head on).

    Brendy - Thanks for the response. James emailed me back and said I should be done by 3 so that's okay for travel wise. Also 75 people? Wow that's really not a lot. How did your Disney pre-screen go?
  14. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I have my positive head on too Bekka ;D 'If you believe it will happen' and all that :D
  15. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey guys sorry i've missed a lot being away for a while but I emailed James to get a later slot and he said I need to be in the presentation, just gunna have to hope the taxi gets me there in time! It's costing me a fortune though even without the London interviews :eek: I'm debating getting a hotel the night before but I don't know the area at all and gunna have to go on my own, wish i could drive!

    Anyone else at Loughborough 10am Wednesday ?
  16. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I am :) I'v booked the travelodge in Loughborough the night before, it was £29 which isnt too bad and it saves getting up stupdily early and driving down and yawning the whole way through the interview.
    According to the travelodge website Loughborough University is something like 0.6 miles away so its really close I think :)
  17. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Booked my train today for monday from Preston, get in london euston about 11am.. so that gives me 4 hours-ish to grab lunch and get to the place :D
  18. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Cool if I were going to London too i'd suggest a meetup, but hopefully that will be the case for the final interviews :D

    I just got in touch with an old school friend who lives in Leicester and it turns out she is working in Loughborough on Wednesday morning, perfect! I'm going to stay at hers Tuesday night :D I'll be at the interview super early at like 7.30am though but least it'll give me a couple of hours to prepare for it I guess :)
  19. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    How long do you think it will be after the prescreen till we find out if we have got a final interview?
    Where are you from Sophie, i think thats your name :eek:
  20. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Glad you managed to get somewhere to stay. It looks like I'm risking it and driving down in the morning. It takes 3 hours to drive from mine so I'm hoping if I leave at 6 it should leave me enough time. Hopefully I might be able to persuade my Dad to leave at 5:30 hah!

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