
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    ohhhh theres one in liverpoollll? may request to move to that one.. haha
  2. LauraAnne19

    LauraAnne19 New Member

    Haha it would sure seem that way. Im just glad I dnt have to travel as im from Liverpool.
    I actually forgot about this website until I looked at my favourites, it was very helpful during my Disney interview and planning.
    Yeah the presentation starts at 12. :)
  3. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I have finally managed to get my account verified! I've been stalking this forum for ages haha! My name is Shayla, and I have a prescreen in Loughborough on the 28th :D so excited! I can't believe I actually got one as Disney rejected me :p BOOO!
    Anyway, I hope I get to know you all :D and good luck!!
  4. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Nice to meet you too Shayla and well done on getting an interview!
    Glad to see more people popping up now due to the pre-screens, get some proper Universal banter going ;)
    Still waiting to hear back from James to see if there are any other pre-screens but I'm pretty set on London now-at least it gives me a week plus to get stuff sorted.
  5. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey guys! I'm sat in a motel near the Grand Canyon right now lol my friend told me they'd send emails out and i was like oh no better check! Got an interview for 10am in Loughborough (Had no idea where that was till i googled it) But i'm gutted I can't actually get there! It's not possible to be there in time cos I live so far away and if I get a hotel the night before i'll have to take a whole day off uni missing my last lecture before the exam :/ ahh what a pain. I've emailed to see if i could get a later time, even just an hour and i'd make it! My train gets in at 9.41 and I have to be there at 9.45 but I have no clue how to get to the Uni from the train station...

    Anyone know?

    And congratz everyone on their interviews! x
  6. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    So glad to hear you got your email, I was worried for you as I didn't know when you would get back but phew, it's fine :D And yay, well done on your interview! Gutting about your timings though, hopefully they can change it. I think they'll be inundated today with people asking for destination/time swaps by the sound of it..
    And slightly jealous, Grand Canyon vs. rainy Aberdeen-i know where i'd rather be :D Hope you're having a lovely holiday
    And got an email from James, so no Scottish interviews and Loughborough would be all they could offer. Looks like December 2nd, London town it is, at least I have some notion of direction in London. It was worth a shot :p
  7. OhBrendy

    OhBrendy New Member

    Hey, I'm Megan :D
    I didn't want to post on the thread because I was absolutely gutted this morning when I checked my emails and didn't get an offer for a pre-screen interview.
    I just got an email from YJ offering me a phone interview though :S I don't know why! It's on the 29th.

    I did the Universal program last year, so if you have any questions feel free to ask! I'm not sure what they're changing on the program this summer, I guess you guys will find out at the pre-screen!

    Good luck everyone!!
  8. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I just looked for you and loughborough train station is about 10 minutes away from the university, it doesnt actually start till 10 so if you jumped in a taxi I'm sure you'd make it :D you could ask James if it would matter if you were 5 or 10 minutes late? I'm having to drive down on the morning too, takes about 3 hours so that should be fun leaving at like 5.30am haha :l

    Its crazy that you have to go all the way to London from Aberdeen! I really would have thought they'd of put something on in Scotland or atleast very northern England ha but nevermind!

    Maybe you got phone because you've already done it?
  9. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Well done but so envious of you getting a phone interview! It's going to cost me nearly 300 quid just for this one, same if i got the final, meaning I could potentially spend over half a grand and not even get a place. I'm really starting to question it now :(
    The alternative is i spend 52 quid but that means bussing it over night and not having a shower when i get there so i may be somewhat dishevelled and bussing it back, leaving at a quarter to midnight when i have uni and maybe work the next day. At least it means i have a chance to interview vs. not go at all. SO CONFUSED!
  10. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Congrats you guys on getting interviews! Gutted I can't even apply now if Disney say no cos they've closed :( guess it just wasn't meant to be!

    Ally - I'm going to London this Sunday for a visa interview, the easyjet flight to Luton was about £60 and the easybus in is less than a tenner so that might be a cheaper way to do it? I don't need a hotel though cos I'm staying on my brother's floor lol... Just a thought :)

    Yeah it's gutting though they don't have anything in the north - I had to go to Preston for my interview before! It's that southern thing of nothing north of the m25... ;)

    And Sophie I'm sure when mum and I went to Loughborough for the open day it was really quick to walk from the station so you should be fine in a taxi :)

    Good luck you guys! Keep me posted :p
  11. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Katie-Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it :) I've found something that would allow me to fly out on the day and go back by train for less than 200 quid (at least that was what it was before when i last checked, we all know what air fares are like...) so i may go with that. I hope you hear from Disney soon and that it will be good news :)

    Megan-I apologise in advance but i may bombard with you questions about universal, just tell me to shut up if need be :D I was just wondering what you worked as when you were out there and whether Universal was supportive of you for things like training and so forth? Also, are you under 21 and if so do you think do you think it made any difference in terms of the fun you can have? Sorry for 20 Questions again-I'm just curious :p Well done on your interview again!
  12. OhBrendy

    OhBrendy New Member

    haha no worries!!
    I worked in attractions on Men In Black:Alien Attack and yeah, training with Universal was great. I did a couple of days of training and they make sure you know everything before they let you start work and (from my experience) all the team members are really friendly and more than willing to help you out if you need it. Working for the company was my favourite bit of the experience, Universal are really supportive of you and if you have any problems they'll do everything they can to sort it out for you.
    Yeah, I just turned 19 before the summer but I didn't really see a difference. It depends what kind of person you are. Lots of people on the program went to downtown Orlando each week as you can get into clubs, you just can't legally drink. Then Universal has events going on in the park over the summer which are free for team members.
    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask :D
  13. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Men In Black = JEALOUS! That sounds so rocking :D
    Thanks for your answers, they were really insightful :) I was just wondering about the age thing as you hear people sometimes saying that they had wish they had gone when they were 21+ and I'd be turning 19 on the first day but it sounds like it would be decent. I want it so bad!
    Do you know other places where people worked?
    You will so regret allowing me to ask you questions, I'll try to contain myself ;)
    In other news, I'm flying out on the day of my interview (when I wake up I'll probably freak that I'm still in Aberdeen when I have an interview in London at 2pm. Oh god, that sounds so impossible!) so I should arrive in Heathrow at 9.45am, giving me 4 hours to get to the place but if i get the Paddington Express that should take out the 2hr tube journey. Then I'm getting the sleeper train back at 9pm from Euston. It will be a long day....
  14. OhBrendy

    OhBrendy New Member

    Yeah, the people who were like 20 were complaining about not being 21+ but to be honest, you can be working up to 40 hours a week so you don't really have a lot of time to go drinking. I'm 19 but I went to several house parties set up by the MIB team members and there were a couple of parties in the apartment complexes.
    I worked on MIB with one other girl, a girl worked at the Kid Zone area, I knew a guy working in the Terminator store and everyone else just worked in Islands. The majority worked in the Wizarding World (Forbidden Journey, Dragons Challenge etc, Three Broomsticks and basically all the shops). Then a couple of others worked in Marvel and Suess. Other people got to be gameskeepers and work in the ticket booths.
    I think Universal just put you where they need you/feel you would be best at.
  15. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    IT SOUNDS SO GOOD! They could place me where ever they want :D
  16. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Megan - that sounds like an awesome job. Someone I worked with at Disney used to work at MIB too!
    Glad you got everything sorted Ally for getting to the interview!

    I'm very much less bummed I can't apply for Universal as I GOT ONTO THE YEAR ICP!!! :D

    Wasn't sure where else to post that ;)

    Still on a high - congrats again to everyone with interviews, hopefully I can meet you in Florida! :)
  17. bekka

    bekka New Member


    My name is Bekka and I've just gotten my account approved.

    I have a pre-screen interview on the 28th in Loughborough too and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm having a bit of a stress about travel arrangements and things, I'm from Newcastle and I don't know if it's worth going on the Tuesday night and stopping over, or getting my dad to drive me down on Wednesday morning.

    I have a couple of questions but I don't know if anyone will be able to answer them but here we go anyway:

    - How long does the presentation & interview day tend to last? I've emailed James with this query but I'm just concerned that I might either have to book accommodation for another night, or if I book a train after 6pm that the event may last longer and I may miss part of it. Do you think it would be worth ringing the office if I don't hear back by tomorrow?
    - How many applicants get invited, roughly, to these events and how many people do they accepted onto the programme after the next interviews in December?

    Congratulations to everyone who has an interview, hopefully I'll get a chance to meet some of you. Also Katie that sounds amazing, congrats!

    Hope to talk to you all soon!

    :) x
  18. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I'm on the 28th too and I'm from near middlesbrough and me and my mum are staying in the travelodge the night before too make sure were there on time so it's probably best to do that but I doubt it will be on still by 6 so that time train should be okay
    :) I'm getting excited now!
  19. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Glad to see another Teessider on here, where abouts near Middlesbrough are you from Shayla?

    Me and my dad are doing the same, driving down the night before and staying in a travel lodge. I don't want to risk going on the morning and getting stuck in traffic or something.

    Congrats Katie, You're so lucky!

    Bekka, I'm pretty sure the Presentation and and interview will be finished by 6pm however I would definitely check with Yummy Jobs.
    And I have no idea how many applicants were invited but apparently YJ had to close applications early so that makes me think there could be a lot of people. :-\

  20. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Guessing we're all representing the North East then hah!
    I emailed YJ and James said: "You are in the morning presentation, therefore the lastest time you should be finished is at 3pm."

    So I should be good whatever ends up happening regarding travel but I'm still debating about what to do though. My dad is convinced that if we leave at 6am we should be there on time, but I'm panicking about not making it. Hmph. We shall see.

    Yeah I had heard that they had closed it early, which is why I asked. I'm excited all the same!


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