
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Definitely within 2 weeks, Becky said we'd be able to apply for it as we'd know if we hadn't got Disney by then. Terrified i'll find out on my birthday though and get a no.... :s

    It was for Universal the phone interviews but I'm not sure whether it will be a phone or a pre-screen event. Although if it is done before the end of the year then maybe I can apply. Who knows. Working on my plan B for if/when I get a no from Disney.

    Thanks for the luck, hope we can all have a big pot of luck we can grab from!

    Have fun Sophie, I'm so jealous you're going to the USA again!
  2. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Haha as if I remember that far back as well haha. Ace. Yeah was good times Katie and omg good luck I'm sure you will have got it!!! Keep us posted. Shoulda let me know when you were at uclan. Woulda been ace to reminisce haha.

    Oh and I got the email about universal too.

    And Sophie have loads of fun in the U S of A xx
  3. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    At least if you got in on your Birthday, that would be the best Birthday ever! It's good you don't have to wait too long and I think the ICP was meant to be 2 weeks to find out, but it only ended up being a week so I'm sure you'll hear soon. Keep us posted, my fingers are crossed for you :)
  4. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Just got an email from yummy jobs. Got invited to a pre screen on Monday. It's in London. Not sure if I will be able to make it as london is faaaaar from here. Anyone else!?
  5. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    YAY WELL DONE! Monday though-wow that's close! So I'm guessing the December acceptance time must be right. Looks like I lied to Sophie when I said there would be no emails before she came back :-[ About to check mine, so nervous though!
  6. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    GOT ONE! :D Mine's on December 2nd in London town, in a restaurant-I'll have to try and not get distracted by food. Only thing is it's a Sunday which is good as I won't miss uni but bad as our schedule has been done up to New Year and I am pretty sure i'll be scheduled to work it. Looks like I'll have to try and be nice and do a swapsy ;)
    I may have to actually think on this though now, as to go to London twice potentially and not get through a = hassle and b = EXPENSIVE. I really want it though! Doesn't help that my mum doesn't support it though now, especially after the debacle last time :-\
    And yup read the whole email now, we're going to find out by Christmas time if we're in or not! This could either be the best Christmas ever or the worst....
    I hope Sophie can check her email when she's away as you have to respond by Friday ???
    But well done to everyone who gets-Facebook group time me thinks :)
  7. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Hey Guys,

    So after a bit of confusion with how to verify my account I finally sorted it out. I'm Pete and I've also applied for the Program. I applied to the ICP too but didn't get through to the pre-screening. Which may have been a blessing in disguise as this Program sounds absolutely perfect for me.

    I have a pre-screen in Loughborough on Wednesday 28th, anyone else there or do you all have yours in London?

    Looking forward to getting to know you all :)

  8. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Hey it's nice to meet another applicant at last! It's been like a 4-way conversation for the past few weeks, rather like a ghost town :D
    I'm on December 2nd in London but am trying to interrogate Yummy Jobs to see if there are alternatives as Aberdeen to London is a heck of a distance, money and hassle. I want it so bad though!
    Well done on your interview again :) I got to Disney Pre-Screen then got canned, so at least I haven't got worse!
  9. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    I've kinda been thread stalking for a good few weeks haha.
    Aberdeen to London would take a long time! I go to Uni in Leeds and even though it's not that far from Loughborough it's still going to take me a few hours on a bus/train. I hate public transport :(

    Well done on your interview too! Let's hope we impress YJ enough to go through to the final interviews, and fingers crossed, be accepted! :)

  10. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Heyyyyy ! I got through to final interview of ICP for disney - then got canned :( haha.. really wanna do this, but mines on monday in london!!! Im from up north too - so did e-mail james back and enquired on anything up north :) xxx
  11. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Ok, you had it worse than me then! I'm going to have to enquire too as has my friend in Aberdeen who got one as well. Why couldn't they do phone interviews like last year?! I have a feeling that maybe those who get on it will be those who are the ones who can simply interview at this rate :D
    And fingers crossed for us all :)
  12. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Hahaha I know.. wish they'd have one in Manchester or something, least its a tad more north.. even birmingham haha.. but bloody london - southerners :p
  13. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Think about us wee Scots ;) But yeah, even I'd settle for Manchester! I wonder how many pre-screens there are. I know Yummy jobs has closed the applications due to demand, but I wonder if that's just a cover as they want to get it done and sorted... :-\
    I'm tempted to start up a Facebook group but then there's not a lot of people floating about here yet..
  14. Expederest

    Expederest New Member

    I got a pre-screen for 26th November, so next Monday. Unlike you guys, I live in London so I have no problems there. Noticed it's also at the same place I had the ICP pre-screening. Luckily I have no lectures scheduled that day. Unluckily, I have 2 reports due that day... I'm going to have to find out whether the reports are due in by hand or online before I accept the pre-screen.
  15. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Heyy i'm in london on that day too.. but at 2pm.. so if your reports are hand in only at 9am.. you could maybe ask to go to the 2pm one instead? :)
  16. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    There seems to be a lot of pre-screens; Monday to Sunday? That means a lotta people :eek:
    I'm so confused over this! So much to consider :(
  17. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    I wish there was one in Manchester, would be so much easier! Even London would probably be easier to get to than Loughborough as it's on a direct train route and seems to even be cheaper.

  18. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Hmmm well so far i know of 3 different dates of pre-screens.
    But i know on the date i have it.. monday 26th theres a 9am one and a 2pm one x
  19. LauraAnne19

    LauraAnne19 New Member

    Hey :)
    Im Laura, I took part in the Disney ICP this summer and had the most amazing summer ever!
    I have been selected for a pre screen interview on the 27th November in Liverpool. So exciting.
  20. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    So it seems Monday 26th = London
    Tuesday 27th = Liverpool
    Wednesday 28th = Loughborough
    Sunday 2nd = London
    They like places beginning with L it seems ;) Looks like it'll be a busy week!
    Hi Laura, glad you've joined us :) Despite being exceptionally confused over how to organise everything, I'm very excited too. I really hope I get this one!

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