
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Heyyy thought i'd join in since i'm an applicant too - I'm from Preston :D :D
  2. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Hey hey :) Glad to see another applicant, Piglet and me have fairly dominated this thread! So I know it's a bit early to be thinking about, and extremely hopeful, but what kind of things would you guys like to do/where work? I'd love to do Merchandise or Attractions, preferably in WWOHP or failing that ET, Ripsaw Falls, Popeye, Shrek. To be fair, anywhere would tickle me :D
  3. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I live near Leeds in Yorkshire, a little further North tho, I guess we don't live too far apart, at least I don't live really far down South lol And I know what you mean, I feel like it is a rival but then at the same time I feel like it's a brand new experience and still something i'd love to do! It's not like a last resort or second choice it's actually something I think I would choose even if I was offered Disney cos I haven't worked at Universal before :p (Also I hear the housing is amazing too lol)

    And yeh I do write that blog :D It feels hard updating it now though since I will probably never get to work for Disney again :( I do enjoy it though and it's really relevant for my uni work because I do journalism and as part of the course were expected to actively write content for a blog. Mines more of a Q & A/photo blog tho lol I'm using sophiesjourney.tumblr.com for next years program tho, i'll probably document the Universal application process but knowing my luck I probably won't even get an interview haha

    Hey ParkyPants! What are people's names btw? It feels weird when people call me Piglet, I didn't really think about it when I chose the username :') My name is Sophie btw,

    And as for places to work, I know this is cheesy and everyone says this but i literally will work anywhere! I don't mind. I don't even have any preferences at all cos I don't know the parks well enough! And if there's one thing i've learnt about Disney..go in there completely open minded cos I got Animal Kingdom and it turned out to be the best park to work, out at 7pm every day and ready to enjoy the other parks :p Whereas others get jobs that sound amazing like oooh Haunted Mansion for example but then you're stuck working til 3am sometimes.. I know it doesn't really matter but yeh i'd do anything :p lol Except i'd actually rather not work food and beverage :)

    And obviously working at Harry Potter World would make me extremely excited but i'm not going to rely on that since I can imagine everyone wants to work there :p hehee x
  4. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    dun dun dun the big reveal....my name is Alexandra! But please call me Alex, Alexandra is too serious for my liking ;)
    I love your Disney blog, it's so informative! And never say never, who knows where the future may take you. For all you know you'll end up the CEO of WDW someday! When my year had "most likely to be CEO of WDW" for the yearbook, I practically campaigned to get it :D Of course my doing International Tourism had nothing to do with this aim ::) ;)
    At first, I'll admit Universal was second-choice but now that I've actually physically done the application; thought back on all the memories and done a ton of research (anything to not do coursework), there's no doubt that I want this just as bad as I wanted Disney. There's no way I'd apply if I didn't as I know how gutted I would feel if someone got one of these opportunities who wanted to go to Florida and get some sun and didn't care at all about the Parks or the company.
    Like you, I'd be more than happy to work in any position in any area of the park, as they're all so vibrant in their own way. Dr. Seuss land would be pretty rocking :D I keep thinking of new areas where I'd love to work, imagine being a skipper on Jaws-the cheese you'd have to put in that would be immense :D
  5. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Sorry thread stalking again :p
    If I don't get the year I might apply for Universal if I find out in time, I'd love to have the chance to do this! And a really good friend works on E.T. and loves it, and another works in Suess and says its OK there... haha. Sadly, Jaws closed this year though!

    Let's see what happens though - Michelle my interview is actually in Preston on Wednesday - haven't been there in a while!
    Good luck for all your applications though :)
  6. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Ohhh ace- Preston :p Poor you?! is it in UCLAN? haha, anddd i'd love to work attractions - DESPICABLE ME is my favourite thing ever and i'd so love to work on that new ride, failing that, any other ride would be amazing, something like simpsons would suit me well :D :D

    I'm studying International Hospitality Management at UCLAN right now, 1st year, I did the Cultural Rep program at Disney in 2009/10, and would love to add universal to my CV, think its a bit of a different cup of tea to Disney but i still love it :D
  7. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I totally forgot Jaws went, sad times :( As long as they don't get rid of E.T...
    And good luck for your interview katiej22 :)
  8. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Haha maybe I'll see you on Weds Michelle... it is at UCLAN lol. So gutted they're not coming to RGU anymore, Aberdeen is a long way to travel! You prob don't remember Michelle but we were in DHS the day Michael Jackson died together with a whole load of people... weird the things you remember!!

    I don't think they're planning on getting rid of ET anytime soon :) if I don't get Disney and can go for this I'd love to work somewhere like ET or Simpsons. Or Rock n Roller coaster haha...

    Good luck for all you applying though - I'm sure you'll do ace :)

    Thanks Ally - maybe I'll see you round at RGU sometime ;)
  9. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    oh my god!! Yes i remember, we were with that big canadian guy as well - Dan and a few others?!?! haha yess!!!! I found out i can't do the Disney placement for my year out due to the fact i got 1 reprimand - absolutely gutted! !
  10. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Aw Jaws is gone :( I've only been on that once, barely remember it but i'm sure it scared me lol

    I think i'd really like working attractions but then again all the roles appeal to me :p
  11. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Anyone else get this email today:

    Greetings from the Yummy Jobs Team!

    We are delighted that you are interested in the unique opportunity that is the Universal Orlando® Resort International Program.

    If you are seeking an international living experience with the chance to earn and experience the sights of Florida, while making memories that will last a lifetime then look no further…

    Please download the Program Highlights Sheet here -https://www.box.com/s/rb8wi72m165ncjwpdvpo

    This document will give you an overview of this opportunity, the living proportions of the program and the roles available for you.

    We have also attached a budget sheet for the program here – https://www.box.com/s/w5u1ez9vrc3raufmhc57

    The program fee provides you with a guaranteed job role with one of the leading entertainment industries, Universal Resort Orlando®, your VISA, medical insurance, SEVIS fee and prearranged housing. All you need to worry about is how you’re going to fit everything in that Orlando has to offer during your program!

    We will work closely with Yummy Travel to ensure all candidates can travel together and are offered the best in flight prices.

    As for everything else, Yummy Jobs will help you every step of the way in your journey all the way to Orlando!

    If you have any questions please email james@yummyjobs.com

    So what happens next?

    We will be in contact shortly regarding the next steps with your application and the pre-screen interview stage. We are excited to get to know you!

    Thanks and Kind Regards,

    James Davies

    Guessing it's a pre-screen this year then ;) And when I looked at the programme lay out, the Rest and Cultural Day is June 12th-my Birthday so I doubly want it now! And wow, you can be a vacation planner-rocking!:D Why did they have to send this a day before a report deadline, my already lacking concentration just got 10 times worse!
  12. Expederest

    Expederest New Member

    I got the same email just now. Does this mean we're going through to the pre-screening, or we're just being informed about it? And it's going to cost about £2,000 overall... I don't think I could afford that... Plus the minimum pay we'd get for the whole experience (minus the rent) is just over £1,000. So yeah, it's going to take a bit of thought for me, because I'm already spending about £3,000 for my Australia fieldwork trip.
  13. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I don't think it means we're getting one, just that they'll let us know soon-which sounds like it should be before Christmas which is good :) It's such a kick in the face if we don't get one though as reading the plan has just taken me to a whole new level of excitement as the roles sounds so awesome. I wonder what an operations guide is though?
    I'm thinking they're sending us this stuff though as they know that cost is going to be a big deciding factor for us and so maybe they want people to take back their application BEFORE they interview as opposed to changing their mind after. I was a little shocked though as I thought it'd be about £1500 but considering everything AND the cost of travelling for an interview and VISA, it will be above the £2000 mark :eek: I'm definitely still going for it though, and I hope you can too although Expederest with your Austrailia fieldwork (wow, jealous!) I can imagine that will be a lot of saving! Hopefully you can work something out :)
    Also, I was looking at the budget and in the header it said "Program fees, payable within 7 days of aceeptance, DECEMBER 2012". Is that a typo or are all interviews going to be carried out by the end of the year. That can't be right....

    I dunno, all I know is that this email has severly distracted me at a time when I really need to concentrate-curse Yummy Jobs! :D
  14. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Yes we were - good memory!!! Can't believe that was 3 years ago! :eek:

    That absolutely sucks you can't do the year program!!! Utter rubbish in my opinion! Not sure how today went but I think we've got about a 50-50 chance.... :s

    Not sure i can even go for applying to Universal - I'd be abroad for when the final interviews would be - boo! (Though Becky said today people in Aberdeen would probably have a phone interview rather than a pre-screen though that may be cos she felt bad we went all the way to Preston!)

    Good luck though Alex and Sophie and everyone :) sounds promising!!! Xx
  15. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I'm sure you're interview went better than you thought, do you have an idea of when you find out? Hopefully it'll be soon so you won't be kept in suspense :)
    Sorry to be a pain but what do you mean about the phone interviews for Aberdeen folk-is that for Disney or Universal? I've probably got the wrong end of the stick so ignore me if I have ;)
    And thanks for the well-wishing too, I wish you luck for your application!
  16. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey guys i'm so busy but I thought i'd quickly pop on and say I got the email too, yay :D Sounds exciting! I don't even have time to read the documents tho but it doesn't sound good reading what you've said about costs :eek:

    I'm just packing right now to fly to America in the morning! So excited! But when I get back maybe we'll have interview emails :p Ooh pre-screen events? Hope there's no phone interviews this time :D x
  17. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    So while you're jetting off to the US of A, I'm stuck here writing a report. I want to be you so badly right now!
    Anyways, have a safe trip and I hope you have a lovely time :)
  18. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Lol yeh but i'll be suffering the consequences when I get back! I'm in final year so missing so much, stupid time to go really! Haha but I worked all summer to pay for the trip so i'm gunna enjoy it :p I'll speak to u all when I get back and I really really hope I don't miss getting an interview cos i'm unable to respond in time or something lol x
  19. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I wouldn't worry about that, I doubt we'll hear till after the 28th November when applications close so unless you're on a particularly long holiday, you should be clear ;)
  20. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Oh yeh I completely forgot that the application date is that late! How are they going to get all the interviews, offers and payments processed by December 2012 :eek: crazy! lol

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