
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Thanks :D I will definately check out your blog! I'm not entirely sure what job I want yet I just would like an office job if I can just to give me the experience for when I get back :p But either way i'm happy :) I will look into it and get back to u x
  2. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Just pressed the 'apply' button for universal :D
  3. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Yay, another Universal Applicant Buddy :D Can't believe we may have to wait till January to find out if we get so much as another interview though, I may be waiting more for that then Christmas! :-[
    If applications close on December 2nd, I'm kind of hoping we may find out before...After all these applications, my patience skills will be perfected ;)
  4. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Applications don't close December the 2nd.. they close November 28th, have they just changed that? :eek:

    Can I just butt in and say I was checking my emails from last year and I actually didn't apply for Universal until December 18th last year :eek: They got back to me with a phone interview on January 10th..

    If you do the math.. With the applications closing pretty much 3 weeks earlier than last year it shouldn't be long after Christmas that you find out :p
  5. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Yup they've changed! When they emailed me after I applied they said December 2nd, now they've changed it to November 28th. Uh oh, me thinks they're getting a lot of applications :-\
    Yeah, I read up about last year and I saw that applications were open to about January last year but this year they were like October 25th-November 28th. Either they're worried about demand or they're wanting things sorted sooner. I'm hoping it's the latter ;)
    And you're not butting in, I love talking to people about these things as my parents are sick to death of it!
  6. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Also, does anyone know any blogs by Universal people from last year? I really want to hear what it was like especially as it was in guinea pig run last year :D
  7. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    HeyHey. I couldn't find any blogs. Been searching for ages haha. :( yeah I noticed they're closing sooner too x x x x
  8. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey I might be able to find some blogs, I know a girl who did it last year so i'll have a search :p

    Also I have some news..

    I was really happy with doing Bunac until I found myself applying for a job at Harry Potter World as a sales associate haha then I realised what am I doing! Why don't I just apply for the Universal program lol ='] I realised that I really wanna be in Florida and I absolutely love Universal! I'm really scared though because I got wait-listed last year but then didn't get on and then you find yourself with nothing for the Summer :(

    But anyway so yeh you have another applicant to chat to :p hehee. I'm not going to get my hopes up though cos i'll probably end up being disappointed again! Eek. What I am going to do though is actively job hunt and if I don't get through i'll do Bunac but have to hope I can find a job in America whilst i'm over there or just really fast before I go.. eek.

    Bunac have scrapped the group flights.. that really blows and puts me off :eek:
  9. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

  10. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Wait, so are you applying again? AWESOME :D
    Sorry 'bout the BUNAC flights though, that's kinda gutting as I imagine going out in a group would at least help you to meet people in the same boat and not feel so alone...
  11. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Yeh I applied today, spent quite a long time on my application so I hope it's good enough :) I don't think I spent long enough on my Disney app cos when I checked back on it today it sounded a bit lame lol

    I graduate next year so I really hope I make it cos it's my last chance :p And I'm excited to go through the application process with you guys, I love these forums! So do you think they'll do pre-selection events or phone interviews this year? x
  12. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I'm sure your application is amazing-my fingers are crossed for us ;D I want this so badly now!
    I think they may do pre-screens again which I'm not too sure about, as I just get so nervous that I won't get a word in and it's nice to be able to represent yourself without having to fight your way into the conversation. Also, last time i thought my pre-screen went well but ehm hem, it clearly didn't...
    However, then with a phone interview, i always feel like i want the person to see me so they can see i'm being genuine. You can't win with me! ;)
    Either way if i can pass the CV stage and get an chance to represent myself either in person or over phone, I'm chuffed. I'd be more chuffed if I got Universal though obviously :D
    And thanks for the blog links, I've read Kate's as I sent her an "Ask" about it. Eager beaver and all that...Reading blogs just makes me want these things so much more!
  13. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    lol I just want an interview this time! For Disney I didn't even get past the cv screening! I think that's what upsets me the most cos I didn't even get a chance to prove myself, at least if i didn't get through then I could feel like I tried my best but I didn't even get a chance to do that lol

    And I never thought this would be possible but I think I actually might want Universal more than Disney now :eek: Just cos I've already done the Disney program and i'd love to try something different, also for the first time ever I actually have the £800 program fee and I absolutely love the stuff they have at Universal cos i'm a massive geek with all the parks, love the Jurassic Park land <3

    I'd rather a pre-screen, i tend to fail every telephone interview but I've never not got a job after a f2f interview.. so eek I hope that's the case :)
  14. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I can't believe you didn't get past the CV stage for Disney, having worked there before I'm pretty sure you've got the skills they're looking for! Where did you work at Disney?
    I'm the same, I just really want an interview so I can prove myself either in voice/person as I'll feel so disappointed if I don't even get a chance. The thing is with YJ, the applications seems to be major crucial seeing as what 1700 applied for Disney, but only about 500 or something got pre-screens. That's some insane cutting based only on CV!
    I keep reading Kate's Blog and I'm just like I want this, I want this soooo bad. And it's 3 months, which would be longer than the Disney one so more experience/fun!
  15. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    lol I know right, I really don't get what they were looking for with mine :p The only thing I can think of (which makes me feel better haha) Is that they never really look at ur cvs they just look at what you fill out on there site.. u know like the skills section. Cos I didn't fill those boxes out I wrote it all in my cover letter :/ So for Universal this time i've really filled out all the boxes loads!

    Also I read that they treat people who've done it before separate to those who haven't, there'll be a lot less go through who have done it before cos they are compared to others who have and they'll want new people on the program. I probably just wasn't good enough tbh

    And yeh I actually had a dream last night that I got the rejection email and I only applied yesterday! It scared me cos the dream was so real and I was soo gutted lol I hope that doesn't happen :( But least I know I really want it :p x
  16. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Freaking out right now-THERE'S A SKILLS SECTION? Do you just mean the motivation/key positions held bit? Getting slightly worried I've not taken advantage of all the boxes...
    I've just done what I did with Disney and put a cover letter in with my CV and then done a totally new motivation thing in the motivation box which slightly matches up with my cover letter but totally expands on it. Hopefully it should be enough to get me an interview :)
    And I'm sure you were good enough, but I have heard a lot about how it's harder to get in a second time. At least you've gone once :)
    And phft, I don't just have nightmares about getting rejected, I imagine it almost everyday when I'm awake. Then there are the lovelier daydreams when I get a "Congrats your in" email. Ah, those are the daydreams ;)
  17. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Haha I have those daydreams all the time :p And yeh I meant the motivation part lol I filled them out very vague last time and just wrote a long cover letter, this time i've really filled those out but got rid of my cover letter and hopefully covered it all on my cv :D I got a phone interview for Universal last year tho and then got wait-listed for a f2f but didn't get another one :( I guess we'll see what happens anyway. Wouldn't it be awesome if we both got to go together :D ahh
  18. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Thank god, you just meant the motivation bit. I was just like, skills box? There is no skills box! :eek: You see how much I want this, I'm getting paranoid!
    That sucks getting wait-listed for an interview last year, at least you know there's something in you that they like though.
    It would be so ace if we both got it, or at least if both got an interview and it was at the same place. I love how this thread has basically become a long conversation between us, where are all the rest of the universal applicants hiding? or maybe it's just us and Parky applying! ;)
  19. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Haha I know right I was thinking that, we could add each other on facebook but then I never really talk on there. I love forums I much prefer writing long messages lol I wish there was a Universal Studios forum like this :(

    And yeh they said last year that I could be fast tracked for an Interview for a different program but none of them really suited me. I hope we both get through then we could meetup if you like :p (Jumping the gun a bit here lol) Where abouts do you live by the way? x
  20. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Aberdeen, Scotland :) How about you? This will be the awkward moment when we discover we live at totally different ends of the country (rather that than the awkward moment when neither of us gets an interview and so don't need to meet up)! But yeah, I'd be more than happy for a meet-up if we both got through, that was one of the funnest parts the pre-screen for me. Even though me and someone both got rejected, we're still in contact. That's why I love this website; I meet people like me!:D
    I know, a Universal forum would be so useful! I feel like I'm one the dark side by having it on a Disney-orientated website but the applicants are much the same and it allows people to see both sides of the experiences. I am sure once applications really get going, a Facebook group will be set off. I love how since Disney ICP Uk got sorted, it's kind of been like a dead town in this section-everyone's moved to Facebook!
    This may sound stalkerish, but I think I follow you on Tumblr-are you the 'Working for Disney' blog?

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