
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Oh and Sophie, I forgot to get her second name for Facebook, or her number, just completely slipped my mind :(

  2. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Yay well done Mikey!

    Sophie, I can't fault the iPad!
  3. GlenR23

    GlenR23 New Member

    Fellow opportunity lister. I think it's more that they think we're suited for a job with yummyjobs... but maybe not universal. D: i am absolutely gutted at the moment, hopefully a few of us will get through. (i kinda want to hear of someone getting a rejection...)
  4. OhBrendy

    OhBrendy New Member

    Hey guys, I just had my phone interview yesterday (Monday) and I got invited to an interview on the 14th in Liverpool.

    Fingers crossed that everyone on the opportunity list gets invited to Liverpool/London!!

    La Palazza was one of the apartment complexes used for the program last summer, it's about 4-5 miles from Universal and everyone staying there was given a bike to travel to work on. There was a $50 deposit for the bike (you get it back if you return the bike) and I think it came with a helmet and chain. There's no Lynx buses near La Palazza but half of my program lived there and managed to get to work every day. The apartments themselves are actually lovely and they're next to a lake. I only got to visit La Palazza once or twice though because the apartment complex I lived in was a ten minute taxi ride away.
  5. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Aw man i'm gutted I really just wanna know but I can't do any of the other programs anyway cos i'm no swimmer..

    And my chances are cut in half cos the Liverpool interview clashes with my exam :(
  6. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Well done Megan! :D
    And Sophie, would you not be interested in the Rainforest Cafe/Bubba Gump Shrink things? I'm taking it you wouldn't have to swim for those.
    Also, I thought they mentioned something about future opportunities for Sea World at the Disney Pre-Screen, I wonder if that could be a future possibility they might introduce?
    But before we get ahead of ourselves, there's still a chance for Universal, we cannot give up till Friday :)
  7. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    Let's hope a few of us actually get through or this threads going to have a depressing end :p
  8. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    I just don't understand, if they have as many visa's as last year then that would mean they'd be giving about 100+ a final interview... how is it that like the majority of people on here haven't got one? Maybe they don't have that many visa's? Who knows ey. I hope at least some people manage it, because I think we all deserve it!

  9. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I know right! And to think we were all worried about only a few of us not getting, awkward...
    To be fair, there are only about what 10 of us here on the opportunity list, so it could just be a really bad coincidence.
    But yeah, hopefully at least a few of ourselves can be freed from the list! I think we are likely to hear tomorrow or Thursday as people who have received interviews, may take a few days to think about whether to confirm or not if they are not sure. Personally, I'm not banking on anything :(
    Did anyone who applied last year, end up on this list? If so, did many or any eventually get an interview?
  10. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    I think we will hear thursday or friday to be honest, as usually when you recieve an invitation from yummy jobs on a Monday for an interview they usually ask you to confirm your place by the wednesday. :)

    So fingers crossed lots of people decide they cannot afford it - or jus dont bother accepting their place :)
  11. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    last year they did phone interviews instead of pre-screens and i was put on the waitinglist for a final interview... I got an email saying they were waiting to hear back from Universal on whether they could get any more visas, i got an email the following monday saying they weren't taking me thru to the next round but they could offer me another interview for something else so i'm not sure if many people came off the waiting list tbh, I never met any1 on it.. the majority on here got interviews or rejected
  12. GlenR23

    GlenR23 New Member

    I'm really hopeful that some of us get through... like, i've dreamed about working in America for years and it just felt that it had come pretty close.. but now it's disappearing. it's a horrible feeling! although, i know there is still a chance i feel as though i may need to wait until next year to re-apply and hopefully by then i'll have a lot more experience and everything.

  13. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I know how you feel except I already have the experience cos I've been working for a long time and must have had the experience to get onto my 1st program and I graduate in May so I can't ever do this again :eek: lol ohh well fingers crossed we still have until Friday :) x
  14. OhBrendy

    OhBrendy New Member

    I was given until Wednesday to confirm my place at the interview, so hopefully by tomorrow afternoon YJ should have their numbers for who is attending and who isn't.

    I'm really hoping you guys get invitations to the interview!
    Maybe people aren't able to make it on the 14th or 15th, change their mind or get put off by the cost of the program.

    Fingers crossed!!

    I think last year there were about 150-200 people attending the final interview stage and 75 got put on the program :)
  15. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I'm actually devastated, I know now that this must mean I havent got one and I really wanted it :( Good Luck all those that have do it for us haha!
  16. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I know it's gutting but don't give up entirely yet, we're most likely to hear something Thursday/Friday. They wouldn't have the list i expect if they didn't think some people might get off it and get an interview :)
  17. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I take it still no-ones heard anything? Anyone heard of anyone who's got off the waiting-list yet? :) x
  18. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    GUESS WHAT :D:D:D....

    i'v not heard anything D:
  19. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Nope not heard anything! :(
  20. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    shaylaao, you actually had my heart racing there-curse you! ;)
    No, I've not heard anything either. Considering today is the confirmation deadline, I suppose it's more likely we'll hear something late tonight/tomorrow though maybe :-\

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