
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    Everyone had to answer a few questions such as Who you were, where you study, would you be interested in alternative programs if they can't offer you a final interview for Universal, what roles would you do, if you have knowledge on Harry Potter and wanted to be places in WWOHP etc...

    Then in my interview it was just an open forum for the rest of the questions, which included all the usual interview questions, like why do you want to do it, what challenges may you find etc...

    You know what, I really don't know what I want for Christmas! If Santa was rich I'd ask him to bring me a car and a Macbook, but I'm pretty sure he can't afford that, so I'll happily take being at home with all my family and friends! :D

  2. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Ah thanks for clearing that up Pete, that was extremely helpful :)
    And darn you Sophie, that's exactly what I was going to say I wanted for Christmas ;) Failing that, all I want is a happy festive Christmas Day full of love, food and happiness with no fights or worries. As ridiculously cheesy as that sounds, I mean it :)
    How about you?
  3. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey Pete they didn't ask us if we would be interested in other programs if we didn't get through.. :eek:

    And i'd love a Christmas day with my family but we fell out and my sisters don't speak to me so I just hope for a good day at my boyfriends parents house instead! Wish me luck haha and an IPAD would be nice too ='] (Bit too expensive though lol)

    2 days guys!!
  4. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Are me and Michelle the only two here that are over 21? :eek:
  5. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    They said if we did well but they couldn't offer us a position, if we'd be interested in a final interview for either Landry's or the water park place, or Six flags and then in the interview they asked us if we were interested in that if we didn't get through.

    2 days, needs to hurry up! :p If I don't get accepted I just wanna know now so I can plan something else lol

    I'm not sure Sophie, I'm only 19 haha, but would be 20 come the Program.

    Good luck to everyone with interviews tomorrow!

  6. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Thank you! Starting to freak out now, can't believe it's tomorrow argh. I take back what I said, I don't want Sunday to come :eek:
    Sophie, I'm only 18 but on the second day of the program, I'd be 19 whoop! I'm just a young un :p And I hope Santa brings you your Ipad!
  7. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I'd turn 21 3 days before the program :D
  8. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    ohhh i feel old.. if I got in.. i'd turn 23 out a couple weeks after we arrive! haha

    haha and sophie im thinking.. maybe epcot - drink around the world? :D
  9. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Aww that sounds like fun, looks like us twenty-one unders would have to settle for an EAT around the world ;)
  10. LauraAnne19

    LauraAnne19 New Member

    I would also love a car for christmas but thats never gonna happen so im not really to fussed. Im just looking forward to seeing all my family in my nans on christmas morning.

    Im am so up for drinking around the world! I turn 21 in January. :) For those under 21 you can still party and get into the clubs, just no drink. You can get into Buffalo Wild Wings, Ale house and can go clubbing in downtown Orlando on the party bus and then possibly House of Blues in Downtown Disney. I partied like all the time in the summer and it was good to not have a hangover the mext morning!

  11. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Haha snack around the world - I love itttt
  12. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    So who reckons we will actually find out on Monday? And what time :eek:
  13. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Ale House!!! WOW I always wanted to know that place's name and now you've said I remember now <3

    I worked at Disney when I was 19 and I partied all the time :p It was great so you'll still have lot's of fun, which i'm sure you know anyway cos drink isn't everything lol

    But yeh Michelle i'm totally up for that! haha us 23 year old grannies will be proud to be old whilst were sipping our cocktails lol!

    Look at me talking like i'm actually going, my dream is just gunna be shattered on Monday isn't it ='] haha Might be tempted to go buy an IPAD with the program fee if I don't get an interview, it'll save me relying on Santa lol
  14. LauraAnne19

    LauraAnne19 New Member

    haha I never went but a few of my friend went and said it was good. :) yeah you can still party, I just went crazy on red bull lol Not gonna lie I would also be up for snacking around the world!
    Erm if we find out on monday im going to say around 5/6 based on previous results :)

  15. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Hahaha oh yes!!

    Anddddddddddddddd I think maybe we will find out Monday :) If not deffo weds... its usually around the 6pm mark haha
  16. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Sorry I haven't checked this thread in a couple of days. For Christmas I haven't really asked for much / there isn't anything I really want. Will just be nice to spend the day with family with some good food!

    I would only be 20 by the time the programme rolled around too. I think it's really weird that they still let you into clubs despite not being 21.

    I hope we find out on Monday. I've decided that even if I don't get it, I'm gonna try and get myself over there for at least a month so hopefully I'll meet some of you if it turns out that it's bad news.

    Hope you're all having a good weekend !:)
  17. LauraAnne19

    LauraAnne19 New Member

    It is really strange, they dont even let you hold a drink! its funny when they give you black Xs on your hand to show you are under 21, we had many laughs with that lol

    My brother is doing the Disney ICP so even if I dont get universal (fingers crossed) I want to go and see him for 1 or 2 weeks, got to make use of them maingates and discounts! ;)

  18. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Yeh i'll definately be visiting Universal and Disney next year too just cause if I don't get through i'll be saving to go and hopefully will be able to for Halloween :D

    And I think we will hear back Monday cos that's what they said :) So if they haven't made a decision they should email us to tell us that they're running late or something :) For Disney most people heard the days leading up to the Monday and I heard at about 8.30am on the Monday x
  19. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    The good thing is i'm not a big drinker but like partying so it sounds pretty perfect for me. Now, I just need to get on the program...
    For results, I'm thinking it will be Monday 6pm/7pmish. I just hope they email everyone at once and don't do the thing where only the succesful people get emailed on the Monday and the next day the people who got rejected get told, as that's kind of what happened with Disney. It was horrible :(
    Gah, it's so frustrating talking about when we find out when I haven't even interviewed yet. In 8mins, it'll be interview day. Dun dun...
    I really wish I could make out to Florida next year regardless but there's no way I could afford it, as I don't think the parents will be too keen on me using inheritance to go on holiday :p If I don't get it, hopefully I can try for the other alternatives and failing that, I'll try for Study Abroad in Canada or the Netherlands :)
  20. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    lol you haven't had your interview yet, I bet you're really excited :p (You may aswell be cos it's really fun)
    And I know I really don't want that to happen, I was one of those rejected still waiting when everyone had already got their f2fs..awful feeling lol

    And if you didn't get through would you not be able to use the £800 program fee you'd save to pay for a holiday in Florida? :) And the flight cost with Yummy would pay for your flight to Florida without Yummy? haha just a thought? :p I know it wouldn't be as awesome as working there but least you could still go ;)

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