
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by AllyBallyBee, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. LauraAnne19

    LauraAnne19 New Member

    Hope everyones interview went well!
    I had my interview on Tuesday, even won a prize for answering one of the questions correctly. There was 11 people including myself in my group, I think it went well but like others said there was some strong characters in my group. I think in total there must have been about 40/45 people maybe at the Liverpool presentation as we had 4 interview groups. :)
    I remember Becky said that we would find out on Monday however James said probably Wednesday as he is obviously out of the office all week. Fingers crossed it is Monday though, I can't bear the long wait lol

  2. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    It sounds like you guys all did well so hopefully my interview will go in a similar fashion :) Likewise with reading all the blogs and the program schedule, I want this so much and I know I'm going to be so gutted if I don't. Fingers crossed for us all!
    I want Sunday to come quicker so I can know how I will do already-most people are counting down sleeps till Christmas and I'm counting down till Sunday :p
  3. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I'm trying not to think about Monday even though i'm really exited about it :p Been super busy this week.. Just failed my driving test again today :/ lameeee but I drove really well so i'm not too fussed, a slip up on a roundabout gave me a major but other than that I'm good lol

    How's everyone doing? :) btw does anyone blog about their Universal application? If so i'd love to follow :p I like reading blogs

    and Pete sorry I didn't reply to your text I fell asleep last night then been really busy, don't even know where my phone is right now and i'm being lazy so it's easier to write it here haha did you find out if that was her name? :) Your brother was there at the same time as me too btw so that means we were all there at the same time :eek: x
  4. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    I'm with all of you, the waiting is horrible! :(

    Was there a presentation on the morning and one on the afternoon too in Liverpool Laura, or just the one?

    Sorry to hear about your driving test Sophie, my friend had the same problem, every test he took he drove fine with barely any minors, but every time he got 1 major that meant he failed automatically.

    I really want to blog about my application but I don't want no not get accepted and then have a blog about not getting accepted haha, but if I get onto the Program I will be starting a blog and will write about the application process.

    Yeah I found out that was her name, just needed to double check before I emailed her to see when we'd be hearing back :)

  5. LauraAnne19

    LauraAnne19 New Member

    You will do great! Just practice your dance moves and you will be sorted. ;)
    Tell me about it the more I read/ think about it the more I want it. I would be an amazing summer.
    Good luck AllyBallyBee and anyone else for sunday!

    I also have so much to do between now and Monday as im going to Poland for a few days on Tuesday so fingers crossed we get the email on Monday.
    I dont have a blog right now but may start one if I get the job. :)

    As far as I know there was only the one as the presentation started at 12 with the interviews starting at 1.

  6. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Heyyy - i am not going to blog yet - haha i blogged throughout my application for the ICP - got quite a few followers.. then after the f2f didn't get accepted - wasnt so nice blogging about that haha.. so i shall wait this time
  7. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Sorry about your driving test Sophie, I'm sure you'll pass eventually especially if it was only a roundabout that slipped you up :)
    I want to write a blog and do a Vlog seeing as no one seems to have done one yet for Universal, or at least to my knowledge, but I'm just going to wait till I find out how I do as like Pete and Michelle, I don't want to start one and have it up being about rejection. Don't think anyone would be too keen on my advice then...
    Also, thanks Laura for the well-wishing; I am indeed brushing up on my dance skills ;) Hope you have a nice trip to Poland!
    And guys keep strong with the waiting-good things come for those who wait and all that jazz :D
  8. bekka

    bekka New Member

    Shayla - I was third on from the left. I was wearing a shirt and a brown scarf if that sorta helps hah? I remember you, because I remember you saying your name!
    Sophie - I'm gutted that you failed your test. I don't think I'll be blogging unless I get through completely hah :/
  9. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    *Tips hat* Miss. Park.

    Ok guys. Here's the deal. I have an awesome new website that you should all go on to get yourselves in the mood for going on the program and living in Florida. Visit me at www.orlandovacationtipsblog.com And be sure to check out my fantastic ebook with 175 GREAT tips for vacationing in Orlando. Just click on the 'ebook' tab.

    Good luck y'all.
  10. Pete04

    Pete04 New Member

    ^Shameless plug bro ;)

    A vlog would be great! I once wanted to start vlogging but after I re-watched myself I was like... Nahhhhhhhhh lol.

  11. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Scratch what I said, I'd like to make an attempt at doing a Vlog, could end up pretty ugly though: I don't know if I have the voice or face for vlogging :p
  12. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    lol it seems like everyone feels the same way about blogging, I do too but it's a shame there aren't many for us to read atm 8)
  13. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    And I don't think i'd like to vlog, when I was over there last time my accent changed and I didn't want any of my English friends to hear it so everytime I skyped I tried my best to keep it as English as possible but they still said I sounded American.. don't think I'd like to be able to watch it back after doing the program it'd be too embarrassing lol
  14. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    to be fair, this thread is a bit of a joint blog for the next generation of universal applicants/interested people ;) But yeah, I wish there was more material for us to read, not that i need any more procrastination sources...
    Also going back to the interview, were there any questions which everyone HAD to answer such as regarding positions?
  15. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Yeh I guess since there seems to be quite a group of us on here now lol

    And yeh they ask what kind of roles everyone is interested in and you kind of just end up taking it in turns going round the circle rather than trying to speak over each other (well that's what happened in my interview). But yeh a lot of people said specifically what they'd do, a few people said they'd do everything.. then a few people like me said they'd do any role but would like to do some more than others. They said you specify your top three in your final interview and also tick the other roles u'd be willing to do too :)
  16. shaylaao

    shaylaao New Member

    I go out for a few hours and come home to 2 whole pages to read :D its great haha.
    I'm with you all, blogging if I got through properly, iv made one and iv wrote about the application proccess but i'l be deleting it if i don't get through :) I'l tell you all the link if I get further!
    I really hope we find out by monday so I can just know, either get excited all over again or just get miserable then get over it haha.
  17. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    Ah cool thanks, I just remembered how in the Disney Pre-Screen there were certain questions where everyone got a chance to answer and I was just wondering if it was the same for this :)
    I dunno, obviously I'll want to know how the interview goes asap, but then there's the part of me that likes this part as you can still dream of getting it whereas if you get rejected, that's it. But let's not think that way-positivity! I should probably focus more on the interview than the outcome at this point anyways ;)
  18. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    hahaha I did that too Shayla just so I could remember what happened at the interviews..write it down now lol

    And yeh this bit is fun :) But it either always lasts too long (like months of waiting) or not long enough so that it's over too fast.. It really scares me the thought of some of us being eliminated on Monday :eek: I really want us all to be still chatting. Last time for the Disney ICP I was the only one in the application topic to get cut, was gutted I had nothing to chat about on there anymore lol
  19. AllyBallyBee

    AllyBallyBee New Member

    I know what you mean, except when I got booted from Disney, I still kept on yabbering away and wishing people luck..somewhat like a bad smell you can't get rid of ;D I think it is because my family have seriously had enough of all this Disney-Universal talk and so this is my only outlet now-sorry guys!
    I am so worried though about people, including myself, getting eliminated come next week as I know how gutting it will be not to be a part of it anymore :(
    BUT, next week has not come yet and for all you know, we ALL may get finals and then positions. Please, big guy, please!
  20. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    haha that is the dream :D I've gotta get all my uni work done pretty much by next week so I guess getting through to final interviews would be a great gift for finishing work :p Especially when the Liverpool interview falls on the day of my exam so i'd have to goto the London one knowing all my exams and deadlines were finished with until January :p woo lol can't help but get my hopes up!

    Let's talk about something else for a distraction.. What does everybody want for Christmas? (You can't say a spot on the program lol) :D

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