UK Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by maxitaxi, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Just had mine too. I'm just really glad its over. I seemed to ramble on a bit...hope I don't get penalised for it. ???

    Oh well, come March I'll know either way. :D
  2. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    i spoke 2 yummy today, and they said theyd tell u all begining of march to whether u have been invited to a f2f which will be on 21st march, il be there
    and i hope 2 see u all there
  3. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    in my interview which was back in um june/july? cant rememer they asked me my name/age/tattoos etc. the more 'disney' type questions they asked

    what i would do if someone complained about a meal - i said iwould apologise and remain calm to help diffuse the situation, that i would probably offer them an item of their meal for free or a reduction ooff the bill if that was appropriate and in line with disney policy and if i felt that i couldnt deal with the situation theni would contact someone who could and remain with the complaintent until their issue had been resolved.

    what would i tell someone about cardiff - i said it was a city of opposites. a place where old meets nw - with things like the millenium stadium in the centre and then a short walk away cardiff castle where u could go for a medievil banquet and stuff

    why i wanted to work for disney - i said because i had vsited it often and fallen in love with it. and that as an adult i would like to help recreate that magic for another young person. i also said i was interested in becoming involved in the disney voluntEARS and help bring the magic to those in the local community who mght need some help

    i cant remember the rest im afraid lol

    in total the interview lasted about 5/10 mins

    i was told about 2 weeks later that i would be going to f2f
  4. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    sounds good-my interview is on Friday. Ive just got a book fromt he locl tourist office-im in Liverpool, so ill take a few snippets of info from there lol
  5. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    oh i just remembered another qustion - it was tell us about a time when u made someones experience special - and i said that when i worked at asda we had a policy called misley squad where each staff member is able to give a customer up to £1 off there shopping or stuff and a woman was there with her yung child who threw up and she was obv upset because shed come down from valleys to shop and now her kid was covered in sick and she was going to have to go home and a bunch of us got together and used ur smiley squad vouchers to get the child a new cheap top so that the mum could carry on shopping and we even sent someone round to help her with her shopping to make it easier for her
  6. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    thats soooooo nice, its like the english equivilant of disney magic but not quite lol!!!

    Anyway well done to all you guys, I think my application has been swallowed in a black hole :'( :'( :'(

    But MUST DO dissertation, its due in tomorrow

  7. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I'm starting to get a bit worried now...

    In one of the questions she asked how I'd get along with roommates. I said it would be a good thing because when we all get homesick, we'll be close enough to each other to discuss it. Now I'm worried they're going to think that because I said I'd be homesick that I couldn't handle it and they'll just reject me...

    Do you think they will? Honestly.
  8. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    I mentioned something along similar lines. Surely they can't expect people to go all that way and not even miss home. I'm sure it will be fine. At least you didn't mention a rival company. ;)
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    at our f2f interview they asked us to name some parks in orlando and someone said universal studios lol that was funny

    i said that i may get homesick but as i had spent 2 years living in aberdeen scotland and its about the same amount of time travelling to gt from there to cardiff as from florida to cardiff.
  10. LaceyS

    LaceyS New Member

    Hey There!!

    I'm the same i got a call today asking me to atend the day in London on the 13th of Feb? Any1 flying from scotland? Im sooo nervous, altho i didnt go through a tel interview? what does that mean? I heard only a few ppl are attending these 2 days which is alot less than normal??

    Lacey xxxx
  11. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    LOL did they get rejected?
  12. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Well I mean I've lived away from home too but giving her that info wouldn't have fit into the question she was asking so i didn't get to volunteer it. Oh well.
  13. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Id just say somethin like ive lived away from home for 3 years now, and im capeable of living iwth other poeple-ie, knowing that i should keep the palce clean as well as them, ofering to buy some food for hte apartment every now and them, respecting ppls space etc
  14. Emi

    Emi New Member

    No I realise that I could have said that but she didn't ask how I'd cope living away from home. She asked how I'd manage sharing a room with someone else. I told her that it would be good because when we became homesick we would be closer to one another. I felt if I'd mentioned I had lived away from home already it would have sounded I was TRYING to get it in there... ???
  15. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    Ive no idea i only know a few people who were at the interviews with me and most of the poeple i chatted to werent on this site

    good thing about f2f is u get prizes hehe
  16. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    What kind of prizes do they give? Kim said I wont need to attend f2f and I'll be judged purely by phone.
  17. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    things like little juggling type ball, a pen, a badge, that kinda stuff
  18. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Just had my phone interview-i think it went well (it was Jason i spoke too), i cant even remember what i said lol
  19. rachet

    rachet New Member

    i won a pen! ;D for answering "what company is owned by disney without having disney as the title?"
  20. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Pixar, ABC? Would I have got it right?

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