UK London F2F Meal! - 1st Oct, 7pm, Pizza Express

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by VikkiLillyBee, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. sarahstewart91

    sarahstewart91 New Member

    ha random they went to the same uni as me and they moved into my old house this year that i lived in for my whole time at uni! VERY small world! :) x
  2. stevie-rhiannon

    stevie-rhiannon New Member

    I'm really sorry, but I can't come to the meal any more.

    Work have scheduled me in :(

    Hope you all have fun though, and good luck to everyone who's interview is on Friday!

  3. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I finalised the booking for 25 (even though I only have 18 confirmed - hoping to drag a few more along!) Currently printing off vouchers for everyone - please have a giggle at the wonderful names my boyfriend is making up for you!!!

    Really can't wait to meet everyone!!! :D
  4. El1987

    El1987 New Member

    Ahh Brilliant, thanks for printing of the vouchers. I completely forgot to do that.

    Lol.. looking forward to seeing the names..
  5. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    Lol names? I'm guessing they're not Disney related either? Haha can't wait :) ...oh and thank you for printing them, much appreciated x
  6. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Haha! Welll I managed to get my voucher printed off. Ages ago! But just in case I forget/loose it, cheers :p
  7. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Hey all,

    I know I've already got a job and am heading out soon, but through a stroke of luck I'll be down your way tomorrow so will be joining you for your meal! So any questions about anything, feel free to bombard me with questions at the meal :)
  8. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Hey blackcat uk that's great, will be good to meet you and ask you tons of questions lol
  9. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Awww yayyy Tori!! :D be good to see you again before it all! What time you gettin there?
  10. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Not sure yet! Probably for 7pm? All depends on traffic and me not getting lost on route!!
  11. BrerJon

    BrerJon New Member

    Was wicked to meet everyone last night. After a thoroughly draining day was great to be able to wind down with people who had gone or were going through the same thing! Thanks to vikki for organising it and hi to everyone who went. Good luck everyone! X
  12. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    Yes was lovely meeting you all even if we did leave rather quickly - didnt crawl into bed until 2am! The 10 hour sleep I had sure helped me recover though! Thank you to Vikki for organising it, John for his fantastic glass breaking ;) and to all of you I met and just made the experience so much more enjoyable then I could of hoped for. ;D Best Wishes to all of you.
  13. Disney-Princess

    Disney-Princess New Member

    Last night was a great way to wind down after such an exciting and nerve-wrecking day. Thanks for organising it Vikki. Hope those who had their interview today got on ok. So glad it's over with now but the wait is killing me already! Good luck everyone and I really hope that we'll see each other again at Epcot, or even before then. Let's hope that we can meet up for a celebratory 'yay we're going to disney' dinner! xx
  14. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Thanks everyone for coming along!! I'm so glad that we had a decent turn out, I was worried it'd just be me and Jon!! It was great to meet everyone, I just wish I'd got down the other end of the table and chatted with more people, but we'll have plenty of time for that in Epcot!!!! Fingers crossed we don't have to wait long, and that we all get the news we're hoping for. :)
  15. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    Hey guys!

    It was great to meet you all :)

    A very big thanks to you Vikki for organising and printing vouchers. I really appreciated it. Oh and could you thank your boyfriend for his train ticket, turns out my oyster card didn't have any credit after all, so that was a great help :)

    Thanks again, and good luck to everyone! x
  16. Sam_s87

    Sam_s87 New Member

    Hey Guys,

    So gutted i didn't know about the meal before today. I would of loved to of gone, although had to be at work at 8 this morning in Dorset, so wouldnt of been able to stay late anyway. I like the idea of the pre EPCOT meet up, get to know anyone that will be working there before we go... lets hope we make it, god i keep thinking too much. I am going to do some extra time in the gym to take my mind off it!!! Fingers crossed.

    Sam xx :)
  17. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Thanks so much for organising it all Vikki- sorry we were all so late! Its a shame we were all so nervous or we might have been more chatty lol. Good luck to everyone, really hope we all get there! Xx
  18. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Thanks for organising the meal Vikki! It was great to meet everyone, and thanks to the people who had their interviews on the 1st for the tips and what to expect. Good luck to everybody :) Megan x
  19. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Thank you aslo Vikki, was a good night (apart from that underground malarky and finding where it was exactly we needed to be! Lol
    Sooooo excited/nervous now for the results! Lol
  20. El1987

    El1987 New Member

    I would also like to join in thanking you, Vikki. It was a great success, and it was lovely to meet everyone.

    Good luck to you all.

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