UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Ahh thank you, trying to squeeze the last few months into one blog post was difficult though!
    I hope it helps x
  2. doddi92

    doddi92 New Member

    I felt like I was watching a soap! Haha! Got right into it! When's the next update? ;D
  3. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Just because of the number of applicants vs the number of actual placements- I know it's really competitive! It's one of those situations where I want to stay positive but don't want to get my hopes up too much! Excited for the 21st though, just want to get the ball rolling!
  4. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    hey guys

    GOOD LUCK!! don't worrie about your chances if your right for the job i'm sure they will pick you i got through my second time applying there was no way i thought i would get it then i did it just happens!!

    GOOD LUCK i hope you all do really well as i want to c you all out in disney xx
  5. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    :eek: wow! maybe that is a litlllle too long lol, not counted mine but i know its not 2000 lol
  6. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    Lol, yeah that was just a basic draft, i reorganised it and redrafted it last night and its around about 1,500 words now,sounds like a lot buti
    its only just over an a4 sheet (on screen)
  7. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Lol yea it does sound a lot, when I get home I will count mine and let you know how many mine is :p
  8. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    Having done the program before theres a lot ive written about that perhaps people who havent done the program wont so thats maybe why mine is as long as it is!
  9. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    I bet you have loads to write about having already done the CRP once! I wouldn't be able to stop waffling!

    Mine was about 600 words in the end, 4 paragraphs in total. Just kept it short and sweet! :D
  10. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i didnt even realise how much i had written to be honest then i looked back over it and it was huge! i could easily write a book about my year on the CRP (altho most of it wouldnt be suitable for an interview!!!!)
    Kim ive been on youtube and saw your vlogs - your hair looks lovely (looked awesome before but looks great now!)
  11. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    also,just had a thought - if anyone wants to ask me anything about my year on the program or anything at all please feel free to ask,i know i asked about a million questions before i went before so nothing will be too bizzare,trust me! obviously its been 2 and a half years now since i left disney (OMG seriously,the time has flown past :( ) so there may be somethings i wont know/cant help with but just give me a shout if you do want to ask anything! :)
  12. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    I have a question!! What's it like sharing a room with someone? I've lived in halls at uni (best year of my life!) but I've always had my own room to go to at the end of the night so is it weird or do you get used to it pretty quickly? I'm guessing it wasn't too bad since u wanna go back lol

    I'm just finishing (this is about the fifth time I've been 'finished' lol) my application so I'm going to start making my profile on YJ- is the 'motivation' box something that you do separate from your cover letter? i.e. do you do your cover letter at the start of your CV and upload it onto the 'cv' bit and then do a separate thing about why you want to do the program in the motivation box, or is the motivation box just the space for you to write your cover letter? Sorry for the stupid question I'm just getting myself well confuzzled lol
    Thanks! ;D
  13. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    sharing a room was ok for me to be honest,it really depends on what your room mate is like tho,but generally everyones really easy to get along with and theres no issues,obviously sometimes theres issues with someone being really messy or coming in late etc but its nothing to worry about. I shared my first room with a chinese girl,got on well and had no issues at all!

    as for the motiviation box thingy - i assumed that was where you put the cover letter??? i kow some people are attaching the cover letter to the CV but i was just guna paste it into that box!
  14. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

  15. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Do you think it matters if you don't use Yummy's template for the CV/cover letter? I did mine before I realised they had one so it's set out differently but roughly includes all of the same stuff...
  16. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    im sure it will be fine as long as you have included all the info they have in their own templates :)

    cant wait to get the application sent in on monday now :D
  17. elisaaa

    elisaaa New Member

    hey! ;D
    I'm Elisa, i'm 18 and i'm applying on monday
    I feel extremely nervous as i've been wanting to work for Disney from the age of 6!
    I think i've got almost everything done just need to finish my covering letter! if anyone has any tips or anything please help me out aha my msn is
  18. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Hey good luck eveyone for tomorow I will keep everything crossed for too all!! Do you know when you will find out if too have a phone interview? Good luck!!! ;D
  19. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Eeeek! The day we have all been waiting for has nearly arrived!! How's everyone feeling?? I'm checking my CV a couple of hundred times today! Lol. Good luck everyone!! :D
  20. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I'm moving house tomorrow, so I've been frantically packing, and my CV isn't ready yet! I *will* (I'll make it so!) have it ready by the end of the month though. Tomorrow has been a long day coming! Good luck everyone!

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