UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member


    if this is true then WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im just guna apply then and see what happens,it cant hurt!!!!

    what does this bit mean?!
  2. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    china & Japan are both far more densely populated than the UK. i dont think it has anything to do with the number of applications, i think they just leave them open for anyone to apply regardless of whether they have been before or not. There are of course a lot of people who would never go back after doing it once,if im honest the thought of going back makes me happy and sad in equal parts - the idea of going again and having a different arrival group,housemates,work mates,the girls and guys at lads & lasses etc it would be sooooo strange. but the pros outweigh the cons and il be applying again on the 21st :D
  3. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I'm hoping it's true but not getting my hopes up! If you know what I mean. There are a lot of things I need to think about and a few decisions to make and I'm not getting any younger! But all I know is that I want a career with The Walt Disney Company, and in the current economic climate that's just not possible in the UK.

    What I meant was, you obviously can't accept a start date if your year isn't up. For example, my visa ran out in April, so I can't get another one until April next year, so I wouldn't be able to have a start date before then.
  4. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    ah right yeah,i see what you mean!

    Well,a friend of mine has just confirmed what you have just said,so i think there must be something in it,il wait tho and see if yummy email me back on monday before i get too exited tho!!!!!

    It sucks tho that its only a 12 month program - considering you seem to want to work for them long term. have you tried to get into disney paris????
  5. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Talking about working for WDW long-term, I was wondering if any of you guys that have done the program before know anything about this:

    'All Walt Disney World Cast Members are invited to attend learning activities offered through the Disney Learning Centers. Learning Activities are one-hour sessions that cover a variety of topics free of charge to Cast Members, who may have the opportunity to listen to a Disney executive discuss his or her career path or investigate the possibility of a career with Walt Disney World Entertainment, Finance, Marketing or another department. A representative from Walt Disney World Casting may offer resumé and interviewing advice. The possibilities are endless, and a new calendar of activities is published each month.' (off the WDWIP site)

    I've seen other threads on this forum and others saying that once you've done your year then there's pretty much no chance of you getting a long-term position in Florida, due to visa restrictions etc. But this seems to suggest that there could be chances...
    Obviously I haven't even applied yet!! Nothing like thinking too far in advance... ::) But hey, Disney's all about dreams, right? ;)
  6. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yes there are sessions at the learning centres but honestly i have no idea where the LC was/is and i didnt see or hear of any of these sessions when i was over there. I think the career path stuff is more for american cast members to go to,to see how they can progress within the company etc

    If you wanted to stay in the USA and work at Disney long term you would have to somehow get Disney to offer you a job and sponsor a visa....... not likely to happen im afraid

    or you could always marry an american........................ ;)
  7. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Option 1 isn't possible. Q1 visas last a maximum of 15 months (hence why that's the longest extension you can get) Other visas are also restrictive on time-length.

    Option 2 though... that'd get you a green card, allowing you permanent residence in the US. Getting a full time, permanent job with Disney wouldn't be a problem after that (baring actually getting the job, that is!)
  8. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    I shall be applying on the date(21st?) to go out about this time next year for food and bev in the UK pavillion.Im like few of you, a former castmember-been home about 18 months now. The way i see it, its now or never, as, i genuinely mean no offence to those of you who think differently, i think id be at the upper age limit (that im imposed in my own head) when i got out there again-id be 25 when i went out and 26 when i got home, and i was 21/22 when i did the CRP first time round.......and i think being in your 20s is the ideal time to do it-any younger and you cant drink and do a lot of other social activities which make the year so memorable, any older and you would be a bit isolated for people in your age bracket to socialise with.

    Of course, there is no promise of getting the job, and there is also the issue that a lot of people applying straight from uni/school whatever wouldnt necessarilly need to worry about-that of employability after the programme and weather in the current economy, its worth quitting a relatively good full time job such as i have now, for a job that lasts only a year-amazing though that year is.

    God i feel old and boring and im only 24!

    Anyone else applying for that date and place?

    Any advice regarding CV/ thinking a cheeky picture of mickey mouse on my CV might make it stand out slightly, anyone else thinking of something like that?
  9. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    I emailed yummy jobs and the reply was different to previous replies which have been outright rejecions along the line of `you can only do it once`. The reply i got on tuesday was worded to the effect of `we are delighted you enjoyed youreself so much you are thinking about applying again, please prepare your CV and apply on the 21st of June`.

    Take from that what you will, i certainly did-it squares with the info i recieved from someone i worked with out there who asked yummy jobs a few weeks ago and was indeed told `from June, we are accepting applications from previous cast members`.

    I assume they have been harrassed so much by people such as myself and others on this forum, who enjoyed themselves so much first time round, that they have just caved-do what im doing-apply before they change their mind
  10. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i am sooooooo happy that they are letting us reapply! im 24 right now and would be 25 if i was lucky enough to get out there again next year,i was 21/22 on my last program. Im not at all worried about being a little older this time around,there was a really mixed bag of ages when i was there and i got on with everyone really well so im not worried!!!!

    So,in terms of applying,we upload our CV but where are you guys uploading a cover letter?? I thought that would go in the box that says "motivation for taking part" (i was just guna copy and past a cover letter from a word document!!!)

    cant wait for the 21st!!!! :D
  11. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Ah right, same age as me then. As for how to do the applications-im doing it both ways-setting up a profile on the Yummy jobs website AND emailing them an application. Ive put a covering letter on the same wordfile as my cv-ill just change the title to `cv and covering letter`.

    out of interest, what year were u there and where did u work? i was there december 07-november 08 and worked in f&b
  12. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    ohhhhhhhhh we must know each other then........!!!!! I was there 07 - 08 in F&B.....who are you?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    ill give you a clue-i lived in 1423 ;D
  14. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    haha i wish that i remember who lived where but i havent got a clue anymore,1423................


    another clue?!
  15. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Im to lazy, ill just tell u my name-Anthony
  16. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

  17. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    quick question - way back when i first applied for this in summer 2006 i only had to pay for my visa processing fee ($100) my program assesment fee ($100) and my insurence for the first 3 months (cant remember what that cost!) and obviously i paid for my own flight over to orlando - have they increased any of the costs or anything now? someone has a post way back in this thread and says something about the application process costing £800? eh?! or is that including the cost of travel to and from interviews etc???
  18. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    wouldnt surprise me if they have jacked up the prices-must be a good little money spinner for disney-all this cheap labour that people like us actually pay to do.

    BTW, whats ur name, do i know you?
  19. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I estimate the costs at £1000, but that includes flights, medical insurance, visa (now $130), Program assessment fee (still $100), first two weeks rent, and spare for first big shop (food, etc).
  20. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah thats cool,its all broken down into little chunks tho so its not too bad really,last time i went i think i had about £600 or something on me and at the time that was $1000 so it was more than enough to keep me going untill my first paycheck. and i got into service after 6 weeks so it wasnt bad at all. i got a dirt cheap flight over for like 200 quid or something silly aswell so it wasnt that bad really. loads of time to save tho! :)

    and yes anthony,you do know me,il add you to facebook now - im under a different name on facebook but youl reconise some people in my profile pic :D

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