UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Well don't fret too much I know plenty of people that said they think they "messed up" their phone interview, and they got a F2F! Just have faith! (Trust and pixie dust) :p
  2. UnderTheSea

    UnderTheSea New Member

    Good luck everyone. Stay positive.

    I had my phone interview on Thursday with Amy.
    Not sure how I did, lets hope it went well! Lol

    Hope everyone is good :)
  3. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    ooh i have mine with amy on tuesday, what is she like? was she really chatty? were the questions hard,what sorts of things did she ask??

    im sure you did really well, good luck!! :)
  4. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    3 more sleeps until my interview!! This feels like the longest wait in the world - even longer than the wait to find out whether we had phone interviews or not.... & if my interview goes alright and I don't mess up, I'm sure the wait to find out how that's gone will be even worse - but oh so worth it if it's good news!
  5. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    Lol the wait to find out how the phone interview went IS worse! I wish I didn't have mine so early, by then again I was soooooooooooo excited I couldn't wait lol!

    Good luck to everyone still waitin to have their interviews :)

    And good luck to those who have done them, now we can sort of relax for a bit :D xx
  6. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member

    Me!! And I'm now starting on the 7th December!! After my interview I was convinced that that was it, I would have to redo my application in time for the June dates, but I managed to get through!

    I remember when we were all at this stage of our interviews and we were all analysing everything that we said/they said, and we realised that there wasn't anything in particular that it looked like they wanted! Some people who got F2F had tons of hospitality exp, whereas others didn't have any!! I think the most important thing is just be yourself, be honest, and enjoy the experience! If you can get through an interview process like this then nothing else will phase you!!


    Good luck for you all who has interviews coming!!!
  7. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Same here meerah! Didn't want to wait for the interview, but now I gotta wait for the results!! I reaallly don't know what to think! Eek!
  8. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    Lol I guess we were just WAY too eager to talk Disney with the Yummy people Gar. I didn't even prepare :/ haha

    I loved it tho! Sooo excitin and fun talkin to someone who could potentially get our dreams in motion :D

    I'm checkin my emails every day again even though they said we won't hear until mid September and the interviews are not til october lol!
  9. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    Forgot, congrats kazmanatee!! How amazing, ur goin just before Christmas aswel :eek:
  10. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member

    Cheers hun :)

    Haha the e-mail checking gets sooooo much worse :( It's kind of unhealthy at times hehe xx
  11. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    At least the wait for the answer to whether we have gotten through to f2f or not isnt as bad as waiting to find out about the phone interviews - really its about 3 1/2 weeks so not huge I guess

    When I went out the first time I felt I had done really well on the phone and f2f interview and obv I got through so had done okay. This time cos I mucked up I dont think it's gonna happen but hey like I said with soe many people applying getting a phone interview is like kudos points :D
  12. Lois21

    Lois21 New Member

    What??? They've already told people and started telephone interviews? Before closing date in Sept - i haven't heard anything :(
  13. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    You could always log into your YJ account and check- some people said they hadn't heard anything but then when they logged on they had been offered an interview. Also, my e-mail went into my junk mail so it's worth checking there. But don't worry if you haven't heard anything yet, there's still time! Good luck!
  14. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    Don't panic hun! When did you apply? They sent out a bunch of emails to the first batch of people who applied, there will be more!

    Also check your junk email! Mine & I know many other peoples phone interview email was hiding in there! Also check Yummy.

    Good Luck
  15. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah a lot of us got our emails a week ago telling us that we had phone interviews, and some people have had them since then, ive got mine tomorrow!!

    check your yummy jobs account and your junk email folder!!
  16. Lois21

    Lois21 New Member

    I just checked and it was in my junk from 17th!!! It's ok though i managed get interview on 26th :) Does anyone know the type of things they ask? xx
  17. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Congratulations! Who is your interview with. I just had mine with Hannah, who was really nice and I got asked questions about myself, where I live, my previous work experience and how I'd cope with various aspects of the program. Nothing too scary so don't worry! Good luck!
  18. Lois21

    Lois21 New Member

    Mines with Hannah too :) I'm really nervous i hope i do ok :) I wish i could have mine earlier so i know, but i have a cold atm so can hardly speak lol.

    Good luck with yours, i'm sure it went really well and your get invited to f2f :) xx
  19. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Well, I finally bit the bullet and sent in my (finally!) completed CV.

    My thoughts are that they've reviewed all CVs they received before a certain date (possibly that random August 15th that someone mentioned), which is why a load of you have phone interviews now, and that they'll have another batch of phone interviews just after the closing date, for the people who've applied after said date. I am, of course, theorising here. *shrug*

    Fingers crossed for a third time lucky though.
  20. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Well I had a thought. Not so much a thought, rather a hope so you would all probably be doing me a favour by telling me I'm talking a load of rubbish ;)

    When we applied, most of us applied around the same sort of time (i.e. as soon as we could!). The date we were given to find out about our phone interviews was the 16th sept or thereabouts. Yet those of us who applied earlier, got told earlier. So we have had our phone interviews earlier aswell. So could we get told about the F2F interviews earlier aswell? E.g. if they make their mind up either way at the end of this first batch of phone interviews...

    Or is it more likely that, at this stage, they will wait until everyone has applied and had their phone interview?

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