UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    Check yummy jobs website. I didnt get an email but logged into yummy AND HAVE A PHONE INTERVIEW!!!!!!!


    I maybe a bit excited.
  2. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Yeah, nothing on there either.

    I hate waiting :(
  3. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Hey guys well done if still waiting just remember no knees is good news x
  4. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Hi everyone!

    Can't believe I've only just found this board! Anywhos, big congrats to everyone who managed to get a phone interview! I had an email through earlier today offering me a phone interview which is now happening on Mon. Sooo excited and nervous. Any tips would be greatly appreciated :) Good luck to you all!!!

    Jen Xx
  5. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    I got one too haha I was worried cos it wasnt in my e-mail then i checked junk woot now gotta choose a time - I can't remember can they do it on your mobile? they are all in my work time and i havent actually told anyone i reapplied :S
  6. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    okay just booked for friday morning I will jsut go into work late omg i think im more excited/nervuos this time around!
  7. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    i put my mobile number as my first choice number and work number as second choice. mainreason beeing i work in a loud enviroment and on my mobile i can get out of all the noise and get in a more relaxed enviroment :)
  8. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i still havent had an email at alll........

    ellie what time did you get yours??
  9. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    I put my mobile number and my mate from work's mobile as that's where I'll be in the week. Booked the time during my lunch hour, just hoping I can find a relatively quiet place for the interview! May be hard hmm.
  10. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    mine came in around 17.25ish

    im just gonna start work late for my interview i couldnt do it in work cos i would have people following me saying can you just....oops sorry your on the phone can you put them on hold and listen to me blah blah blah lol thats the problem when your the only office admin :S
  11. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Doing my interview in work may be a challenge. Think I'm going to have to lock myself away in the cash office or sit in the lift! Fun times. This is my first time applying and I'm sooo nervous but unbelievably excited!
  12. linsey

    linsey New Member

    Ellie, I got my email around the same time, and I only checked my email because people said they were getting things through.

    Set up my interview for Monday morning, gives me a chance to swot up on my disney stuff again. I'm just going to nip out of work for an early lunch break or something and come up home for it. It's only a 15 minute slot. Trying to remember what they asked the last time!

    Hasn't hit me yet, I don't think. But I'm busy trying to think of magical moments to talk to them about and why going out again would be worth it for me!
  13. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    Before my last interview i learned about 100 randm facts about cardiff and didnt get to use them once! lol this time i am going to swot up on all the magical moments i created hehe will pull out some of my gsf cards - altho chippy ninja one isnt so relevant
  14. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Ooh you're from Cardiff too?? I've been trying to look for some interesting facts that would "big" Cardiff up. I think I could talk about chippy alley for a good 10 minutes so I'm sorted! :)
  15. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    Lmao, yeah tell them about how amazing chippy lane is when ur drunk on a Saturday lol! What u guys gonna say about Cardiff then? I'm from Barry but i think a bit about Cardiff would be relevant, I might tell them about gavin and stacey haha!! :p

    any pointers would be much appreciated, my interviews tomorrow morning lol!

    Good luck to the rest of you xx
  16. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    who does every1 hav their interview with? I have Nick
  17. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    So true!!! I think they'd appreciate my drunken stories. They're very 'Disney' :D

    Got my interview with Amy on Mon.

    Does anybody know if they tell you over the phone if you're successful or do you have to wait for an email or phone call?
  18. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    the applications are still open so i dont think your going to be told on the phone if they want you for a face to face interview, they will prob say that they will be intouch in a few weeks to let you know......i think thats how its been done in the last few rounds of applications anyway altho last time i had mine i got told on the phone there and then during the phone interview......
  19. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Okies thanks for the info :)
    It's all I'm going to be able to think about for weeks until i get a response!
  20. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    I GOT A PHONE INTERVIEW!!! Soo happy, it went into my junk folder and I just checked it for the craic, hadn't been on here today so didn't expect an email at all. I can't believe how happy I am, made me realise even more just how much I want this! Haven't selected an interview time yet, need a few minutes to compose myself before I do all of that. Ahhhh!!! ;D

    Congratulations to everyone else that's heard back!

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