UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    ah, that clears some things up-have you applied before?
  2. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    ya i did the programme aug 2007 to aug 2008 was fab :) thats why i am reapplying lol but also because i think its going to be the last time i can get away with doing somethign mad like this before i have to be a proper grown up about life hehe
  3. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    erm guys..... YOU KNOW EACH OTHER!!!! :D wooo wooo big up the 2007 crew ;D good times!!!!!!
  4. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    lol i know nothing!
  5. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    According to the email:

    "For UK applicants, you will receive a response no later than September 17th 2010, approximately two weeks after this seasons closing date of September 6th 2010".

    That means it's less than a month until the deadline closes. Around 5 weeks until we should have received the most important email of our Disney loving lives!! :D
  6. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    Yay the time is passing faster now! I would say this is the semi most important email - the most important is the one you get when they tell you that you have got a place on the program! :) ive still got my acceptance email from last time (im such a geek!) 5 weeks to go now, i cant believe that by then its guna have been 3 whole months since we applied! :D x
  7. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Haha. I guess you're right! Aaah, I can only dream of getting that email. (Well technically I have, I've dreamt that I have been unsuccessful & another time that I have been successful! Lol).

    I know, I can't believe it either, a quarter of a year! Woah! It's getting to the point where I'm getting terrified of checking my email in case it's not good news. Lol.
  8. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    Woaaah that's gone so fast :eek:

    Hopefully they'll start sending out some emails before the deadline that what they usually do for all those that have applied before?

    Im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited, lol! ;D
  9. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    I have that feeling! Emails come direct to my phone so everytime it goes off i'm anxious - usually its various companies trying to sell clothes or offering to enlarge a piece of anatomy i don't have...

    But if its good news it can't come soon enough but if it's bad I'd rather not know! :-\
  10. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    I just can't wait to find out - |I had this wonderful dream last night where I had got through everything and had my leaving date and got to hand my notice in to work 4 weeks before I was due to leave - it was beautiful lmao I was so disappointed when I woke up and realised I wasnt going to be handing my notice in - well not yet :(
  11. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Oh god, you must be more on edge than I am! Aha. Just refreshing my inbox fills me with nerves as I scan the subject titles. Aha.

    PinkspiderUK - I'm glad I'm not the only one who keeps having dreams about it!

    My mum goes on holiday the beginning of next month and comes back the day before we're due to find out our fate. Believe it or not, I'm more excited for her to go away than she is!! The sooner she goes, the sooner she'll be back! Lol. That, or her holiday is going to be a complete drag for me! haha.
  12. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Ahh! Anxious isn't even the word! Haha! Although I don't want to receive a reply soon if its going to be a bad reply! I'd rather wait it out a few more weeks and get a posotive email instead!
    I can't believe I have spent 18 months applying so far! When the program only lasts 12! Haha guess it will all be worth it though! Just goes to show how fast the time goes, so to enjoy EVERY second when we do get it!
  13. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Anyone got any idea roughly when we will start to hear whats happeneing-ive kind of put it to the back of my mind but i am increasingly starting to wonder how long its going to take
  14. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    I have a telephone interview!!! OMG!! Who else does?? Tell me, tell me, tell me!! :D
  15. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Me tooo me too!!!
    I got one :D
    Soooo excited right now!!!
  16. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    congratulations guys!

    just sitting by my email now waiting to see if i get one!!!!
  17. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    when did your emails come in??
  18. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Mine came at 4:47pm
    Ahhhh :D hehe
  19. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Exactly 17 minutes ago. I'm positive a lot of us will be getting emails soon. A super huge amount of people will have applied for the job so they're sifting through them. Plus, you stand a better chance because you already know you're Disney material! Lol. & you applied a bit later than us too right? You'll get the email i'm sure! :)

    Congrats Gary! :D Have you got this far before? I'm really happy for you! :D
  20. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    awwww im soooo happy for you guys!!!!!! its sooo exiting!!!!

    I applied as soon as they opened the applications on the 21st so will see what happens.....!

    do you know when your phone interviews are going to take place??

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