UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Are we really only at the 4 week stage!? It feels more like 2 months have passed! :S Ah well, I guess good things come to those that wait - right!?!?
  2. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    Does anyone know roughly when the interviews will be if we get that far? Im going away in December, do you think they will be before that?
  3. SamanthaEllen

    SamanthaEllen New Member

    Heyyy, have a look thru some older threads, look for june applicants 2009 for example and see wen they all had theres.
    Iv heard that we will most probally have them in nov/dec if we get thru, but not sure on how true this is... sorry i cant be of more help!
  4. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    id guess that face to face interviews will take place mid novemeber

    im leaving for france at the end of november so hopefully they will be before then!
  5. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    I had a nightmare last night! I got an email telling me I had been unsuccessful in my application. I was so relieved when I woke up and realized it wasn't real. I just hope it isn't a sign! :S
  6. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    I've become obsessed with checking my email now - normally I check it likes once or twice a week nw im doing about 4 checks a day :S hate waiting around
  7. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Me too! And because I have a blackberry every email comes straight through so a gazillion times a day my heart races with every 'ping' ::)

    It's almost august though, so maybe we'll hear something soon! Sooo sick of waiting already, I just want to know now lol and there's so much further to go! bah!
  8. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    haha im the same Vicky. Blackberrys ftw! except when mine freezes up for no reason at all! lol, like now for instance! haha. but at least the moment i get some form of email from them, i can read it where ever i am and wont have to wait untill i get home :)
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    I was trying to work out timescales last night it takes around 3months after job offer to get the visa and stuff sorted etc so latest they can do f2f interviews for feb start would be the beginning of november or maybe even the end of october so we must be coming up to decision of phone interviews now really soon. last time i applied in may had phone interview in july then f2f was in november just after my bday and i think we knew the results about end of dec time and i didnt end up going until end of august
  10. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah, someone on the forums has said they have been told that YJ are going to start looking at them on 15th August so i hope that they will start to get intouch by the end of that week...... otherwise they are going to have to do LOADS of phone interviews as soon as the deadline comes round in the middle of september!

    Id agree that the face to faces ones will be early november or somewhere around then.hopefully!!!
  11. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    I thought that date was the date that those on the waitlist will have their applications looked over again so Yummy Jobs doesn't miss out on their already captured gems. But surely if that date was for that, then from what I've read, there can't be that many left on the waitlist, so as soon as they've gone through the waitlisted applicants they can start on the new applicants!?!? So that date does also make sense. :) I am SO excited now! I still haven't really told any of my friends/family as I don't think I will cope very well if it's negative news and my heart gets broken, so don't want others to feel my pain too. Lol. & if it's good news - EVERY ONE of my friends & family will feel the joy! lol. I agree too, I think they are going to have to do a LOT of phone interviews in Sep/August! :S
  12. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Not sure where you guys have gotten this 3 months idea from. Some people (usually who've been sat on the waiting list) get given a months notice of their departure date, and have to sort everything out really quickly.

    Also, from the last few sets of applications, only about 300 people have gotten phone interviews, and they all get conducted in a two week period. Yummy does have a fair few people working for them after all.

    I'm still of the mind set that they'll start looking at applications from August 15th (or whenever they said) but they won't actually give any news until after the applications are closed in September. They may make decisions before then, and put people in yes, no, maybe piles, but when the emails eventually go out, it's a standard automated response, and loads can be done all at once.
  13. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    is it terrible that id almost forgot that id my defence ive been a bit busy lately
  14. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    ive no idea what your talking about - 3 months for what?
    i never mentioned a 3 month window for anything,im simply repeating what someone else has already said that YJ have told them that they are going to start looking over then applications on the 15th. I wasnt talking about the waitlist.

    I think pinkspider was meaning that when we (her and myself) went through this process before when we went over on the program the first time the process from offer to departure took around 3 months, when people are pulled off the waitlist its generally because someone else has either left early or been sent home and therefore the space needs to be filled asap (but remember if you get pulled from the waitlist to fill someone elses place your time there will be less than 12 months because you take over that persons visa (so if they left after they had been there for 6 months, you would only get the last 6 months over there)
  15. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Ooh really!? I never knew this... but it does make sense.

    Yeah, YJ is prob doing all they can behind the scenes to get themselves ready (I.e Putting applications into sorting piles) So that come the application deadline, they can start sending emails out pretty quickly. Next month - It doesnt sound quite so long when put like that, we will all be told our fate. :)
  16. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Part of me is thinking that the later i say i want to go, the better the chance-because there will be less competition for places at the latest possible date-also it gives me some thinking room, because whilst i would 100% love to go back to work there, ive recently got a farily good job after months and months of unemployment-who knows
  17. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    lol i like your logic there!! im putting down June 2011 but would be happy if they were to offer me a little later,fingers crossed!

    yeah id love to go back (duh) but i was thinking today, its going to be SO strange being there again, without everyone from the last time!!!! i actually think id prefer to live at patterson this time instead of commons, walking past everyones old appartments will be just too bizzare for words!!!!
  18. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    yeah it was me who said 3 months which is roughly how long it took last time - i was just giving time scales i had before

    i would think the earlier date you put the better for when u go out there rather than the later tho - reason being its the earliest available start date and it would give you a bigger range of dates you are available for if that makes sense? like say u say your avail from feb and they are recruiting for feb - aug thats 7 months of different dates your available for idf you say you can only start after end of june thats only 2 months of dates so if loads fo people say they can only do from that time then the competition will be more for you as less time with more or the same amount fo people trying to get in

    that all made sense in my head but typing it now it doesnt eep

    a couple of people where there on the shorter visas when i was there cos people had dropped out and stuff. its why they keep the waitlist i think so that they hyave suitable people for when some drop out. i think for most arrival groups 2/3 people drop out and those spaces have to be filled
  19. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    I don't know how I would feel going out there for a shorter period. I would be hugely jealous of the 12 monthers. But then again, I guess I should just be grateful for any opportunity over there right!? I wonder if you said no & told them you would re-apply come the next application dates you would be given any preference?
  20. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i would HATE to be taken of the waitlist to fill someones place, youd have to go over and arrive on your own with no proper "arrival group" it would be horrible! and yeah, id be gutted to not be able to stay a full 12 months......

    hmmm.... nah i dont think they would give any preferential treatment if someone said no, if anything it would maybe go against them coz as you say they would expect people to be gratefull to be offered a place at all!

    Yes pinkspider (i hate not being able to use everyones real names when i know them!) that all made sense :)

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