UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Wouldn't we all? Though, once you get there the time flies so fast it feels like a dream when it's over!
  2. SamanthaEllen

    SamanthaEllen New Member


    I have now joined the waiting game... nervous. Will be totally disappointed if i dont get thru the first stage, been slaving away on this cv and cover letter for days, been driving me mad lol!

    Thanks for all your help guys :) much appreciated

    Good luck with your apps x
  3. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    so for some of us its going to 4 WEEKS on monday since we applied - how is everyone?

    i just want them to start sending the e-mails out now, totally bored of waiting!!!

    Hope everyone is ok and that the waiting game isnt getting too boring!
  4. joey-ked

    joey-ked New Member

    i kno i check my emails like 5 times a day and set up my phone to push them straight through anyway lol ... nah not gettin boring just wanting it more and more everyday... good luck to everyone whos applied :)
  5. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    4 weeks already!! Luckily for me I've been on holiday for two of them so it doesn't feel that long but since all I have to do over the enxt few weeks is sort out bills and look for jobs somehow I don't think these will go as quickly!! ::)

    Is there actually a chance of finding out anything before september, do you think?
  6. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i personally think they will start to send out emails between next week and 6 weeks in.....
    i honestly cant see them waiting untill the middle of september to start doing it......

    and someone posted somewhere that they has spoken to them about that yummy had said they were going to start getting intouch around 4 - 6 weeks after the opening date so fingers crossed for the next few weeks ;D ;D
  7. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Yey- hopefully we'll hear then! Although, if they're just sending out rejections then I'd rather wait ;D
  8. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    fingers crossed for good news ;D
    id just rather know now if its good news or bad news to be honest, so that i can plan for other things for next year

    just have to sit tight now and wait and see! ;D
  9. SamanthaEllen

    SamanthaEllen New Member

    I agree i just wanna hear to! Itl be horrible waiting until sept esp if we dont get thru!
  10. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    I've just decided to reapply :D thansk to Jackson for the info on fb lol now I just have to write a cover letter kinda wish I had kept my old one
  11. meerah89

    meerah89 Member

    pinkspideruk that's great news, and good luck with your app :)

    another competitor ::) lol

    i hope we do hear within the next few week......eeexxcciitttiiinnn!!!!!!
  12. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Is anyone else putting off certain plans in the hope of an interview??

    So far i've declined 3 offers for a holiday in September/October. It's so not worth the risk of not being available to YJ should I be offered an interview. Lol. I hope er hear soon. I don't think my fingernails can stand any more nail biting! Aha. :)
  13. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    I think youd be ok to book holidays for september and october,face to face interviews prob wont be untill late october or early november and yummy jobs can call you anywhere for the phone interview, and youl know the date and time in advance so youl know when to expect it!
  14. KyleB64

    KyleB64 New Member

    Hey everyone :)
  15. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    I'm putting off so much! At the minute the only things I'm applying for are short-term jobs or jobs that I can quit easily after a few months just to earn some cash. Not even considering graduate jobs until I know for sure about this Disney thing. I'm probably missing out on so many opportunities but I know I'll regret if for the rest of my life if I don't just take the chance at working for Disney.

    I suppose that's what Disney's all about really, having faith in your dreams and stuff ;) Just wish faith was enough to get me there lol
  16. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    tick tock tick tock,so bored of waiting!

    Yummy Jobs have started to get back to the Canadians already,and they only started sending in their applications on the 1st July AND they are open until the 31st December....... i wish YJ would just start looking at the UK applications......!

    Anyone heard anything yet? (UKers)

    anyone brave enough to email yummy and ask when they are guna start to get back to us.....?! ;D
  17. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    Im starting to worry that I didnt do as good a cover letter and organise my CV well enough now - the problem with waiting is that I start worrying abuot stupid stuff that I cant do anything about

    If you dont get through this time is it the same as it used to be that you have to wait a whole year before you can apply again? I dont think I can do that I will be too old!
  18. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    as far as i know if you dont get through you can just reapply when they open the next set of applications up,and i *think* the next set after these ones would be january/february 2011 (for start dates in the autumn & winter of 2011)

    i didnt realise it used to be a year before you could reapply....!
  19. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Really! :eek: That's quick, so we really could hear any day now... I haven't heard anything yet and, no, I'm not brave enough to email and ask!! :D
  20. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i know,i think il leave it until we hit the 6 week mark and then i may have to send them a little message....

    Ellie dont worry too much about your CV etc - im sure youl be fine! ;D

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