UK June Applicants 2010

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by slightlymazmad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. dliptonmagic

    dliptonmagic New Member

    I know but i'm a worrier

    but ive got an Interview for Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant tomorrowso i'm gonna pop into Disney and ask them about working at The Disneyland Resort so I have a backup Disney plan just in case
  2. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    if you mean DL california youve no chance, they dont offer any programs or visa sponsorship....

    disney paris tho is good to go, you can apply to work there - look it up online

    for any FOH roles tho you need to have conversational french
  3. dliptonmagic

    dliptonmagic New Member

    OH do yummy pay for the visa and have you tried DLC ??
  4. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yummy pay for the visa - all you have to pay is the $100 fee for admin etc

    ive never applied for DLC - i have enquired about it tho and would be suitable for a F&B role but im not keen on it really, you work 7 days a week, every single week, no days off, in a tiny cabin etc
  5. dliptonmagic

    dliptonmagic New Member

    Living ???

    7 days a week thats illegal

    they must give you a day off
  6. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    no its not illegal, you sign a contract and you agree to work 7 days a week, thats what cruise ship life is like
  7. dliptonmagic

    dliptonmagic New Member

    Do you have to find accom aw ?

    when are you meant to buy food or have a life

    is it a year tho???
  8. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    you live on the ship!!!!! and its a 6 month contract

    you dont buy food etc you eat in the staff galley.....

    you live in a cabin on the ship with another cast member,in a tiny cabin with a small bathroom and thats it!
  9. dliptonmagic

    dliptonmagic New Member

    For Disneyland ?????????????????

    u mean Disney Cruise Line

    I meant The Disneyland Resort, CA

  10. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    disney cruise line is essentially a floating prison-there is no escape.

    The Disneylane resort in California......sorry, you dont have a chance of a job there isnt an international programme for it, so Yummy jobs dont sponsor visas for it-mainly because there is nothing to sponsor a visa for.

    You choices are WDW, DCL or DLP(Disneyland paris-which providing you are a UK or EU citizen doesnt require a visa but does require conversational French)
  11. dliptonmagic

    dliptonmagic New Member

    But i'm gonna give it a go tho
  12. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i was talking about the cruise yes,sorry i thought thats what you were asking about!

    you have no way of getting a job at disney land california - sorry

    your options are wdw, disney paris or the cruise line
  13. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    mate - there is NO WAY of getting any jobs at disneyland califonia. no way, no how. dont waste your time trying!
  14. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    well its certainly your choice, but how do you plan to do it-your chances and options for applying for a Disney land california job is -50. Yummy jobs doesnt have an option for applying for Disneyland California, and Disneyland california doesnt have the option of applying for a job, as you are not a US citizen, so you cant even complete the application form-in all seriousness, WDW is your best and indeed only option of working at Disney parks in the states-Yummy jobs do offer jobs in california, but not with Disney, in hotels etc, where you get considerbly less help (Expected to arrange your own accomodation, as well as transport, which in Florida is all provided)
  15. joey-ked

    joey-ked New Member

    This waiting is killing me! never wanted something so bad in my whole life :p
  16. UnderTheSea

    UnderTheSea New Member

    The wait is really hard i agree Joey!
  17. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i think its going to be a long wait guys,its not even 3 weeks since applications opened!
  18. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    OMG - It seems waaaaay longer!! I'm now thinking of applying for the Florida Uni/ Entry-level position at WDW Program now. I just want a little more info on it before I decide as can only apply for one of these programs. Hmmmm.
  19. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah it will be 3 weeks on monday......

    i know,feels like its been ages since we applied!

    id love to apply for the florida uni program,i cant tho coz im not a graduate or anything....booo

    id say tho that before you withdraw your CRP application to find out about ALL the costs involved in the florida uni thing - is there accommodation provided, do you have to arrange your own transport to uni/work, do you have to pay for the visa yourself etc etc etc

    good luck! :)
  20. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    It does! I'm still amazed it's only been 3 weeks. We're not even halfway through this stage of waiting. Lol.

    Very wise advice. :) Thank You. I'm still sticking with my CRP application (for now at least). I have spent since the day after the January application closing date (I'm so mad I missed it by a day! lol) not wanting anything else but to be accepted onto the CRP Program so my alliance lies there. Aha.

    Good luck to you too. :)

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