UK Face to Face Interview Results

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by omgholly, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    Well done ;D when did you hear? Im still waiting ???
  2. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    I was sat at the other end of the chairs from her, but I know who you mean, though I didn't hear her say that lol...slight difference! She was only just 18 right? and sat with that lad with the glasses. How good am I, I met loads of people and only found out 2 names lol.
  3. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    if its any consilation i cant remember anyone's name... just their faces lol.
  4. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    To those who got waitlist, its DEFINATELY not a and quite a few others out here were waitlisted at first. My best advice to you would be to keep bothering them...I got taken off the waitlist 2 weeks after finding out I was on it and in those 2 weeks I sent them 3 e-mails just letting them know I was still interested and I think that was a big factor in me being the first person taken off the list.
  5. Lauz21

    Lauz21 New Member

    Really? Im waitlisted and its driving me crazy not knowing!! So you emailed them saying yr still interested?! I was thinking of doing something like that but I didnt know how to word it without sounding weird! So did they just randomly call you one day to tell you you were going?
  6. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    Cheers Dan, you have given us hope, mind you, I have seen people on here that have been on the waiting list for like 6 months. Do you know many from your interviews that actually got off the waitlist?
  7. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    It's not really relevant how many were chosen from the waitlist last time, because you don't know how many were accepted etc...

    I said something similar on another page but basically they give start dates to a low number of people so they know that the pavilion will be adequately staffed for a low (quiet) season. If the season looks like its picking up and getting busier, then they'll start adding people from the waitlist (based on when you said you can start, how high you are on the list etc, etc)

    I think its fair to say that a fair few people from the waitlist WILL be going to WDW at some point in the next year. But how many depends on how busy the parks get. Lets not forget people, the world is in the middle of an economic downturn, and its hit the tourist industry HARD. So maybe fewer than before will be accepted, or maybe the recession simply hasnt hit walt disney world. You never know.

    I know i might sound a bit harsh, i dont mean to be. But at the end of the day the best thing you can do if you have been waitlisted is either wait patiently for a phone call which i bet will probably come along at some point... OR send yummyjobs a polite email reminding them that you're still very interested in the opportunity and can't wait to hear from them.

    I do hope you all get a place, because you all sound like you deserve it. But unfortunately these are trying times for companies and their bank balances.
  8. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    I know what you mean Jonbob and I think your theory's pretty spot on, but it doesn't make being waitlisted any easier. I only asked how many got out there last time to give us some hope. It may be completely different this season, but think if you were on the waiting list and someone said 'well, when I went, no one off the waiting list got to go' you'd be a bit more gutted than if someone said 'yeah quite a lot did actually get to go in the end'.

    I'm not having a go, I know sometimes on the tint things come across as rude when they're not meant to be, I'm just saying that having something to compare it to makes living in limbo a bit easier :)

    (and here's to persuading everyone we know to go to Disney next year! :p)
  9. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    lol, i agree with you there! Enlist as many people as we know to go to wdw, that way you'll all get jobs!

    in all seriousness though, i know how you feel, and i dont mean to be all "be quiet and get on with it!" because that's REALLY not what i mean. It's always difficult isnt it with this sort of thing, harder to pick up how someone means something when they're writing it.

    I honestly dont think many (if any) of you need 'hope'. Disney gave startdates to so few people that there's no way others wont be accepted. As it stands i think i'm the only person from the UK starting on June 8th... and let's be fair, that can't be right! lol. I think they're just counting their pennies for a couple of weeks/months then they'll make a sweep of phonecalls and the majority of you who were waitlisted will be on a plane within a year at the latest!

    might be worth dropping yummyjobs a line anyway :) an email or a phonecall just to say you're still UBER keen. Sets you apart from the rest, you know? might move you up a few places on this elusive list!

    All the best though. I keep my fingers crossed everyday when i come on here, hoping that more people get accepted! ;D
  10. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    Any idea if everyones heard back yet? Like Lyle that's been on here and that.

    I think I will drop yummy a line, but will wait till next week I think when they should hopefully have deffo got round everyone and be a bit less busy.

    Just think Jonbob, by the time you get there, other people from the same lot of interviews will have already been there months, strange how it works out lol.
  11. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    Hello em. No I still havent heard anything. If they have not replied by next weekend I will probs email them.
  12. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    strange isn't it...

    you would think to save everyone from insanity they would get round contacting everyone within a few short days. They must know we all talk to each other so we know who has and hasnt been contacted, let alone accepted.

    What's even stranger is that you might even find people from the NEXT round of interviews will be starting at the same time as me! ???
  13. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    HEY GUYS!!
    I'm heading out to UK Pavillion as of the 8th december!!! Congratz to all of you who got accepted, I applied back in january, had my F2F and got waitlisted, i wa son it for like 2 months, then wen i reapplied in august, after getting an email about another phone interview, i got a call and asked if i wanted to go out in merch for the 8th decmber, i accepted, a couple of days later they asked if i wanted to move to f&b so i sed HELL YES!! haha! Im so excited to be going! and im sure ill see all you guys who are accepted when you arrive!!!

    Waitlisters, have "faith, trust and pixie dust" and you'll be off it sooner or later!!! haha!

    god im a geek! haha x
  14. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    Well congratulations to you buddy!

    In the words of the wise ol' cricket himself.... "See what a little wishin' can do?"

    Have a blast, and i'll be seeing you in June! Wooo! ;D
  15. disneydorkjack

    disneydorkjack New Member

    Have You Heard Yet ? x
  16. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    No not yet :( hopefully this week i will
  17. Helix

    Helix New Member

    One of my friends in the same situation, they are going to call Monday afternoon, but they have been having problems with their email account.
  18. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    oh right. as far as im aware i have had no problems with my email. well i guess we weill see tomorrow! ill let you all know
  19. disneydorkjack

    disneydorkjack New Member

    Best Of Luck - ill check tomorrow to see how you get on :)
  20. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I've got a friend who hasn't heard yet either. Give them til the end of Tuesday I'd say, then call :)

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