UK Face to Face Interview Results

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by omgholly, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    i take it people who are on wait-list didn't get a phone call?? they got emails instead??

    Just seems really odd that out of everyone who writes on here, I can only find one other person who has a start date! Everyone else has been waitlisted!

    I reckon they're using the next couple of months to look at how busy the parks get, then they'll start adding more and more cast members to the program. So don't worry guys and gals, I'm sure most (if not all) of you will end up in Orlando! :)
  2. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Hello Boys & girls

    Its all very exciting hearing of new people coming out

    Will see some of you next year deffo!

    I leave June 4th :(
    So wont see you Jon, think you're probably replacing me haha


    Chin up dudes!
  3. tiggerKP

    tiggerKP New Member

    Hey Jon - I'm not going til July 27th. So you'll have to help me as I'll be lost! lol

    See you there!
  4. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    I still havent heard anything. Should I email them? Im worried I gave them my wrong email
  5. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Random question Jonbob where abouts in Essex are you from? :)
  6. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    I'm guessing they just haven't got through everyone yet. They did say it might be 2 weeks, maybe give it till then and if you still haven't heard then contact them. I'm sure they won't have forgotten you hehe.
  7. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    I'm from Grays, near Lakeside Shopping Centre :)
  8. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    I love Lakeside! I was there last week :D I live in Rayleigh so not too far away from Lakeside ;D
  9. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I know of people who still haven't heard. Give it another week and then call up. I think they may get through to the rest tomorrow though.

    And yeah, waitlistees get an email. Offers get a phone call. Has anyone heard of anyone getting an outright rejection? It seems like everyone has either been given a place or waitlisted lol x
  10. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    you have to remember, of course, that not everyone writes on here.

    I got my phone call Tuesday afternoon, sounds like i might have been one of the first.

    But if you notice the yummy jobs facebook page, they have put up a message saying congratulations to all those who have been accepted. Make of that what you will....


    i'm sure they're busy and all that jazz, but i can't see why it would take more than 3 days to get through everyone... Mind you it's a bit off if they dont even let you know if you've been rejected. ???
  11. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    I know of one person who interviewed on the 1st who got a rejection - so I know some people do get them. But like Jon said, only a small percentage of people post on here, so you don't know how many people get accepted/rejected. I was reading through a thread from after April interviews, and two people had posted who had got rejections (I think one was Kate, who has been accepted this time - congratulations!) So it does happen.

    Also, after the April interviews they phoned/emailed some people one day, but kept other people waiting almost a week to hear anything - so the people who still havn't heard anything might need to sit tight a little while longer.
  12. *Jolene*

    *Jolene* New Member

    Hey guys!!! OMG how exciting!!

    I start 16th Feb 2010!!! anyone else with this date?? i cant wait!! xx
  13. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    Hey *Jolene* Well done :) (and to everyone else as favouritism from me lol) How did your friend get on with her tattoo?
  14. *Jolene*

    *Jolene* New Member

    Thanks!!! yeah she had to go get it covered up and take pics and email them to Jeni so we were unsure of how it would go......but she got it!!! 9th March. so just a few weeks after me!!

    super excited!! :) i feel bad i dont recognise your user name grooveyem? xx
  15. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    That's ok, I didn't actually get your name at the interviews, just recognised your pic. I was about 2 people after your mate, went in with a girl called Hannah (I think lol)...she was blonde from north London lol.

    Did everyone that's been accepted get F&B or Merch?
  16. disneydorkjack

    disneydorkjack New Member


    I'm still waiting :) x
  17. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    Im still waiting as well Jack. Hopefully hear something today!
  18. *Jolene*

    *Jolene* New Member

    were you there when we were sitting chatting to michelle and nick from yummy jobs....with the girl from manchester who thought belfast was bristol? ha ha funny times!!

    I got F&B! which is what i wanted so all happy!! xx
  19. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    I'm F&B, which is really cool but was actually my second choice! lol.

    Hope everyone who hasnt heard hears something today!
  20. disneydorkjack

    disneydorkjack New Member

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