UK Face to Face Interview Results

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by omgholly, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. Lauz21

    Lauz21 New Member

    Im on the waitlist too!!!!!!! what is that all about?!!! im scared!!!! im going mad! xxx
  2. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    has anyone else got a confirmed yes yet??

    I feel a bit lonely with my start-date lol.

    Good luck to all you wait-list folks! My fingers are still crossed for you! :)
  3. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    Lonely there eh Jon? .... Bet you wish you were in our waitlist gang now don't ya! Hehe! :p

    I do know somebody else who's got a start date, although earlier in the year than yours - so at least you're not the only one!
  4. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    I'm on the waiting list gutted! :( Does anyone know if everyone who had a face to face and didn't actually get accepted get put on the wait list? Or did some people actually get rejected straight out?
  5. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    No, some people do get rejected.
    I'm not sure how many people they reject and how many they waitlist (or how many they give offers to for that matter) though.
  6. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    Cheers Dan. Did you have your interview the 1st or 2nd? I've been reading through some other threads and one guy got waitlisted and then given a start date only like 5 hours later or something, so fingers crossed for all of us in limbo lol.
  7. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I thought that perhaps as they weren't really sure if they were going to recruit up to June, July or August. Most people that got waitlisted last time around got positions. Some took themselves off the waiting list to reapply and got a call a few days later, just start saving so that if you do get a call that you're going in 6 weeks, you can afford it!!!!

    Hopefully see you all out there :)

    I know one other person with a February start date. There were about 100 of us over the 2 days, they said they needed to fully staff the pavillion so they should need us. Fingers crossed xx
  8. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    Hi, I was at the Friday interview but haven't heard anything yet!
  9. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    Em, I had my interview on Thursday - what day were you there?
  10. tom87blue

    tom87blue New Member

    God I hate not knowing if I am or not so frustrating lol r u guys on the waitlist on facebook!
  11. Jonbob

    Jonbob New Member

    well i hope someone gets accepted soon, so i can start planning with them! lol

    good luck everyone :)
  12. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    I was there on the Fri matey
  13. air_hostess_k8

    air_hostess_k8 New Member

    Woop woop!!! I've been accepted!!! Can't believe it! Hasn't sunk in yet!!


    I start April the 20th!! Only 6 months!!
    So much to do before then!!

    Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't worry waitlist guys! You'll be out there soon enough! I got full on rejected last time and that was hideous!

  14. disneydorkjack

    disneydorkjack New Member

    Well Done Everyone Both Going and on Waiting List :)

    I am still waiting for that call or email . Nervous Excitement .

    Jack :)
  15. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Aww! Well done Kate ;D
  16. Lauz21

    Lauz21 New Member

    Im really confused about the waitlist thing..Im on it but I cant get my head round it. Does anyone have more knowledge?! x
  17. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Basically you're like a reserve if someone drops out or they find they need more staff. It doesn't guarantee you will get a job but it means they liked you a lot.

    If only we all knew where we were on the list :(

    I'm planning to call yummy jobs and ask more about the waiting list in a week or so when they've finished letting everyone know as they will be really busy at the moment.
  18. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Most people on the waiting list last time around got offered positions by the way :)
  19. Lauz21

    Lauz21 New Member

    Aww thankyou for your reply, you've made me feel a lot better. I've got my fingers crossed for us. :) Will you let me know what they say when you call them..I was thinking of doing the same but I dont know what to say to them. xx
  20. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    Just to check, what did everyone's emails from Yummy say? I was sure I was on the waiting list, but you know how it is when you think about stuff too much and now I'm a bit paranoid that I've misinterpretted it lol.

    Also I was just reading something about the US Disney Internship or something and apparantly when they went round this guys school, the asked everyone to stand up, then half the room to sit down then said those still standing would be the amount that would actually finish the course. If it's the same for the CRP, then I think we'd be in with a pretty good chance :D

    Fingers crossed!

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