UK F2F interview 23rd October!!!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kirbie, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    no problems holmes
    just a heads up, if there is a meal being planned, i'm afraid you're gonna have to count me big brother is taking me out for tea!
    i don't know what i'm still doing up at this time yo!
  2. theb5

    theb5 New Member

    hiii everyone! Another person for the 23rd here! Taking the opportunity to meet with my best friend from surrey the night before, its not very often I get to visit London! Can't wait for the interview now, its all I'm talking about at the minute! Can't wait to see u all:D x x x
  3. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    haha i came on here at 5am, how cool am i!
    nice to meet you theb5!
  4. sophie123

    sophie123 New Member

    my interview is on the 23rd 2 :)
  5. theb5

    theb5 New Member

    I'm soooooooo excited for it! Just came back from a holiday in Orlando a few weeks ago - of course I had a chat with a few of the UK CMs! They were really positive about it, saying its the best experience theyve ever had! Their days off seem to be a mixture of going to other Disney parks, or using their annual passes for Universal, etc, and going round to each others apartments.
    We found out where the apartments were and had a drive past - they look really, really nice, and they're in a really cute area! AND right next to a LOT of shops!
    Feel free to add me on facebook btw, Beth Dickson in newcastle/york network!
    Not long to go.......
  6. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i started considering the "what if i get through" scenario in lectures's so distracting!!!
    what are the nearby shops beth? anything boyish or is it all girl-orientated? x
  7. theb5

    theb5 New Member

    Yeah I was going through that scenario when I was trying to get to sleep last night! A friend of mine has just been accepted into the college program so it was all I could think about!
    the shops right near to it are called Premium Outlets - theyve got places like a Nike outlet store and Ralph Lauren (I think) and loads of other good discount places! There'll be a website for it, would try and find it but i have to get to work :p
  8. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

  9. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hi everyone.
    I've lost the internet which absolutely sucks.
    If this meal is happening can someone let me know by text or something?
    My number is 07800808602.
    Thank you for letting me know how to upload a pic, sadly I can't upload one as I am on a friends computer atm.
    I am soooooooo excited!!
    Just over a weeeeeek.
  10. Rach mickey mouse

    Rach mickey mouse New Member

    i think we all need to start getting numbers and stuff...just over a week away, and we havent planned much properly!! Hehe. So...

    who's up for the meal on 22nd??

    I'm still well excited for my my outfit sorted now, gonna have my hair cut i think...if i can find the money for that too!!! Haha.

    By numbers...i mean ways of contacting each mobile is 07743452387

    Rach x
  11. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Oooh I'd love to go for a meal on the 22nd...but 1) I'm not arriving until 8am on the day LOL and 2) I'm already going out for one on the 23rd LOL!

    Well I wasn't going to post my number on here...and shall delete it as soon as the interviews are over... but its 07760 110074.

    I'll take all the ones put on here, so I can secretly text you if I can't find anyone in the room LOL!
  12. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    unfortunately i can't make it as my brother is taking me out for tea, but if you need my number for some reason, it's 07846247328 :)
  13. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Lol Louisa thats a good plan, secret texting hahaha ;D
    My number is 07743744987, use it wisely :p
  14. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Woooooo internet is reconnected!! :):)
    But yeah, Rach - I would be up for the meal.
    It doesn't seem like many people can make is though.

    People who have left your numbers - I have saved them all so expect some 'secret' texts from me :)
    Obviously depending on what time our interviews are we could go for coffee or something!

  15. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    tea with the queen maybe?
    just gonna throw it out there...

    secret texts sounds fun, i feel like we're carrying out some secret operation or something!
    so what time is everyone planning on getting there?
  16. theb5

    theb5 New Member

    Fantastic. I do enjoy a spot of secret texting. 07894868091.
  17. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Half the room will be giggling at this rate! The people who aren't on here are gona feel mighty left out lol

    Matt - i've planned my journey so i'll get there about 8am providing there are no delays on trains/tube etc. Also so i have time to powder my nose when i get there if you know what i mean! ;)
  18. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Tea with the Queen sounds good to me!!

    I guess I will be getting there for half 8ish but staying over I guess whenever really.

    I just realised I am going to have an overnight bag....thats going to look

    I can't believe its just a week away!!!

  19. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

  20. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hahahaha I agree!
    Although sadly Zac might not be too chatty.
    I've been told wax statues don't make good conversation - it's pretty one sided!!

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