UK F2F interview 23rd October!!!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kirbie, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. alex_wallington

    alex_wallington New Member

    Hi Kirbie!

    I just finished the Hospitality Management Program....the UCF one! I had the best time! my parents gave me such a hard time about wasting my life at Disney, before i went! advise to those who are and will go through the same thing! IGNORE time at Disney wass THE best time of my life....not just for the parks and the free stuff, but life out there is so care is hard to put into words how amazing it is! anyone that gets to experience it is very lucky- please if you go there- dont give up- make an effort to be involved and you will see how amazing life out there is!- lol.....wise words from the old sage- im only 23- talking like im 93 hehehe!! im looking forward to the interview and working and living somewhere completely different from my last program- dont worry i wont be going 'when i was here last time...' lol!!!!

    Cant wait to meet you all!
  2. Laura aka Cinders

    Laura aka Cinders New Member

    Hi Alex

    Sounds like you had a fab time and I cant even begin to imagine how great it will be to be working/living that dream.

    Hopfully we will all get to meet/work with each other.

    Good luck x
  3. karenm84

    karenm84 New Member

    My parents (well my dad mainly) aren't that supportive of my decision to apply for this - I'm 24 and they think that I should be settled down in a good career, with a mortgage etc but thats not what I want. I'm sure I'd regret not doing it rather than regret doing it ... got plenty of time to be a grown up :p xx
  4. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Exactly, I always believed that it's easier to regret the things you do, instead of the things you don't do. Good luck with the interview, they'll be chuffed to bits when they find out about your employee discount and free park entry allowance ;) mortages and jobs....*yawn*
  5. alex_wallington

    alex_wallington New Member

    My parents were the same with me! my mumactually didnt talk to me for about a week becuase of it!!! At the end of the day it is your life- and you dont know what the future holds?! I met my future husband During my program and it is all thanks to Disney.....It opens so many more doors that just a career door and i feel like a much more confident and settled person! it is ashame that i went out there knowing that my mum was very anti it but I had to decide what was better for me.....Now i have an amazing group of friends, the love of my life and a possible promotion at work due to my new experience!!!!

    Good luck everyone!

  6. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Wow, it's great that things really worked out for you!! Is your fella a Disney lover too then? That must be so good not to get moaned at every time you mention Disney lol
  7. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hi everyone.

    My names Charlotte - although everyone calls me Chari.

    Nice to meet you all.

    My interview is on 23rd too! And I am staying up the night before too.

    Is anyone else crazy nervous?

    I don't know what to expect at all, and I'm really worried I'm going to be one of the youngest there!!

    Its all so exciting though. :)
  8. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Hey Chari!! Welcome to the group!

    Finally another person for the 23rd group, we are seriously losing to the 24th'ers lol
    I'm sure you won't be the youngest, there's a whole range of ages so there's really no problem being young or a bit older!! I take it u gota be around 18 then?
    I'd put a bet on that EVERYONE is crazy nervous and excited at the moment especially as it gets closer!! ;D
  9. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hi Kirbie :)

    Nah I'm 19, well nearer 20 now, I am just a little worried because most of the people I have spoken to about it (who have done this) are in their 20's. But I suppose everyone is in it for the same thing!

    Hahaha I didn't even know about this forum until someone told me it was really good for meeting people who are in the same boat as you! Its so good to know so many people are thinking (and worrying) about the same things!

    Fewer 23rd's means theres less of us to tell the 24th's what to expect!! We'll catch up! lol

    Have you got far to travel? I did read all the previous posts but I can't remember where everyone said they were from now...apparently the interviews are in time order of the distance you travel or something like that?
  10. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Well i'm 22 in November so i'm still a young'un!!
    I can't even remember how i found this, i think i just googled Disney chat or summat like that.
    I've not got far to travel at all, im from Basingstoke so its only 40mins on the train and then the tube so not bad, i'm expecting to be one of the last ones interviewed but thats cool, more time to chat to ppl! Where are u comin from??
  11. dan grime

    dan grime New Member

    I wouldn't be too worried about the age thing as I'm 18 and I know at least one person who's 18 so ur safe. We're both travelling from Manchester and I would say she's really nervous (Rachel Buckely) and I won't be nervous until around the 20th lol. Were both stayin at the adria hotel which is meant to be really close. There doesn't seem to be too many guys on this interview :-Xlol but I have facebook and my email is, hope to spk to u all soon :)
  12. slider655

    slider655 Member

    Hi all,

    Im so glad there are a few older people going to be there - not that i have anything against you younger guys, i just dont want to look like the oldest there!

    Only 3 weeks and 5 days to go!

    I will be travelling from Staines, so not too far to go.

    No one should be nervous, everyone should be excited - its Disney so it will be fun, not scary and im sure they wont aim to make it bad in any way!

  13. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    I'm between houses at the moment so I will either be coming from Southampton or Basingstoke...either way, not too far for me so I will probably be one of the later interviews too.
    I'm staying over the night before though, just got to find a hotel...
    I've got to say...the excitement is really starting to kick in now!
    Less then a month! :)
    I also have facebook, my name would be under Chari Harrison and my msn is if anyone wants to chat feel free to add me!
    Have you all been to the Disney parks in Florida then?
  14. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I've been many times...and worked there....and I'm going in 69 days! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :D Hopefully by then we'll all know if we have the job.
  15. dan grime

    dan grime New Member

    just a quick question to everyone. does anyone play lacrosse ?? lol :D
  16. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Awhhh you're so lucky!!
    I went in July and it was the first time I had been in 12 years!!!
    Its so different to how I remembered it, even more fun! :)

    So whats it actually like to work out there? Is it as fun as everyone says?

    And no...sorry Dan...lacrosse is not for me...not that I've ever played it.
  17. Rach mickey mouse

    Rach mickey mouse New Member

    I dont play lacrosse Dan, but if its any help i have a lacrosse hoodie!! Haha

    For those going down 22nd october for the night before their interview, i think we should definately meet up for tea!!

    Let me know what you think!! or add me on msn...

    I'm well excited for the before is when i will be like ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!! haha
  18. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    OMG another person from Amazingstoke!!! Where bouts u livin in this fantastic (not) town?
    I don't think i'll be going up the night before, i really cant afford it!
    My facebook is Kirstie Abbott, London network, and msn if ya fancy adding me!! ;D
  19. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    When I'm in Basingstoke I'm in Black Dam.
    I'm back in Southampton again now though!
    I've still got to find a hotel to stay in :S

    I will find you and add you!

  20. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i'm up for it...although it would depend on the time...i'm lucky enough to have a 5 hour journey from aber, yaaay! ::)

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