UK F2F interview 23rd October!!!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kirbie, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. bexlea

    bexlea New Member

    Still not had a response at all - but its a relief to know some others haven't too! Think I will do the same as you; wait a few days and then pester them to check they received it!

    You know for the interviews, does anybody know what kinda things its on - is it more along the lines of why do we want it, what can we offer and past experience etc, or do they test you on how much you know about disney? I need to know whether I will need to start swotting up on all my disney films (not that that will be a bad thing!!)
  2. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    yeah i got the delay notification through too! glad it's not just me...and i also would like to know the answers to bexlea's questions :)
  3. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    (ignore this, double posted by mistake!)
  4. Rach mickey mouse

    Rach mickey mouse New Member

    For those with interviews the 23rd, i'm going to London on 22nd, going to spend the day and night there so if anyone is staying over then let me know and we can arrange to meet the night before for tea or something??
  5. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Ah, I'm going up Thursday morning and staying over Thursday night (to chill with the 24th peeps LOL) I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other on the day though!
  6. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Looking at the hotel prices i think im gona give staying over a miss, unless anyone finds somewhere dirt cheap!!
    Saying that, i'll be up for hanging around for a bit after to meet the 24th lot, Louisa lets get planning lol ;)
  7. Laulau

    Laulau New Member

    Hi i am the 23rd as well time for flights now and hotel where is near????

  8. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Woohoo one more for our group!!

    Are you on facebook Laura?
  9. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i think i'll be heading up on the 22nd...gonna stay with my bro so have free accommodation! but yeah, i'm up for tea the night before if i can get there at a decent time :)
  10. Laulau

    Laulau New Member

    yip yip hunny my user name is laura jay i think or laurajaylee xxxx
    i need to find a hotel
    just looked at flight they are uber expensive from inverness mite have to go via glasgow grr travel there then fly ... and it looks like two night in london for me :( or on in glasgow which ever works out cheapest unless i am driving buy then then i will drive home from glasgow anyone elese having travel probs xxx
  11. Rach mickey mouse

    Rach mickey mouse New Member

    I found a hotel which is 1 minute drive from Disney HQ so about 5-10 mins walk or somethin. Its £55 for a night or £65 for a twin room so if you can find a second person to stay with then it works out FAB!!!! I got good deal on trains as well, return train from manchester with virgin trains!! Heading down wednesday morning and heading back thursday night!! If anyone wants any info then my msn is or my facebook is Rachel Buckley. Just message me on one of those and i will get back to you ASAP!!!!

    Off to the new world of The Disney Store - Trafford Centre now...we opened today so I'm VERY Excited!!!!
  12. irisheyes22

    irisheyes22 New Member

    hey - i am going to the 23rd october as well all the way from ireland.. anyone else from ireland? anybody nervous? got any ideas or plans for that day .. i dont know what to expect. excited tho 8)
  13. New Member

    I had a friend who did a stint at the Casting Building in Orlando as an interviewer. I asked her what made the "difference" to her when choosing an applicant. She said it was important to dress for success, smile without breaking your face, confidence without cockiness and most importantly, DONT fidget. You will spend hours standing in the hot baking sun wearing wonderfully stylish comfortable clothing (*rolls eyes*) and you will have to do it without leaning against anything. She said if a person could stand still for more than 5 minutes without shifting or shuffling their feet, they got the!

    Good luck to all of you!

  14. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    thats really good advice! thanks for sharing ;D ;D
  15. dan grime

    dan grime New Member

    friends wid Rachel Buckley, were gonna go down on the 22nd so if anyone wants to meet up on that night get on to us. non of u 24th people thank u
  16. alex_wallington

    alex_wallington New Member

    I have an interview on the 23rd!!!!!!!!!!!! I returned from my first program with Disney and got interviewed for this program whilst i was still there lol!! Dont stress about the Interviews too much- Kristen and Michele are really lovely- you will get to know them a lot more when your applying for visas and stuff!! lol.....I wish everyone luck for their interviews and if you would like to ask me any questions then you can write it on here or facebook me...... i cant wait to meet you all!!

  17. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Ooooh wow, 2 more for our group!!

    Alex what program were you already on? The ICP one?
    You must feel like the luckiest person alive at the moment!! ;D
  18. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    argh i watched the lion king this morning and it's got me all excited...still a bit early yet!

    anyone know the nearest non-tube train station to the offices? x
  19. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Kensington (Olympia) is the nearest I think.
  20. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

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