UK CRP repeat

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by 2005CP, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Bit of a strange question here but... what do you guys mean by double seating?
    Having looked it up it appears to mean having a table sat twice. Ie, sit people, serve people, they leave, then sit new people and begin again.

    If I'm right with this meaning (and do correct me if I'm not), how is this annoying? I get upset if I have empty tables as it means I have less to do, and fewer tips to make. Then again, I work in a restaurant that opens at midday for lunch and doesn't close until the end of dinner, sometimes at midnight or later.
  2. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    Double seating is when two tables of guests are sat at the same time,meaning that as a server you have to greet both parties, take drinks orders, deliver drinks, take food orders etc almost simultaneously,not a problem anywhere but disney but at disney you have certain time limits to do things in which is made impossible if double or triple sat
  3. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    i used to double seat too-everyone got double sat at the start of the day at the very least. I always used to ask (and do it anyway if thedy said no). Then again , i was always cleaning peoples tables so they didnt really have an excuse.

    most people could get over it if the assignor was nice, but we had one or two assignors who thought they were little gods.....they soon changed their tunes when we all went on a go slow just to see how he likd getting all backed up-the people were going to get sat anyway, and we were used to staying late-it happened every day, but the assignor liked to think he was on set hours.....not when he had 15 parties to seat at 8:50 he wasnt. I remember one time, one person was assignor was particularly horrible to someone, what he had forgotten was that she knew how to assign, so she simply went to the podium and unsat the table he had just given her.

    He never knew what happened. or if he did he didnt say so.
    You would assume a bit of sympathy for this assignor, But he was a grade A dick. so it never happened.....i dont approve of this at all ;D

    Lesson there, dont be rude to the servers, they keep the show on the road
    When i went into service i was the lower deck king and used to beg to be double, treble (even once quadruple) sat.
  4. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    basically it means getting more than one table arrive at the same time-making you run around like a blue arsed fly tryhing to serve them both as quickly as possible.

    doesnt sound to dramatic but at disney you have to greet every table within 60 seconds of them sitting down, get them their drinks within minutes etc-not the easiest thing in the world
  5. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Ahhh, understood now!
    Try serving 5 tables that've sat within 5 minutes of each other. Oh, how I love cinema rushes!
    We have time limits to do stuff in as well. 10s at the door to be greeted, 5 minutes get drinks, breads & olives from sitting, 5 minutes to clear after the whole party is finished. There's loads of other points to fulfil for our mystery diner, but those are the only time limited ones. I do understand why people would get annoyed at it, but when it happens every Wednesday, multiple times, you kinda get used to it!
  6. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    then you will kind of know what to expect-take all yoiur timings and cut them in half, that should about be right-after a while i used to have days where i was on such a roll that id be like `sit me, sit me, sit me again!!!!`.........some days i could barely face a single table with 1 person on it(mainly because id feel sorry for them and feel obliged to chat to them.........)
  7. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    sorry but until you've worked at the R&C and have been double and triple sat you cant really feel our pain,it sucks,you cant get any time to chat with your tables or anything and the whole 2 hour dining limit goes out the window,totally screws up the evening.......still tho its par for the course,sometimes it gets just so busy that double seating is inevitable but it was always better when the assignor would at least give you the heads up first,worst thing ever was walking out of the kitchen to find your previously empty section now totally full..........'mare!!!!
  8. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    ah i used to love the days when youd be on top of your game and turning and burning all the tables,i used to get my tables turned about 4 times at lunch on a good day...... the best ever feeling tho was when youd be on a mid and then managers would come up and ask you to pick up loads of late lunch tables and then - "kerry,your cut,go home!" YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! best feeling EVER! thank god for ERs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
  9. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    We had one awful assignor when I was there (and I hate to admit it but I trained him! Though seeing as he called in during his first two days of training and I had to come in on a day off to allow him to catch up!)

    He didn't care about the servers or the guests and was on a total powertrip. However, I did like it when I'd come back to work after days off and the severs said 'thank god you're back!' Made me feel special :D I didn't double seat that often...usually at the beginning of meals, if someone's section was empty or they asked me too! One server asked me to quardruple seat him. He'll never ask that again! And everyone would get told they were being double sat. And asked if they were ready for their large top (they usually knew it was coming because I'd turned the tables round!) I really miss assigning.

    But, as I told all my trainees; be nice to your servers and they'll be nice to you. It's in my nature to help people out and I was forever bussing tables and running food and drinks.

    Also, there is no longer a two hour dining limit. Even on New Years Eve. I had one party sit thee for four hours. Was I happy? Don't think I need to answer that one. Almost cried five times that night it was so awful! And to think I'd been looking forward to that holiday for nearly a year. The fireworks totally made it worth it though.
  10. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    oh my god,no 2 hour limit......... whos bright idea was that?! what a disaster...........i can just imagine it......yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    no 2 hr-thats rediculous-not that i had many tables who stayed for too long, but i do remember i got a table in my first week of service tht was only a 2 top, who arrived at 9:50 and stayed for 3 hrs, and all they had was a drink and two starters.....i made a not so subtle show of tidying up around them getting angrier and angrier as i realised id be unliekly to get home before fricking midnight
  12. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Someone high up in F&B in Epcot. Annoyed me as well seeing as they clearly hadn't thought about the R&C and that people will gladly sit for four or five hours so they can see fireworks. So now there's nothing anyone can do about it. Most days there's nothing to worry about but we've had tables who have sat at 4.15pm and wanted to stay for fireworks! I don't think so.
  13. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i can imagine it tho - 2 fish & chips,a pint each and they think they can sit there from 5pm - 9pm to see the chance!!!!! :D
  14. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    publisher and agent........ LOL
  15. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    Well hello Kerry J. Its Rachel. Cannot believe you've applied again. Think u should have waited til 3 years time then u could have served me and Josh on honeymoon lol. Really hope u get in. Reading these posts remind me of so many good times out there...and some not so good times as an assignor. I'm pretty sure Carli still holds the record for the longest ever unbussed table at 2 hours 41 minutes...we got shouted at if we went anywhere near it.I definately do not miss the stench of evry1s feet after a hard day at work.
  16. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    lol,carli and her unbussed table,good times!!!!

    aww wow,when are you guys getting hitched? and how is your little one doing? are you guys in the UK now are still in Europe?

    ewwww yeah the feet smell was pretty horrible.....!!!!! :D
  17. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    Getting married in 2013..wanna wait til Lucas is big enough to be paigeboy. He's doing good thank u...a whole 6 months old now. I can't believe how fast it's gone.
  18. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    Hey Rach :) I've reapplied too. I quite liked assigning as well I didnt think I sucked too badly as an assignor in fact I used to want to stop taking walk-ins at about 830 lol will be weird not having you there seeings as we arrived together - still remember me and you getting hauled away to that little interrogation room and stu swanning through customs with his bloody bag pipes haha i was totally frweaking cos i secretly thought they werent going to elt us in the country and that we would be on the next flight home

    I couldnt apply to do merch after doing f&b couldnt cope on the wages but also despite everyone bitching and stuff it was always a laugh in the kitchen or chippy - even when I was grumpy hehe
  19. linsey

    linsey New Member

    how many of us reapplied? I know there's a few (since we talk about it quite a bit... are we practically all 2007/08 peeps???)

    Any kind of head count of repeaters going to phone interview stages since they were sending out the emails today? Mine is on Monday and as far s I can tell, the interviews are on until the 27th and there's a BUCKETLOAD of time slots to choose from...

    Time to swot up again on what the hell to say in the phone interview stages!
  20. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    i still havent had an email.......

    doubt il have got a phone interview, seeing as so many have already heard about it....... :mad:

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