UK CRP applications are OPEN

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by ScottishJen, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. MM

    MM Guest

  2. Immy

    Immy New Member

    Just sent off my application for the CRP. Now just the wait.
  3. Aimeexo

    Aimeexo New Member

    Hi ya,

    Is anyone else's Yummy Jobs page not letting them log in still?

    Aimee x
  4. Duke

    Duke New Member

    Some log-in links work, others don't.

  5. Aimeexo

    Aimeexo New Member

    Oh yeah. Fab.

    Thank you very much :)

    Aimee x
  6. Smashley86

    Smashley86 New Member

    :) :) :) :) I have just applied for the Crp lol This will be my 2nd program. Ohhh exciting
  7. Shan_RJ

    Shan_RJ New Member

    I was going to apply last year but personal problems decided to make an appearance and it was impossible for me to do so :mad:

    Now I really can't decide whether to just bite the bullet and apply this time around or apply at a more suitable time for me. Ahhh :-\

    But best of luck to everyone who has applied!!! ;D
  8. Aimeexo

    Aimeexo New Member

    4 days until the applications close.

    Getting so nervous!!!!!!

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